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xTargetCrys: protein crystallization prediction by fusing multi-view features with two-layered SVM
Targetcrys:融合双层 SVM 多视图特征的蛋白质结晶预测
Jun Hu, Ke Han, Yang Li, Jing-Yu Yang, Hong-Bin Shen amp; Dong-Jun Yu
Amino Acids
The Forum for Amino Acid, Peptide and Protein Research
ISSN 0939-4451
Issn 0939-4451
Amino Acids
DOI 10.1007/s00726-016-2274-4
Doi 10.1007 / s00726-016-2274-4
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Amino Acids
DOI 10.1007/s00726-016-2274-4
Doi 10.1007 / s00726-016-2274-4
TargetCrys: protein crystallization prediction by fusing multi‑view features with two‑layered SVM
Targetcrys:融合双层 SVM 多视图特征的蛋白质结晶预测
Jun Hu1 ·Ke Han1 ·Yang Li1 ·Jing‑Yu Yang1 ·Hong‑Bin Shen2 ·Dong‑Jun Yu1
胡军 1 柯寒1 杨莉1杨靖宇 1 沈洪斌 2 董军宇 1
Received: 30 July 2015 / Accepted: 7 June 2016
copy; Springer-V erlag Wien 2016
收到日期:2015 年 7 月 30 日/接受日期:2016年 6 月 7 日
copy;_Springer-V erlag Wien 2016
Abstract The accurate prediction of whether a pro-tein will crystallize plays a crucial role in improving the success rate of protein crystallization projects. A com-mon critical problem in the development of machine-learning-based protein crystallization predictors is how to effectively utilize protein features extracted from dif-ferent views. In this study, we aimed to improve the effi-ciency of fusing multi-view protein features by proposing
a new two-layered SVM (2L-SVM) which switches the feature-level fusion problem to a decision-level fusion problem: the SVMs in the 1st layer of the 2L-SVM are trained on each of the multi-view feature sets; then, the outputs of the 1st layer SVMs, which are the “interme-diate” decisions made based on the respective feature sets, are further ensembled by a 2nd layer SVM. Based on the proposed 2L-SVM, we implemented a sequence-based protein crystallization predictor called TargetCrys. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets dem-onstrated the efficacy of the proposed 2L-SVM for fus-ing multi-view features. We also compared TargetCrys with existing sequence-based protein crystallization pre-dictors and demonstrated that the proposed TargetCrys outperformed most of the existing predictors and is com-petitive with the state-of-the-art predictors. The Target-Crys webserver and datasets used in this study are freely
将特征层融合问题转化为决策层融合问题的新型两层支持向量机(2l-SVM):将 2l-SVM 的第一层支持向量机分别对每一个多视图特征集进行训练,然后将第一层支持向量机的输出,即基于各个特征集的“间隔”决策,进一步集成到第二层。基于所提出的 2L-SVM,我们实现了一个基于序列的蛋白质结晶预测器 TargetCrys。在多个基准数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地处理多视点特征。我们还将 TargetCrys 与现有的基于序列的蛋白质结晶预测器进行了比较,证明了所提出的 TargetCrys 优于大多数现有的预测器,并且与最先进的预测器相匹配。本研究使用的 Target-Crys 网络服务器和数据集是免费的。
Handling Editor: S. C. E. Tosatto.
* Dong‑Jun Yu
njyudj@njust.edu.cn; njyudj@126.com @ njust. edu. cn; njyudj@126. com
1、School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Xiaolingwei 200, Nanjing 210094, China
2、Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai 200240, China
available for academic use at: http://csbio.njust.edu.cn/ bioinf/TargetCrys.
可供学术用途:http://csbio.njust.edu.cn/ bioinf/TargetCrys.
Keywords Protein crystallization prediction ·Multi-view feature fusion ·Support vector machine ·Machine learning
It has become widely accepted that a close relationship exists between protein structure and function (Tramontano and Cozzetto 2004; Gromiha 2010; Zhang 2014). Knowing the accurate structure of a protein is vitally important for deter-mining its functionalities and interactions with other biologi-cal molecules (Chou 2004; Roy and Zhang 2012; Hu et al. 2014a). Due to the rapid development of technological break-throughs and the explosion in gene sequence data (Rung and Brazma 2013), a large volume of protein sequences without determined structures have been accumulated. The large gap between protein sequences and structures has inspired the launch of structural genomics initiatives (SGI) (Todd et al. 2005) that aim to describe the tertiary structures of every protein encoded by a given genome and narrow the gap betwee