马克思和马里尼在绝对和相对剩余价值的 看法外文翻译资料

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Tiago Camarinha Lopes amp; Elizeu Serra de Araujo b

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International Critical Thought

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Marx and Marini on Absolute and

Relative Surplus Value


a Instituto de Economia , Universidade Federal de Uberlacirc;ndia ,

Uberlacirc;ndia , Brazil

b Departamento de Economia , Universidade Federal do

Maranhatilde;o , Satilde;o Luiacute;s , Brazil

Published online: 14 Jun 2013.

To cite this article: Tiago Camarinha Lopes amp; Elizeu Serra de Araujo (2013): Marx and Marini on

Absolute and Relative Surplus Value, International Critical Thought, 3:2, 165-182

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21598282.2013.787272


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International Critical Thought, 2013


Vol. 3, No. 2, 165–182, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21598282.2013.787272

Marx and Marini on Absolute and Relative Surplus Value

Tiago Camarinha Lopesalowast; and Elizeu Serra de Araujob


Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal de Uberlacirc;ndia, Uberlacirc;ndia, Brazil; bDepartamento de

Economia, Universidade Federal do Maranhatilde;o, Satilde;o Luacute;ıs, Brazil

The paper presents the concepts of absolute and relative surplus value with a view to specifying

how these categories are used by the Latin American Marxist, Ruy Mauro Marini in his theory

of labor power superexploitation and subimperialism. It is argued that both types of extraction

of surplus value are derived logically and historically by Marx. On this basis, the paper explains

the controversy concerning the specificity of the dependent capitalist economy by pointing out

that it has its roots, in theoretical terms, in the question of the generalization of relative surplus

value throughout the entire world, and in practical terms, in the issue of how political action can

construct a socialist society on the periphery of the capitalist system.

Keywords: surplus value; Dependency Theory; reform and revolution; Marx; Marini

1. Introduction

The renewed interest in the work of the great thinkers of Brazil poses crucial questions for the

countryrsquo;s economic and social development in the initial decades of the twenty-first century.

The idea of the Brazilian working class embracing a project to construct society in its own inter-

ests can certainly gain from recovering the theses and debates in which these thinkers were

involved. Rediscovering the intellectual legacy of the Brazilian social scientist Ruy Mauro

Marini, along with studying his activity in elaborating political strategies for the transformation

of Brazil, is part of this fundamental activity for all those committed to construction of this kind.1

This paper deals with two points that arise from the questions raised by Marini, and seeks to

place them in a comprehensible relationship. First, the concepts of absolute surplus value and rela-

tive surplus value are presented from the perspective of restoring Marxrsquo;s original formulation.

The primary objective is thus to establish the role of these two categories both in Capital and

in Marinirsquo;s thought. Thereafter, the focus shifts to the theoretical challenge of linking these theor-

etical categories with the question of capitalist development in the countries of the systemrsquo;s per-

iphery, and in Brazil in particular. Here, the paper aims to show that such theoretical disputes can

only be resolved if there is a link to historical analysis and to actual political strategies that were


In this sense, the central argument is that for both Marx and Marini, the categories “absolute

surplus value” and “relative surplus value” have a logical and a historical derivation. It is further

lowast; Corresponding author. Email: tiagocamarinhalopes@gmail.com

1 Ruy Mauro Marini (1932–1997) began his formal studies in law during the 1950s in Rio de Janeiro. In the

1960s, together with other Brazilian academic Marxists, h


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