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Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1491–1504

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Expert Systems with Applications

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/eswa

Design of heart rate variability processor for portable 3-lead ECG monitoring system-on-chip

Wai-Chi Fang a, Hsiang-Cheh Huang b,uArr;, Shao-Yen Tseng a

a Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC

b Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan, ROC

a r t i c l e i n f o



Heart rate variability Integrated health-care system Portable system

Lomb periodogram

a b s t r a c t

The worldwide population of people over the age of 65 has been predicted to more than double from 1990 to 2025. Therefore, ubiquitous health-care systems have become an important topic of research in recent years. In this paper, an integrated system for portable electrocardiography (ECG) monitoring, with an on-board processor for time–frequency analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), is presented. The main function of proposed system comprises three parts, namely, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) controller, an HRV processor, and a lossless compression engine. At the beginning, ECG data acquired from front-end circuits through the ADC controller is passed through the HRV processor for analysis. Next, the HRV processor performs real-time analysis of time–frequency HRV using the Lomb periodogram and a sliding window configuration. The Lomb periodogram is suited for spectral analysis of unevenly sampled data and has been applied to time–frequency analysis of HRV in the proposed sys- tem. Finally, the ECG data are compressed by 2.5 times using the lossless compression engine before out- put using universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART). Bluetooth is employed to transmit analyzed HRV data and raw ECG data to a remote station for display or further analysis. The integrated ECG health-care system design proposed has been implemented using UMC 90 nm CMOS technology.

copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Introduction

The worldwide population of people over the age of 65 has been predicted to be more than doubled amount from 375 million in 1990–761 million by 2025 (Hooyman amp; Kiyak, 2002). Within a few years, society will be faced with the problem of an aged pop- ulation. The aging of the population will inevitably add to the bur- den of an already fragile healthcare system plaguing virtually every major government. This trend is sure to result in a shortage of medical personnel, which, along with rising costs, will leave hospi- tals unable to meet the medical requirements of a growing number of elderly patients. In addition, the development of long-term health care environments has lagged behind compared to advance- ments in medical science. Therefore, whilst life expectancy is seen to be rising, inadequacies in daily healthcare may decrease the quality of life.

Technology can assist in alleviating the burden of doctors and medical staff by introducing a shift in the healthcare infrastructure (Grove, 2005). To maintain prolonged wellness, technologies de- signed for healthcare can be pushed towards the home environ-

uArr; Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: Dr.Wfang@gmail.com (W.-C. Fang), huang.hc@gmail.com (H.-C. Huang).

URL: http://sites.google.com/site/hch888dr/ (H.-C. Huang).

ment enabling real-time monitoring, diagnosis, and prevention. Healthcare technologies that are able to be used at home can en- able early detection of diseases or complications resulting from diagnosed or dormant cardio-vascular diseases (CVD). After detec- tion, preventive steps can be taken to neutralize the problem be- fore it develops into a life-threatening condition. Moreover, monitoring systems can provide remote observation of patients during prolonged treatment and indicate the state of recovery. Thus, ubiquitous healthcare for cardiac relating diseases is essen- tial in improving the quality of life and longevity of our gradually aging population.

Portable ECG medical devices have become more and more widespread in recent years. The potential to acquire and monitor the ECG of a patient is a prospective ability with viable applications in telemedicine and various researches. However, such devices only provide a solution to wireless signal acquisition, and very of- ten a remote science station is still needed for off-line analysis of the ECG signal. For a truly ubiquitous health care system, it should not only include basic functions for signal acquisition, but also pro- vide the ability to perform accurate real-time analysis of the ECG data. Through SOC technology, integrated systems are able to ac- quire ECG data, to perform real-time data analysis, and to transmit data wirelessly all in a single low-area and low-power chip solution.

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摘 要

据预测,从1990年到2025年,全球65岁以上的人口将增加一倍以上。因此,无处不在的医疗保健系统已成为近年来研究的重要课题。在本文中,提出了一个集成的便携式心电图(ECG)监测系统,该系统带有用于对心率变异性(HRV)进行时频分析的板载处理器。拟议系统的主要功能包括三部分,即模数转换器(ADC)控制器,HRV处理器和无损压缩引擎。首先,通过ADC控制器从前端电路获取的ECG数据将通过HRV处理器进行分析。接下来,HRV处理器使用Lomb周期图和滑动窗口配置对时频HRV进行实时分析。Lomb周期图适用于不均匀采样数据的频谱分析,并已在拟议系统中应用于HRV的时频分析。最后,在使用通用异步接收器/发送器(UART)输出之前,使用无损压缩引擎将ECG数据压缩2.5倍。蓝牙用于将分析的HRV数据和原始ECG数据传输到远程站,以进行显示或进一步分析。所提议的集成式ECG保健系统设计已使用UMC 90 nm CMOS技术实施。

copy;2012 ElsevierLtd。保留所有权利。

  1. 介绍




电子邮件地址:Dr.Wfang@gmail.com (W.-C. Fang), huang.hc@gmail.com (H.-C. Huang).

网址:http://sites.google.com/site/hch888dr/ (H.-C. Huang).



0957-4174 / $-见前题copy;2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.08.042

1492 W.-C.方等。/应用专家系统40(2013)1491–1504

本文提出了一种带有板载有效心率变异性(HRV)处理器的便携式多通道ECG片上监控系统。该系统的第一部分包括一个前端电路和ADC控制器,用于采集三通道ECG。在第二部分中,可以使用开发的机载HRV处理器对ECG中的HRV进行时频分析。最后,在第三部分中,系统中包含压缩引擎以减少无线传输之前的数据大小。在提出的SOC中,采用通用异步接收器/发送器(UART)标准作为输出方法。本文还包括用于短期频域HRV分析的频谱估计方法以及SOC设计的实现注意事项。比较并分析了Lomb周期图通过传统方法(例如傅立叶变换)进行频谱分析的功能。还提出了使用Lomb周期图进行时频分析的HRV处理器的VLSI实现。最后,HRV处理器已集成到ECG SOC中,可用于便携式ECG监测和低功耗,小面积实时分析。这种ECG SOC的意义在于使便携式实时心脏监测和分析的实际开发成为可能



  1. 综合心电图保健系统



  • 监控期间更加舒适。
  • 增加心电图保健的适用性。
  • 提供即时分析以立即做出反应。
  • 更深入地监测心脏状况。
  • 更低的花费。


心脏的调节机制受交感神经系统和副交感神经系统密切控制,HRV通常用作自主神经系统的定量标记。研究表明,HRV是许多疾病的重要指标,可能有助于更好的治疗(阿查里亚 Joseph,Kannathal,Lim和Suri,2006年;崔崔&Hu,2012年).HRV的应用已应用于许多形式的医学研究,包括睡眠呼吸暂停研究,心脏骤停后的患者监护(Tiainen, Parikka, Makijarvi, Takkunen, Sarna, &Roine,2009年),并用于重症监护室(s冈,中原, 川村,鹤田和前川,2010.







xeth;tiTHORN;frac14; A · coseth;xjtiTHORN;thorn; B · sineth;xjtiTHORN;thorn; neth;tiTHORN; eth;1THORN;

对于i = 0,1,...,N,其中n(ti)表示噪声。Lomb变换基于离散傅里叶变换(DFT),用于不均匀采样的信号,给出为

XNtimes;xTHORN;frac14;Xxj·e—ixtj: eth;2THORN;




  1. 时频HRV处理器


xj l cos xtj s 2

2r2· cos2eth;xeth;tj — sTHORN;THORN; thorn;

sum;p Sigma;eth; — THORN;· eth; eth; — THORN;THORN;

sum;p Sigma;


2r2· sin2eth;xeth;tj — sTHORN;THORN;


    1. 使用心率变异性(HRV)

心率变异性是正常的生理现象,其中个体连续两次心跳之间的间隔会随时间变化。术语``心率变异性已广泛用作描述瞬时心率和RR间隔或心跳之间的间隔(欧洲心脏病学会和 北美起搏电生理学会,1996年).

HRV已被证明是心血管健康的重要指标(欧洲心脏病学会特别工作组 北美起搏电生理学会,1996年).如



divide; .P Sigma;: eth; THORN;

s 1 棕褐色—1 sineth;2xtjTHORN; 4

2x coseth;2xtjTHORN;




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