
 2022-08-17 14:54:18

The integration of Chinarsquo;s port system into global container shipping

There is no real national transport network in China (Lariviegrave;re, 1996). Chinarsquo;s maritime transport system is organized into three regions: South China, a transport region roughly extending from the Beibu Gulf to the Bay of Hangzhou; Central China constituted by the Changjiang bassin, a large avenue of 3000 km in the interior of the continent; and North China, that comprises the coastal areas of Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin and Liaoning. The prospects for inter-regional waterway linkages in China both within and between the river basins are clearly defined by natural conditions. Central China is far better endowed than the North or the South. Economic development entails a process of economic integration. Economic units become specialized and interdependent. This pertains to the pattern of input-output flows among economic units and the manner in which this pattern changed over time. Over 75% of population and industries are located along the east coast, while most of the resources are located west in the interior. The adoption of a policy of self-sufficiency has lead to a wide dispersion of heavy industries. Almost all provinces have a steel complex, while iron ore deposits are unequally distributed across the country. Besides China has decided to base part of its development on coal, both as a source of energy and export. The movement of fuel, minerals and construction materials puts a heavy burden on the transport system. The policy of self-sufficiency has led to a certain degree of fragmentation. The analysis of transportation capacity and performance suggests that transportation planning has been heavily based upon separate provincial balances. This was reinforced by central policy that discouraged specialization and internal trade.

Chinese freight traffic, expressed in ton-km, is intensive and is the result of geographical division between resources, population and activities. These flows, moving along the axes formed by Chinarsquo;s domestic transport infrastructure, reflect the highly fragmented transport network architecture and reinforce Chinarsquo;s regional diversity. Freight traffic has increased at an average annual growth rate of 10% since 1949, doubling every seven years (China Statistical Yearbook, 1998).

An analysis of modal split reveals that for the period 1949–1987, freight traffic has been dominated by the railways. Since then water transport has dominated freight traffic. In 1994 waterways accounted for 47% of total freight traffic. But a clear distinction must be made between ocean, coastal and inland maritime traffic. While Chinese harbour development program is ambitious both in terms of amount of investments and size of projects, the modernization of navigable inland waterways does not keep pace with traffic. There has been a reduction in the length of navigable waterways resulting from a lack of investments in dredging, an increase in soil erosion and pollution and a multiplication of dams. The Changjiang and its tributaries represents 80% of the total volume of inland waterway traffic. Elsewhere in China, fluvial traffic plays a marginal role. China has 11,000 kilometers of coastline and more than 6400 berths. But the overwhelming majority are small. Along the coasts, there are about 60 ports and 1322 berths, of which 446 can handle more than 10,000 tons. Feeder services thus remain the dominant form of maritime movement, since modern mainline container ships cannot navigate more than a handful of ports.

Many business types are involved in intermodal traffic (Slack, 1996). Clearly, however, the main firms involved in transport service in container port traffic are stevedore companies and shipping lines. The evolving nature of intermodal transportation service has affected port development through three critical dimensions that have characterized

Table 1. Container traffic at East Asian Ports, 1980–1995a

Source: Containerisation International Yearbooks, 1980–1995.

aPorts handling a minimum of 30,000 TEU per year.

bNortheast Asian ports include those from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.

cSoutheast Asian ports include those from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Phillipines.

stevedore companies and shipping lines: corporatisation, a feature reflected in the evolution from a statutory board to a commercially-run organization where direction of goal setting are negotiated at all levels of the industry structure and include the companyrsquo;s stakeholders and even the competitors; diversification, which is determined by the rate of assets in related industry segment notably intermodal transport, storage, distribution and logistic activities; and geographical expansion which is based on revenues derived along the transport chain, primarily on land transport networks with a view to increase the interface between the port and inland points. Ports are thus being swept along a dynamic thrust towards globalization. Through management, lease and operation or purchase of port facilities, terminal operators and maritime carriers compete to integrate Chinese ports with a network of ports, logistic services and related businesses throughout the world. In China, following the trends towards privatization, foreign terminal operators and shipping lines, in a series of moves since 1993, have been involved in port operations. The impact on Chinarsquo;s port system is four fold.

First, the Chinese port system is marked by the increasing private involvement from Hong Kong and overseas companies. All the developments of Hong Kong maritime transport terminals have been undertaken within the framework of complex initiatives of the private sector. The integration of Hong Kong to China has given strong impetus for Hong Kong terminal operators to adopt a pro-China polic


附录A 译文


在中国没有真正的全国性交通网络(Lariviegrave;re, 1996)。中国的海上运输系统分为三个区域:中国南方,运输区域大致从北部湾延长到杭州湾;中国中部,由长江盆地构成,长江盆地则是在大陆内部的一条3000公里的宽阔的大道;中国北方,包括江苏、山东、河北、天津、辽宁等沿海地区。中国内部和江河流域之间的区域性水路联系的前景是由内部和流域之间的自然条件明确定义的。中国中部比中国北方或中国南方更具有能力。经济的发展需要一个经济一体化的过程,在这个过程中,经济单位成为专业化和相互依存的,这属于经济单位间的投入产出模式,这种模式随着时间的变化而变化。超过75%的人口和产业都位于东海岸,而大部分的资源都位于西部内陆。采用自给自足的这种政策导致了重工业的广泛分散,几乎所有的省份都有一个钢铁联合企业,但是铁矿石矿床在全国的分布是不均匀的。另外中国已经决定将煤炭开发基地的一部分作为一个能源和出口的来源。燃料的运动、矿物和建筑材料都给交通系统带来了沉重的负担,采用这种自给自足的政策导致了各种资源一定程度上的分裂。交通容量和和性能的分析表明基于交通的规划非常依靠被分开的省级平衡。这是通过强化中央政策来鼓励专业化和国内贸易。




表1 东亚港口集装箱运输(1980~1995a)


a 港口装卸最低平均每年约30000标箱。

b 东北亚港口包括韩国、日本、台湾、中国。

c 东南亚港口包括马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加坡、泰国、越南和菲律宾。


第一,中国港口系统的特点是增加香港和海外公司的私人参与,香港海运码头的发展已经在私营部门的复杂的倡议框架下进行。香港与中国的整合为香港码头终端商采取亲华政策提供了强大的动力。香港和记港口控股(HPH),是李嘉诚的和记黄埔集团的子公司,葵涌码头的60%的人已经确立了自己在中国的集装箱装卸条款的关键球员(Comtois和Rimmer, 1996)。太平洋港口有限公司(PPC)是另一个集装箱装卸设备公司在中国的投资组合,与在中国的香港集装箱码头装卸公司竞争的是基地在悉尼、澳大利亚和新加坡各地的PO港口和PSA集团。像香港公司,他们已经认识到中国集装箱装卸作业的商业吸引力是通过与港口当局的当地合资伙伴组建合资企业形成的,有时与中国的集装箱主要载体中远合作。全球运营商也纷纷抓住机会投资中国的集装箱码头,海陆和马士基航运有限公司也通过所有权或管理权,根据他们的需要在港口码头作业和服务水准这两方面行使他们的控制权。


第三,全球码头运营商和运营商正在修改现有的交易网络。随着沿海港口的不发展内陆地区在国内和国际市场有了盈利的机会,但是外国企业集中在收入高的地区服务,为外资的进一步进入提供了机会,今后网络将是这些公司的。越来越多的企业控制了中国的集装箱港口,这表明中国交通部门在交通运输基础设施命运方面的控制越来越少。最重要的决定是由运输公司作出的,配套引入基于市场改革,已经建立起一个更具竞争力的行业,中国的港口网络模式、流量和所有制结构正在变化。码头运营商和航运公司在积极的修改此模式,因为他们在组织和减少与交易相关的所有权和组织经济结构的灵活程度上密切相关。运营商和装卸公司的检查表明他们有不同的策略。在中国的关键位置运输公司有一小部分设施,所选择的港口位于交通便利并且产生直接经济的腹地,港口终端服务于网络与集成,用于支持他们的船舶全球业务。海陆和马士基航运有限公司的长期目标是在中国东北部、中国中部以及中国东南部建立主要转运枢纽。相比之下,终端商的各种各样的设施不一定位于服务利基市场的东西轴线。在全球范围内,重大业务在并行扩展。和记港口控股已经在中国几个地区发展其港口集团的利益,本集团的策略是建立一个基于港口区域化的港口组合,这个组合通过商业关系将港口集合到一起工作(Comtoisetal, 1997)。在福州和厦门的装卸公司和运营商的存在和开放直航台湾的两个港口使潜在吞吐量跨境交通现有贸易壁垒得以去除。


在内陆运输部门,通过水路的最大化利用,拥挤的公路和铁路上的直接压力应该有所缓解。中国的高速公路尤其是铁路应该逐步参与集装箱多式联运业务,这对中国的多式联运系统的发展来说是最具成本效益的方法。对铁路和公路中包括经营成本和建设成本的比较表明,每吨公里货运公司的经营成本与铁路货运的成本相比,更为昂贵,交通建设项目的成本效益分析表明,高速公路具有基于每千吨公里能力(Zhu, 1994),公路的建设成本显然比铁路的要高。但是,铁路企业所垄断的国家计划经济体制下的市场经济调整起来难度较大,铁路基础建设已经成为国家经济发展的瓶颈。铁路内部问题涉及货运延误、过度集中管理、规定费率,更重要的是没有足够的货物,在中国,一般货物在轨道运动中是最低优先等级,排在燃油、农产品、军事供应和交通之后,铁道部正在不同地区建设几个集装箱堆场,用来提高集装箱在全国的移动范围。铁道部预测在未来的十年,铁路运输量将会超过1998年运送的5000万吨,会达到1.5亿吨的集装箱货物。但是在引入内河枢纽开放内陆货运站时有很多困难,会在内陆中心和港口产生大量的集装箱运动所以需要从中心优化铁路运营。这些措施包括:(1)在运输点增加劳动成本、资本、风险和信息的单位;(2)海上运营商和终端商之间的差异是陆路运输网络和货运代理公司的密集劳动上的差异;(3)中国的自然地理条件使双层集装箱作业的操作变得不容易,为了比避免支持辅助服务的成本,运营商和装卸公司分出结合货运代理的集装箱板块活动,从而承担货运代理的分包。空间的边缘延伸和货运配送中心网络的相互联系,相当于中国的一个新的地域建筑。随着合资企业地理范围的增加,装运公司和航运公司现在覆盖了中国很大一部分货运贸易。在过去的十年中,中国的三个沿海地区已经看到了它们自己的集装箱货运量在增加,同样航运公司也在试图通过规模经济降低成本。在终点站作业中海外业务不断增加的趋势并不一定意味着中国丧失港口主权。去评价这些港口的集装箱货物之间的竞争程度还为时过早,这些竞争可能更倾向于日本的港口。香港、厦门、上海、大连似乎已经开始发展专业的直接服务于欧洲与北美国家专线的利基市场,这些服务好像已经为这些港口带来了越来越大的交通量,而且未来可能会持续发展下去。这种做法是成功的,结果是为货主和货运代理人提供了广泛的选择去运输他们的货物。尽管如此,所有这些新发展的融合所带来的影响对中国港口的政策框架来说还是有严重的影响。

附录B 外文原文

There is no real national transport network in China (Lariviegrave;re, 1996). Chinarsquo;s maritime transport system is organized into three regions: South China, a transport region roughly extending from the Beibu Gulf to the Bay of Hangzhou; Central China constituted by the Changjiang bassin, a large avenue of 3000 km in the interior of the continent; and North China, that comprises the coastal areas of Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin and Liaoning. The prospects for inter-regional waterway linkages in China both within and between the river basins are clearly defined by natural conditions. Central China is far better endowed than the North or the South. Economic development entails a process of economic integration. Economic units become specialized and interdependent. This pertains to the pattern of input-output flows among economic units and the manner in which this pattern changed over time. Over 75% of population and industries are located along the east coast, while most of the resources are located west in the interior. The adoption of a policy of self-sufficiency has lead to a wide dispersion of heavy industries. Almost all provinces have a steel complex, while iron ore deposits are unequally distributed across the country. Besides China has decided to base part of its development on coal, both as a sourc



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