Communication Security
We have now finished our study of the tools of the trade. Most of the important techniques and protocols have been covered. The rest of the chapter is about how these techniques are applied in practice to provide network security, plus some thoughts about the social aspects of security at the end of the chapter.
In the following three sections, we will look at communication security, that is, how to get the bits secretly and without modification from source to destination and how to keep unwanted bits outside the door. These are by no means the only security issues in networking, but they are certainly among the most important ones, making this a good place to start.
1. IPsec
IETF has known for years that security was lacking in the Internet. Adding it was not easy because a war broke out about where to put it. Most security experts believe that to be really secure, encryption and integrity checks have to be end to end (i.e., in the application layer). That is, the source process encrypts and/or integrity protects the data and sends that to the destination process where it is decrypted and/or verified. Any tampering done in between these two processes, including within either operating system, can then be detected. The trouble with this approach is that it requires changing all the applications to make them security aware. In this view, the next best approach is putting encryption in the transport layer or in a new layer between the application layer and the transport layer, making it still end to end but not requiring applications to be changed.
The opposite view is that users do not understand security and will not be capable of using it correctly and nobody wants to modify existing programs in any way, so the network layer should authenticate and/or encrypt packets without the users being involved. After years of pitched battles, this view won enough support that a network layer security standard was defined. In part the argument was that having network layer encryption does not prevent security-aware users from doing it right and it does help security-unaware users to some extent.
The result of this war was a design called IPsec (IP security), which is described in RFCs 2401, 2402, and 2406, among others. Not all users want encryption (because it is computationally expensive). Rather than make it optional, it was decided to require encryption all the time but permit the use of a null algorithm. The null algorithm is described and praised for its simplicity, ease of implementation, and great speed in RFC 2410.
The complete IPsec design is a framework for multiple services, algorithms and granularities. The reason for multiple services is that not everyone wants to pay the price for having all the services all the time, so the services are available a la carte. The major services are secrecy, data integrity, and protection from replay attacks (intruder replays a conversation). All of these are based on symmetric-key cryptography because high performance is crucial.
The reason for having multiple algorithms is that an algorithm that is now thought to be secure may be broken in the future. By making IPsec algorithm-independent, the framework can survive even if some particular algorithm is later broken.
The reason for having multiple granularities is to make it possible to protect a single TCP connection, all traffic between a pair of hosts, or all traffic between a pair of secure routers, among other possibilities.
One slightly surprising aspect of IPsec is that even though it is in the IP layer, it is connection oriented. Actually, that is not so surprising because to have any security, a key must be established and used for some period of time—in essence, a kind of connection. Also connections amortize the setup costs over many packets. A connection in the context of IPsec is called an SA (security association). An SA is a simplex connection between two end points and has a security identifier associated with it. If secure traffic is needed in both directions, two security associations are required. Security identifiers are carried in packets traveling on these secure connections and are used to look up keys and other relevant information when a secure packet arrives.
Technically, IPsec has two principal parts. The first part describes two new headers that can be added to packets to carry the security identifier, integrity control data, and other information. The other part, ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) deals with establishing keys. We will not deal with ISAKMP further because (1) it is extremely complex and (2) its main protocol, IKE (Internet Key Exchange), is deeply flawed and needs to be replaced (Perlman and Kaufman, 2000).
IPsec can be used in either of two modes. In transport mode, the IPsec header is inserted just after the IP header. The Protocol field in the IP header is changed to indicate that an IPsec header follows the normal IP header (before the TCP header). The IPsec header contains security information, primarily the SA identifier, a new sequence number, and possibly an integrity check of the payload.
In tunnel mode, the entire IP packet, header and all, is encapsulated in the body of a new IP packet with a completely new IP header. Tunnel mode is useful when the tunnel ends at a location other than the final destination. In some cases, the end of the tunnel is a security gateway machine, for example, a company firewall. In this mode, the firewall encapsulates and decapsulates packets as they pass though the firewall. By terminating the tunnel at this secure machine, the machines on the company LAN do not have to be aware of IPsec. Only the firewall has to know about it.
Tunnel mode is also useful when a bundle of TCP connections is aggregated and handled as
- IP安全
这场战争的结果是一种称为IPsec (IP安全)的设计,在RFC 2401、2402和2406等中对此进行了描述。并非所有用户都希望加密(因为它在计算上很昂贵)。并非一直选择加密,而是决定始终加密,但允许使用空算法。在RFC 2410中,空算法因其简单性,易于实现性和快速性而得到了描述和赞扬。
IPsec的一个令人惊讶的方面是,即使它位于IP层中,它也是面向连接的。实际上,这并不奇怪,因为要具有任何安全性,必须在一段时间内建立并使用密钥(本质上是一种连接)。连接也会分摊许多数据包的设置成本。在IPsec上下文中的“连接”称为SA (安全关联)。SA是两个端点之间的单一连接,并具有与其关联的安全标识符。如果双向都需要安全通信,则需要两个安全关联。安全标识符包含在通过这些安全连接传输的数据包中,并在安全数据包到达时用于查找密钥和其他相关信息。
从技术上讲,IPsec有两个主要部分。第一部分描述了两个新的标头,可以将其添加到数据包中以携带安全标识符,完整性控制数据和其他信息。另一部分,ISAKMP (Internet安全协会和密钥管理协议)处理建立密钥。我们不会进一步处理ISAKMP,因为(1)它非常复杂,并且(2)其主要协议IKE (Internet密钥交换)存在严重缺陷,需要替换(Perlman和Kaufman,2000)。
可以在两种模式中的任何一种中使用IPsec。在传输模式下,IPsec标头插入在IP标头之后。IP标头中的“协议” 字段已更改,以指示IPsec标头跟随普通IP标头(在TCP标头之前)。IPsec头包含安全信息,主要是SA标识符,新的序列号以及可能的有效载荷完整性检查。
第一个新标头是AH (身份验证标头)。它提供完整性检查和防重播安全性,但不提供保密性(即,没有数据加密)。图8-27说明了AH在传输模式下的使用。在IPv4中,它介于IP标头(包括任何选项)和TCP标头之间。在IPv6中,它只是另一个扩展头,因此被视为扩展头。实际上,该格式接近于标准IPv6扩展头的格式。如图所示,对于认证算法,可能必须将有效负载填充到某个特定长度。
现在让我们检查AH标头。在接着报头字段被用于存储以前的值,该IP 协议,然后用51替换以指示AH头如下字段了。在大多数情况下,TCP(6)的代码将在此处。的有效载荷长度是在32位字的数目AH头减去2。
图8-27. IPv4传输模式下的IPsec身份验证标头.
该安全参数指标是连接标识符。它由发送方插入以指示接收方数据库中的特定记录。该记录包含此连接上使用的共享密钥以及有关该连接的其他信息。如果此协议是ITU而非IETF发明的,则此字段将被称为“ 虚拟电路号” 。
最后,我们进入Authentication data ,这是一个可变长度字段,其中包含有效负载的数字签名。建立安全联盟后,双方将协商使用哪种签名算法。通常,此处不使用公共密钥加密,因为必须非常快速地处理数据包,并且所有已知的公共密钥算法都太慢。由于IPsec基于对称密钥加密,并且发送方和接收方在设置SA之前会协商共享密钥,因此在签名计算中将使用共享密钥。一种简单的方法是计算数据包加上共享密钥的哈希值。当然,不发送共享密钥。这样的方案称为HMAC (哈希消息验证码)。它比首先运行SHA-1然后对结果运行RSA快得多。
备用IPsec标头是ESP (封装安全有效载荷)。图8-28显示了它在传输模式和隧道模式中的使用。
图8-28. (a)ESP处于运输模式. (b)ESP处于隧道模式.
ESP头由两个32位字组成。它们是我们在AH中看到的“ 安全性参数”索引和“ 序列号” 字段。通常跟在它们后面的第三个字(但从技术上讲不是标题的一部分)是用于数据加密的初始化向量,除非使用了空加密(在这种情况下将其省略)。
- 防火墙
防火墙只是对那个古老的中世纪安全备用设备的现代改编:在城堡周围挖出一条深深的护城河。这种设计迫使每个进入或离开城堡的人都要经过一个吊桥,I / O警察可以在那里检查他们。使用网络,可以实现相同的技巧:公司可以以任意方式连接许多LAN,但是进出公司的所有流量都被强制通过电子吊桥(防火墙),如图8-29所示。
图8-29. 由两个数据包筛选器和一个应用程序网关组成的防火墙.
在TCP / IP设置的常见情况下,源或目标由IP地址和端口组成。端口指示所需的服务。例如,TCP端口23用于telnet,TCP端口79用于finger,TCP端口119用于USENET新闻。公司可以阻止所有IP地址与这些端口之一组合的传入数据包。这样,公司外部的任何人都无法通过telnet登录或使用Finger守护程序查找人员。此外,公司将免于让员工全天候阅读USENET新闻。
安装是免费的,可以为特定的应用程序设置一个或多个应用程序网关,但是可疑组织允许电子邮件进出,并且可能允许使用万维网,但又禁止其他一切,这是很常见的。 。与加密和数据包过滤结合使用时,此安排会带来一些不便,但提供的安全性有限。