
 2022-08-17 15:26:40

The Relationship between Reward Management System and Employee Performance with the Mediating Role of Motivation: A Quantitative Study on Global Banks
Pınar Guuml;ngouml;r
Okan University, Istanbul, 34722 Turkey
The primary goal of this study is to research the relationship between the reward management system applications and employee performance of bank employees on global banks in Istanbul. It also focuses on the role of motivation as an intervening factor. According to the literature review on the previous studies it is proven that organizations use reward systems and strategies to motivate their employees and to increase their performance. This study will have lots of contributions to the business world. Organizations may improve or change their reward systems to survive in todayrsquo;s environment with the help of this study. They may renew their reward systems and put more efficient and effective ones. In this study, employee performance effectiveness is determined on reward systems. At the beginning of the study, there is a literature review and there are hypotheses concerning the effects of reward management system and motivation on employee performance. Secondly, theoretical framework is discussed through the effects of reward management system applications and motivation on employee performance. Finally hypotheses are tested
using data from 116 bank employees in 12 global banks and research results or findings are analyzed.
Keywords: Reward Management System, Employee Performance, Motivation, Global Bank

1. Introduction
Globalization is a concept that encompasses change and competition. Organizations who want to survive in an intense competition and to develop themselves are required to produce different kinds of solutions. There are lots of external factors that triggered organizations to work harder. Especially in global crises, businesses in terms of profitability and permanency should pay attention to change and development within their systems.
Undoubtedly, the most important factor is human in organizations. One of the main management strategies of the organizations is to invest in employees. Organizations are seeking to develop, motivate and increase the performance of their employees in a variety of human resources applications. Therefore,the reward management system has been the most considerable practices of the human resource management system.
Reward management system is a core function of human resource discipline and is a strategic partner with company managements. Besides, it has an important role on employee performance. [15]
Barber and Bretz (2000) mentioned that reward management systems have major impact on organizations capability to catch, retain and motivate high potential employees and as a result getting the high levels of performance. [7]
On the other hand, it is crucial to invest in employee development for enhancing the skills and abilities of employees and organization. Furthermore, social exchange theory shows that employees behave in
positive ways when the organizations invest to them. [4] Organizational inducements are the factors for the motivation of the employees and pro socially motivated employees make a great effort to benefit the
organization. [11]
According to Steers and Porter (1987), work motivation is a factor that sustain and manage employee behavior. In another study, Porter and Miles (1974), put some theories about motivation and they gathered into three categories which are job (e.g., degree of autonomy), individual (e.g., need for achievement) and work environment characteristics (e.g., rewards). [1]
Yang (2008) has investigated the individual performance and results of his study showed that we cannot verify individual performance. Even so, he also claimed that if employeesrsquo; performance is observable than organizations can use direct bonuses or relational contracts to motivate them based on their performance.
Bishop (1987), on the other hand has studied about employee performance and found that recognition and reward of employee performance leads to differentiation between the productivity of the employees.
2. Literature Review And Hypotheses
2.1. Reward Management System

Reward management system contains the organizationrsquo;s policies,processes and practices for rewarding its employees in accordance with their contribution, abilities and artifice. It is progressed within the organizationrsquo;s reward philosophy, strategies and policies, and includes agreements in the form of processes, practices, structures and procedures which will provide appropriate types and levels of pay,benefits and other forms of reward. [2]
Employee performance is originally what an employee does or does not do. Performance of employees could include: quantity of output, quality of output, timeliness of output, presence at work,cooperativeness
2.1.1. Reward Management System Applications
Reward Management System Tool includes both Financial and Non-Financial Rewards which are also called as Extrinsic and Intrinsic Rewards. Financial rewards are salary increase, bonus system, perquisite
etc. On the other hand there are non-financial rewards which are; promotion and title, authority and responsibility, education, appreciation and praise, certificate and plague, participation to decisions,vacation time, comfort of working place, social activities, feedback, flexible working hours, design of work, recognition, social rights etc. [15]
2.2. Employee Task Performance
According to Yazıcı, (2008), the effectiveness of an organizationrsquo;s performance and reward management have an impact on moral and productivity. Many organizations have found that far from complementing the stated aims of the business






1 .介绍




Barber and Bretz (2000)提到,奖励管理系统对组织能力有重大影响,能够留住和激励具有潜力员工从而取得高绩效。[7]


根据Steers and Porter(1987),工作动机是维持和管理员工的行为的一个因素。在另一项研究中,Porter and Miles(1974)提出了关于动机的理论,该理论将三个类别:工作(例如,自治程度),个人(例如,成就感需要)和工作环境特征(例如,奖励)集合在一起。[1]



2 .文献综述和假说






2.2 .员工工作务绩效


2.3 .动机


Grant(2008)建立了一个研究,激励员工执行结果如持久性、生产率和绩效。此外,受激励员工比那些缺少动力的员工拥有更多的自行驱动和自治导向。(例如 Ryan and Deci,2000;Thomas, 2002, 引用Grant, 2008),这意味着当拥有发展机会时,他们将承担更多的责任。受激励的员工也会更投入参与他们的工作(e.g. Guayetal ,2000;Vansteenkisteetal .,2007),与较少被激励的员工相比,他们可能会更多地参与到他们的同事的工作中。[11]



3 .方法

3.1 .示例和程序



决定员工对奖励系统工具,激励和员工绩效的选择。这些声明将使用一个平均智商李克特量表评分。这些观点是“完全不同意”(5),“不同意”(4),“不确定”(3),“同意”(2),“完全同意”(1),第一问卷包括在研究中使用的改编自2006年Nas的研究人员的16个语句,用于本研究的第二问卷改编自 Kaplan,Elbir Taupınar的33个语句。本次问卷随机选择了大约500名银行员工,共收到116名员工的回复。所以,23%的回复率是低于预期的回复率50%的。

询问社会人口问题的理由是根据员工的年龄、教育程度等来分析员工的平均回复率。此外,姓名,受教育程度和工作年限确保受访者答案的有效性。表1显示了116名受访者的特点。就年龄来说,50.9%是20 - 30岁间,40.5%是31 - 40岁。(1514 Pınar Gungor / Procedia社会和行为科学24(2011)1510 - 1520)

就受教育程度,本科生77%的回复率是最多的,受访者中有研究生学位和博士学位的回复率分别为21%和12%。就工作年限而言,54.3% 受访者是工作1 - 5年的员工, 28.4 %的员工工作5 - 10年,14.7% 工作10 - 15年。就职位类型而言,% 31.9%的受访者是主管,30.2%是董事,25%是助理主管。

4 .数据分析和假设检验


就可靠性分析结果而言,在表3这个研究项目因素负荷从0475到0892是可以接受的。这项研究的值是适合所有的变量(RMSA、Motivation 和EP)。RMSA问题的因素1、2和3,Cronbachrsquo;s Alpha值的范围从0,64到0765是可以接受的,这显示出因素的可靠。Cronbachrsquo;s Alpha的因素1、2和3的激励问题范围从0702到0867。员工绩效问题贡献了一个因素,因素的一致性是保证Cronbachrsquo;s Alpha值0816。(表3)


为了弄清RMSA和EP间的关系,展开了回归分析模型的研究,结果汇总表显示,所构造的模型的解释(R平方)是203。这意味着 20.3%的员工激励变量是通过货币报酬变量来解释的。根据在方差分析表中的F值28549,p值0000(sig)。Ho假设不成立,意味着它是明显可以预测员工激励变量与自变量的经济回报。在发现模型具有统计学意义,回归方程建立起来了。在回归方程t统计测试测试前,重要性系数被发现。t统计数据建立后,一些变量如非经济和内在报酬是无关紧要。因为没有这些变量,这种情况必须进行新的回归测试。(表4)就p值0000而言,EP变量被解释为变量货币报酬。作为模型的方程的结果是:

员工绩效= 0806 0692 *货币报酬



为了获得RMSA和绩效之间的关系,消除无关紧要的例如变量工作满意度后,两个回归分析建立了起来。模型汇总表的结果显示,所构造的模型的解释(R平方)分别是132和111。这意味着13.2%的外在激励变量的变化是通过货币报酬变量来解释,11.1%的内在激励变量的变化是通过非经济回报来解释的。根据在ANOVA表中, F值分别为16017和13416,p值都是0000(sig)。Ho假设不成立意味着它预测可能的外在激励变量与经济回报的自变量间的关系和预测可能的内在激励变量与非经济回报的自变量间的关系。在发现模型具有统计学意义后,回归方程建立。(表5)

就p值0,00而言,通过货币报酬变量来解释外在激励变量。结果模型的结果是:外在激励= 1,14 0417 *货币报酬

另一方面,根据p值0,00,通过非货币报酬来解释内在激励变量,因此模型的结果是:内在激励= 1193 0452 *非货币报酬




5 .结论



这个研究的发现与之前的研究一致,Herpen, Praag, Cools, (2005),根据薪酬对绩效的影响进行了实证调查。他们提到某些理论预测薪酬体系的实践会影响员工的积极性。他们的研究结果显示出奖励系统的感知特性和外在激励之间积极的的关系。根据他们的研究结果与本研究的结果,内在激励不影响货币薪酬的设计,而是促进增加机会。这项研究的局限是项目适当数量期望为250的银行员工的反应率。为进一步研究,无效的非货币报酬的员工绩效应该被调查,以此来发现奖赏系统中非货币报酬其中一部分的弱点。


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