DOI: 10.1515/nispa-2015-0009
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal: Czech Self-Governments
Dagmar Scaron;palkovaacute;, David Scaron;paček, Juraj Nemec
Managing and measuring performance became an important part of administrative reforms motivated by the New Public Management ideology. However, a badly im-plemented system designed for measuring and managing performance may distort the behaviours of actors. The goal of this paper is to outline the preliminary picture of the current situation of performance management generally and particularly of performance appraisal at the level of the Czech local and regional self-governments. The presented data, despite the fact that our field research covers only a non-repre-sentative samples of the “best” self-government bodies, show first that performance and quality management is not a neglected area in the Czech Republic. Its practice is rather decentralized, and the central government focuses on methodical support and coordination rather than on being strict and requiring certain tools to be imple-mented. The core problems revealed by the interviews are that the implementation of new instruments is usually based on a trial-and-error approach in its beginnings and that the implementation is award- and project-driven. Our preliminary data clearly indicate that the performance-appraisal situation is even more problematic
– they indicate that performance-appraisal systems are introduced in only a limited number of self-government authorities. The set of criteria used in the evaluation is problematic, and the objectives of the performance appraisal are unclear for man-agers. As a general rule, a performance-appraisal system is not directly linked with implemented performance management and especially not with a payment system.
Key words:
performance measurement, performance management, performance appraisal, Czech Republic, local and regional government
The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, Vol. VIII, No. , Winter /
Managing and measuring performance became an important part of administrative reforms motivated by the New Public Management (NPM) ideology. The idea that organizations should measure and actively manage their performance is also a core element of recent public-sector reforms in many countries, because proper perfor-mance management has a significant potential to promote the most important prin-ciples of modern governance, especially transparency, accountability, and efficiency.
However, managing and especially measuring performance for appraisal is not a simple task. A badly implemented system may distort the behaviours of actors. The goal of this paper is to outline the preliminary picture of the current situation of performance management generally and particularly of performance appraisal at the level of the Czech local and regional self-governments.
The first part of the paper briefly introduces the main aspects and problems of performance management. We then very briefly introduce the Czech local govern-ment system. The paper has two core analytical parts. The first analyses the general situation of performance management in the Czech public sector, the second pres-ents results of our research focused on the local government level, providing more details about current the performance-management implementation status. On the non-representative sample of the “best” local government bodies (those awarded by the national prize for their public-management innovations multiple times) we tried to obtain information about the following questions:
- What instruments are used in performance and quality management, for how long, and what is their setup ?
- What effects were anticipated before their implementation ?
- What effects were actually achieved and why ?
- What are the factors supporting implementation, and what are the challenges faced?
The second core part focuses on the situation of the performance appraisal on the level of Czech self-governments. A similar non-representative sample of the “best” bodies is used, and the following research questions were used:
- What is the link between general strategic documents and HRM strategies ?
- What criteria are used in employee evaluations, and how is the performance appraisal handled ? What is the link between quality management and perfor-mance appraisal ?
- What procedures are used in performance appraisal, and who is evaluated ?
- What are the anticipated and real effects of implemented performance-appraisal systems?
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal: Czech Self-Governments
We are aware that our sample is not representative. Our ambition is not to provide the final picture of the situation. However, approaches and implementation problems of the “best” actors clearly indicate where the Czech public performance management stands today.
- Performance management and its complexity in the public sector
The concept of performance management was persuasively planted in the post-in-dustrial world in the late 1980s and blossomed in the 1990s (Blalock 1999). How-ever, Van Dooren et al. (2010) point out that performance has accumulated multiple and often ambiguous meanings.
For the purposes of this article, we accept that performance management is a systematic process of improving an organizationrsquo;s performance by developing the performance of individual employees or work teams (Armstrong 2009). Perfor-mance management may serve as the basis for developing knowledge and worker skills (development purposes) or as a source of information for everyday decision-making (administrative purposes). Performance managemen
达格玛Scaron;palkova大卫·Scaron;paček Juraj Nemec
bull; 在性能和质量管理中使用什么工具,它们的设置有多宽泛?
bull; 在实施之前预期会有什么影响?
bull; 实际上取得了什么效果,为什么?
bull; 支持实施的因素是什么,面临的挑战是什么?
bull; 一般战略文件和人力资源管理战略之间的联系是什么?
bull; 在员工评估中使用了什么标准,绩效考核是如何处理的?质量管理和绩效考核之间的联系是什么?
bull; 绩效评估中使用了什么程序,评估了谁?
bull; 实施绩效考核制度的预期和实际效果是什么?
1. 公共部门的绩效管理及其复杂性。
绩效管理的概念在20世纪80年代末的后工业化世界中得到了令人信服的发展,并在20世纪90年代蓬勃发展(Blalock 1999)。然而,Van Dooren等人(2010)指出,绩效已经积累了多重且往往含混的含义。
就本文而言,我们接受绩效管理是一个系统的过程,它通过发展个体员工或工作团队的绩效来提高组织的绩效(Armstrong 2009)。“以人为本”的管理可以作为发展知识和工人技能(发展目的)的基础,也可以作为日常决策的信息来源(行政目的)。绩效管理是建立在对某一特定时期的绩效管理的基础之上的。这种评估的结果可能会为员工的发展带来新的要求,并对薪酬的变化产生影响(Noe et al. 2009)。
造成这种情况的原因之一是,任何绩效管理系统都必须解决现有的aca-demic文献中所描述的几个问题。在绩效管理活动的第一步中出现了问题,可测性通常被认为是决定性能数据和性能测量质量的关键因素。这一维度的性能研究将回答问题如“应该测量什么,以及应该如何衡量?”,“标准应如何操作?”、“性能度量打算测量什么?”另一个关键问题——收集数据时可能会出现性能测量作为量化性能的深思熟虑的活动的集合,其中包括定义一个测量对象,制定指标,收集数据,分析数据和报告(Van Dooren et al. 2010)。公共部门的绩效衡量是一个复杂且具有挑战性的问题,因为在许多情况下,社会和非财务成本和收益预期将被衡量。
除了与如何衡量性能有关的问题之外,更重要的是正确使用这些信息来提高性能。Moynihan和Pandey(2010)认为,政府在创造性能数据方面付出了巨大的努力,认为它将被用于改善治理,但关于使用这些信息的相关因素仍有很多未知。Van Dooren et al.(2010)描述了与使用性能信息和输出以及性能目标悖论有关的各种曲解。Boyne等人(2006)讨论了管理的哪些方面影响公共机构绩效的问题,指出管理对公共组织的实际绩效影响的实证研究很少。
性能度量应该获得的成就目标,利用正确的方式指导他们的成就(Pilařova 2008)。这种评价有一些缺陷。绩效评估通常侧重于结果,但很难确定可衡量的结果,对于某些职位或特定的组织来说,可衡量的结果不一定构成一个组织的表现或员工的工作内容。组织和员工往往只专注于那些基于他们被评估的准则,而忽略了其他人(Kellough 2012)。单个员工取得的成果不一定只取决于该员工。当组织只专注于评估员工的行为时,他们可能无法达到难以确定的目标,例如客户援助(Daley 2005)。评估的主体通常是员工在组织中的工作和社会行为;在这种情况下,评估通常基于一种信念,即理想的行为会导致高效的行为。与此相关的是,基于员工行为的“基于行为的评级尺度”已被开发(Kellough 2012)。
上述文本表明,即使对发达国家而言,适当和有效的绩效管理也相当具有挑战性。我们的研究重点是捷克共和国的局势,它代表着来自中欧和东欧地区的过渡国家(CEE)。这一地区被认为是不成熟的民主国家,而且对政治和行政问责的意识淡薄(例如,Bouckaert等人2008;Meyer-Sahling和Veen 2012;2012年Verheijen Vesely 2013)。
在转型期国家特别是包括(Nemec和Vries 2015)的NPM工具和机制的实施中增加风险的不利条件包括(Nemec和Vries 2015):
a) 外部因素,如竞争力水平、社会经济发展程度、法治原则的要求、制度的存在等。
b) 内部的(微观/组织)因素决定了公共行政的准备程度和执行NPM改革和文书的能力,如腐败的控制、公共行政的专业性、政府的一般职能和公共服务的公正性。它可以问是否有可能在法治不适用的国家签订合同。
捷克共和国领土的每一部分都是自治市的一部分。截至2013年1月1日,捷克共和国境内共有6253个城市,分为不同类型:5437个普通自治市、214个市场城镇、577个城市、23个法定城市。1 还有布拉格的首都。捷克共和国有14个自治区(包括布拉格)。
自上世纪90年代末以来,每一项公共行政改革政策都认为绩效管理和质量管理是重要的。2000年,捷克共和国政府批准了一项关于捷克共和国质量支持的国家政策,强调了欧盟关于欧洲-pea质量宪章的建议、教育的作用、基准测试和学习的良好做法、EFQM卓越模型和iso9000系列。公共行政的绩效和质量管理在中央行政管理一级的改革和现代化期间得到了强调,这一阶段始于2004年3月。它也纳入了“有效公共管理和友好公共服务——2007 - 2015年智能管理实现策略”的广泛战略。2007年的“智能管理”战略需要在公共管理中实施绩效管理和质量管理体系,对公民满意度进行社会学调查,并不断监测公共行政的质量和质量,以实现其目标。2008年,《国家质量政策》更新了《2008 - 2013年捷克共和国国家质量政策战略》。
(2005 - 2014)
当局 |
市 |
地区 |
中央 |
仪器 |
授予 |
(市政 |
(地区 |
当局 |
其他 |
办公室) |
办公室) |
50 |
39 |
9 |
2 |
地方21世纪议程 |
和社区 |
41 |
38 |
2 |
1 |
规划的社会 |
服务 |
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