
 2022-08-25 21:41:08

Electronic Markets on Internet Marketing


The amount of research related to Internet marketing has grown rapidly since the dawn of the Internet Age. A review of the literature base will help identify the topics that have been explored as well as identify topics for further research. This research project collects, synthesizes, and analyses both the research strategies (i.e., methodologies) and content (e.g., topics, focus, categories) of the current literature, and then discusses an agenda for future research efforts. We analyzed 411 articles published over the past eighteen years (1994-present) in thirty top Information Systems (IS) journals and 22 articles in the top 5 Marketing journals. The results indicate an increasing level of activity during the 18-year period, a biased distribution of Internet marketing articles focused on exploratory methodologies, and several research strategies that were either underrepresented or absent from the pool of Internet marketing research. We also identified several subject areas that need further exploration. The compilation of the methodologies used and Internet marketing topics being studied can serve to motivate researchers to strengthen current research and explore new areas of this research.


Internet marketing Business models Internet advertising E-commerce Literature review Content analysis


In the early years of the Internet Age, the potential of using the Internet as a distribution channel excited business managers who believed this tool would boost sales and increase organizational performance (Hansen 1995; Westland and Au 1997). These believers suspected an online presence could offer advantages to their customers, while providing a shopping experience similar to the traditional bricks-and-mortar store (Jarvenpaa and Todd 1996). The advantages included providing around the clock access for customers, reducing geographic boundaries to provide access to new markets, and enabling immediate communication with customers.

The prediction of an explosion of online shopping became a marriage between information technology experts and marketing professionals. Most would believe the information technology researchers were studying the Internet technology and its advantages, while the marketers were focused on the consumerrsquo;s use of the technology. As technology advanced, more marketing activities emerged to market goods and services via the Internet. Today, Internet marketing is defined as “the use of the Internet as a virtual storefront where products are sold directly to the customer” (Kiang et al. 2000, p. 383), or another view includes “the strategic process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing products for targeted customers in the virtual environment of the Internet” (Pride et al. 2007). This research attempts to categorize the various Internet marketing activities in a broad context including strategies such as customer relationship management (Hwang 2009), electronic marketplaces (Novak and Schwabe 2009), online auctions (Loebbecke et al. 2010), and electronic branding (Otim and Grover 2010) in tandem with unique IS issues including web site evaluation (Chiou et al. 2010), piracy (Smith and Telang 2009), security (Ransbotham and Mitra 2009), and technology architecture (Du et al. 2008).

With concepts as varied as this in one research domain, a periodic review is necessary to discover and explore new technologies such as mobile banking (Sripalawat et al. 2011), virtual worlds (Sutanto et al. 2011), and social media (de Valck et al. 2009) as they emerge on the Internet marketing landscape. The following sections of the paper will examine the current literature to determine what is known about the concept of Internet marketing. First, a description of the methodology for the analysis of the Internet marketing research is presented. This is followed by the results including an analysis of a smaller sample of the Internet marketing research in the top Marketing journals. Finally, the research is summarized with a discussion of the limitations of this project and suggestions for future research.


The approach to this analysis of the Internet marketing research is to first identify trends in the Information System (IS) literature. Specifically, we wished to capture the trends pertaining to (1) the number and distribution of Internet marketing articles published in the leading journals, (2) methodologies employed in Internet marketing research, and (3) the research topics being published in this area of research. During the analysis of the literature, we attempted to identify gaps and needs in the research and therefore discuss a research agenda which allows for the progression of research (Webster and Watson 2002). In short, we hope to paint a representative landscape of the current Internet marketing literature base in IS in order to influence the direction of future research efforts in this important area of study.

In order to examine the current state of research on Internet marketing, the authors conducted a literature review and analysis in three phases: Phase 1 accumulated a representative pool of articles; Phase 2 classified the articles by research method; and, Phase 3 classified the research by research topic. Each of the three phases is discussed in the following paragraphs.

Phase 1: accumulation of article pool

We used the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS) citation database and Google Scholar to search for research articles with a focus on Internet marketing. The search parameters were constrained based on (a) a list of top ranked journals, (b) a specific time range, and (c) key search terms.

First, the researchers chose to use the top 30 journals from Peffers and Tangrsquo;s (2003) IS journals ranking (see T





关键字 网络 营销 商业模式 网络广告 电子商务 文献综述内容分析


在互联网时代的早期,使用互联网作为分销渠道的潜力使商业经理们兴奋不已,他们相信这一工具将促进销售并提高组织绩效(Hansen 1995;Westland and Au 1997)。这些信徒怀疑,在线销售可以为他们的客户提供优势,同时可以提供类似于传统实体店的购物体验(Jarvenpaa和Todd 1996)。其优势包括可以为客户提供全天候访问的服务,减少地理边界带来的影响以提供进入新市场的机会,并使自身与客户的即时通信成为可能。




本文分析网络营销研究方法首先是识别信息系统(is)文献中的趋势。具体来说,我们希望掌握以下方面的内容:(1)在主要期刊上发表的互联网营销文章的数量和分布情况;(2)互联网营销研究中使用的方法;(3)在这一研究领域中发表的研究主题。在对文献进行分析的过程中,我们试图找出研究中存在的差距和需求,并以此讨论一个允许研究拓展的议程(Webster and Watson 2002)。总之,我们希望通过对当前具有代表性的网络营销文献基础进行梳理,以期对今后这一重要研究领域的研究方向有所影响。





在公共互联网和万维网(WWW)得到广泛采用和传播之前,还不存在电子商务和互联网营销。因此,基于能够促进电子商务发展的技术首次引入的历史时间框架,进一步限制了搜索参数。以图形用户界面为基础的浏览器Netscape Navigator于1994年作为免费下载发布,供公众使用。许多专家认为Netscape Navigator的发布是一个历史性事件,它导致了全球公众对Internet和万维网(WWW)的广泛采用和使用(Friedman 2006)。因此,WoS和谷歌Scholar的搜索参数都被限制在1994年到2011年8月的时间段。



研究人员确定了最终数据池中的文章,然后根据其研究策略对每一篇文章进行检查和分类。由于研究策略分类的主观性,在分类过程中采用了内容分析法。图1说明了内容分析过程中的步骤,这些步骤改编自Neuendorf(2002),并成功地应用于几个类似的研究中(Corley et al. 2011;Cumbie等,2005;Jourdan等,2008)。首先,研究类别采用了Scandura和Williams(2000)的研究方法(见表2),他们扩展了McGrath(1982)最初描述的研究策略。具体选择了9类研究策略,包括:形式理论/文献综述、样本调查、实验室实验、实验模拟、实地研究(一手数据)、实地研究(二手数据)、实地实验和任务判断。

其次,为了保障研究可靠性(Neuendorf 2002),我们对满足其他顶级期刊搜索参数的文章进行了测试。也就是说,测试中使用的文章(a)不属于第一阶段生成的数据集,(b)测试试中生成的数据不包含在本研究的最终数据分析。研究人员根据九种研究策略中最适合的一种,对中试中的文章进行独立分类。在对试验中所有的文章进行分类后,研究人员比较了他们的分析。在独立的分类不匹配的情况下,研究人员通过回顾研究策略定义,彻底讨论分歧,并协作地将文章分配到单个类别,从而重新评估文章。这一过程使研究人员能够对研究策略定义进行协作解释。简单地说,这个试点测试作为一个训练课程,以准确地分类与研究策略有关的本研究的文章。

每种研究策略都由特定的设计方法定义,而且每种策略都与研究人员在设计研究时必须做出的某些取舍有关。这些取舍是固有的缺陷,限制了从特定研究策略中得出的结论。这些取舍涉及到研究的三个方面,这些方面可能因采用的研究策略不同而有所不同。这些可变的方面包括:从样本到目标人群的普遍性(外部有效性);行为变量的测量和控制精度(内部效度和构念效度);以及语境的现实主义问题(Scandura and Williams 2000)。

Cook和Campbell(1976)指出,当研究具有跨时间、跨环境和跨个体的外部有效性时,该研究具有普遍性。通过建立两种构念之间的关系并说明这种关系具有外部有效性,正式的理论/文献综述和抽样调查具有高度的概括性。外部效度低而内部效度高的研究策略是实验室实验。在实验室实验中,测量精度较高,可以确定因果关系,但这些关系在其他时间、设置和总体中可能无法推广。虽然正式的理论/文献综述和抽样调查具有较高的概括性,而实验室实验具有较高的测量精度,但这些策略的语境实在性较低。最大程度地提高上下文真实性的唯一两种策略是使用主要或次要数据的实地研究,因为数据是在组织环境中收集的(Scandura和Williams 2000)。

另外四种策略既没有最大化概括性,也没有最大化测量的精确度,也没有最大化上下文真实性。这一点说明了在进行网络营销研究时,只使用一种策略是徒劳的。因为没有一种策略可以最大化所有类型的有效性,所以研究人员最好使用多种研究策略。表2概述了这9种策略以及它们在三种策略权衡上的排名(Scandura和Williams 2000)。

两名程序员根据研究策略对每篇文章进行独立的审阅和分类。只有少数的文章被审查一次,以尽量减少编码器疲劳,从而保护编码器之间的可靠性(Neuendorf 2002)。独立分类完成后,计算协议和分歧表,编码器粗协议(协议的百分比)为91.8%,使用Cohenrsquo;s Kappa (Cohen 1960)计算编码器可靠性(k = 0.847)。这两种计算在编码器粗协议和编码器可靠性的可接受范围内(Neuendorf 2002)。可靠性度量是在讨论韦伯(1990)规定的分歧之前计算出来的。如果最初的审稿人对某一特定文章的编码方式没有达成一致意见,那么另一名审稿人将对争议文章的编码方式进行仲裁。这个过程解决了所有情况下的争端。



在当前项目的初始阶段,研究人员开始调查发表有关互联网营销主题的文献综述的试探性渠道。其中一名作者在《电子营销》(Electronic marketing)杂志上发表了一篇关于网络营销主题的特别论文(CFP)。进一步的调查显示,该杂志的编辑们概述了六个特殊CFP的具体研究课题类别包括:网络营销的商业模式,未来的搜索策略、互联网广告景观、商业开发Web 2.0在消费者市场和组织背景下评估网络性能其他话题。这六个研究主题的每一个都附有一般定义和一些例子。研究人员采用了这六个研究主题对数据池中的文章进行分类。


一旦我们建立了类别定义,我们独立地将每一篇文章放在一个互联网营销类别中。和以前一样,我们一次只对一些文章进行分类,以最大限度地减少编码疲劳,从而保护编码器之间的可靠性(Neuendorf 2002)。分类过程完成后,我们将协议和分歧列表,编码器粗协议(协议的百分比)为86.2%,每个类别使用Cohenrsquo;s Kappa (Cohen 1960)计算编码器的可靠性(k = .08137)。同样,后两种计算方法都在可接受的范围内(Neuendorf 2002)。我们再次计算了韦伯(1990)在讨论分歧之前的可靠性度量。如果最初的审稿人对特定文章的编码方式没有达成一致意见,则由第三位审稿人对争议文章的编码方式进行仲裁。这一进程也解决了所有案件中的争端。


为了确定研究的空白和需求(Webster and Watson 2002),我们希望描绘一个具有代表性的景观,目前的互联网营销文学基础,以影响未来在这一重要研究领域的研究方向。为了检验本研究的现状,笔者分三个阶段进行了文献综述和分析。第一阶段积累了具有代表性的网络营销文章库,并对文章的发表年份和期刊进行分析。第二阶段包括对Scandura和Williams(2000)提出的研究策略的简短讨论,以及按照这些研究策略对文章进行分类的结果。第三阶段包括六个网络营销研究主题的创建和使用,每个主题的简短讨论,以及研究主题内每篇文章的分类结果。以下各段将讨论这些结果。






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