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International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials Vol.7, No.1, pp.35–50, March 2013

DOI 10.1007/s40069-013-0030-7 ISSN 1976-0485 / eISSN 2234-1315

Rapid Repair of Severely Damaged RC Columns with Different Damage Conditions: An Experimental Study

Ruili He1), Lesley H. Sneed1),*, and Abdeldjelil Belarbi2)

(Received December 31, 2012, Accepted February 13, 2013)

Abstract: Rapid and effective repair methods are desired to enable quick reopening of damaged bridges after an earthquake occurs, especially for those bridges that are critical for emergency response and other essential functions. This paper presents results of tests conducted as a proof-of-concept in the effectiveness of a proposed method using externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites to rapidly repair severely damaged RC columns with different damage conditions. The experimental work included five large-scale severely damaged square RC columns with the same geometry and material properties but with different damage conditions due to different loading combinations of bending, shear, and torsion in the previous tests. Over a three-day period, each column was repaired and retested under the same loading combination as the corresponding original column. Quickset repair mortar was used to replace the removed loose concrete. Without any treatment to damaged reinforcing bars, longitudinal and transverse CFRP sheets were externally bonded to the prepared surface to restore the column strength. Measured data were analyzed to investigate the performance of the repaired columns compared to the corresponding original column responses. It was concluded that the technique can be successful for severely damaged columns with damage to the concrete and transverse reinforcement. For severely damaged columns with damaged longitudinal reinforcement, the technique was found to be successful if the damaged longitudinal reinforcement is able to provide tensile resistance, or if the damage is located at a section where longitudinal CFRP strength can be developed.

Keywords: CFRP composites, cyclic loading, rapid repair, RC columns, severely damaged.


Damage to bridge structures during an earthquake can have devastating social and economic consequences, par- ticularly for bridges located along key routes that are critical for emergency response and other essential functions. Such bridges are defined as lsquo;lsquo;importantrsquo;rsquo; by ATC-18 (1997), which stipulates that full access to lsquo;lsquo;importantrsquo;rsquo; bridges should be possible within three days after an earthquake. In order to restore access to essential traffic in affected areas, rapid and effective repair methods are desired for varying levels of damage to minimize the impact on the community.

Decades of study have demonstrated the effectiveness of externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) in strengthening and repairing reinforced concrete (RC) columns. Most studies have focused on flexural or shear strengthening or repair application of various types of members or providing

1)Department of Civil, Architectural amp; Environmental Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, USA.

*Corresponding Author; E-mail: sneedlh@mst.edu 2)Department of Civil amp; Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA.

Copyright copy; The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

confinement in case of columns. Among the studies on repair, most have focused on columns with slight or moderate damage in which concrete, steel, or FRP jacketing was used to restore the strength and displacement capacity (Elkin et al. 1999; Stoppenhagen et al. 1995; Chai et al. 1991; Saadatmanesh et al. 1997; Cheng et al. 2003). Few studies, however, have focused on repairing severely damaged ductile RC bridge columns, especially those with buckled or fractured longitudinal rein- forcing bars (Elkin et al. 1999; Cheng et al. 2003). Although these techniques have been shown to be effective in restoring the strength and displacement capacity, rapid repair was not emphasized, and timely reopening of the bridge was not a consideration. To address this issue, Vosooghi and Saiidi (Vosooghi and Saiidi 2012) recently developed guidelines for rapid repair of damaged bridge columns with carbon FRP (CFRP). Their studies focused on circular RC bridge columns under flexural and shear loading conditions without ruptured longitudinal reinforcing bars.

Bridge columns may experience complex axial, shear, bending, and torsional loading during an earthquake. As shown by Prakash et al. (2012), interaction between loading actions influences the location and type of damage. There- fore, it is of interest to develop a repair technique for dam- aged columns with different damage conditions resulting from combined loading effects.

The present study was conducted as a proof-of-concept with the objective of determining the feasibility and


effectiveness of a proposed technique to rapidly repair severely damaged RC bridge columns with different damage conditions using externally-bonded CFRP for emergency service use after an earthquake. The term lsquo; rapidrsquo;rsquo; in the context of this study refers to a three-day time period as defined by ATC-18 (1997) and other researchers (Vosooghi et al. 2008). This res




Ruili He, Lesley H. Sneed, Abdeldjelil Belarbi






多年的研究已经证明外贴纤维强化塑料在加固与修复钢筋混凝土立柱时的有效性。其中多数的研究聚焦在对于结构中各种类型的构成的弯曲或剪切加固与修复应用或者就立柱而言形成约束。在关于修复的研究中,许多都是集中在只有轻微或者中等程度损伤的立柱中,它们都可以用混凝土、钢筋或者玻璃钢护套来恢复其强度和变形(Elkin等,1999;Stoppenhagen等,1995;Chai等,1991;Saadatmanesh等,1997;Cheng等,2003)。然而只有少数的研究是关注在修复严重破坏的可塑钢筋混凝土桥柱上,特别是那些有被压弯或者折断的纵向钢筋的桥柱(Elkin等,1999;Cheng等,2003)。尽管这些技术已经证明在恢复桥柱强度和变形的问题上有成效,但是它们都没有强调快速修复和考虑桥梁能够及时重新通行的问题。为了解决这个问题,Vosooghi和Saiidi(Vosooghi和Saiidi, 2012)最近对已损坏的桥梁立柱用CFRP进行快速修复提供了一些参考。他们的研究主要围绕在没有破裂的纵向钢筋的圆形钢筋混凝土立柱承受弯曲和剪切荷载作用的情况。


本研究是一个带有判别所提出的在地震发生后用外贴的CFRP来快速修复不同破坏情况下严重损伤的钢筋混凝土桥柱的应急服务的技术可行性和有效性的目标的概念证明。正如ATC-18(1997)和其他研究人员(Vosooghi 等,2008)定义的,“快速”这个词指的是一个三天的周期。这份研究将会填补书面上有关扭转荷载作用效果的结论以及不同损伤程度的空白并经会给未来这个领域的研究提供参考和指明方向。这个实验报告包括了五个在之前的实验中(Prakash等,2012)承受轴向、剪切、弯曲和扭转等不同荷载组合作用下被破坏的半方桥柱。经历了之前的试验后,桥柱出现了不同情况的严重破坏。每个立柱在三天的周期之内被修复过来并且在第四天的时候重新进行在像原来立柱承受的组合荷载作用下的测试。通过比较同样条件下原始立柱的表现来评估修复立柱的成效。此次研究中样本的大部分的性质是适合于在实践中所用的修复技术的可构造性的评估。


五个方形的钢筋混凝土立柱在之前的试验中已被测试,每一个都具有名义上相同的几何和材料性质。其中有1/2桥柱是基于CALTRANS (2004)和ACI 318 (2008)地震规范而设计的。把立柱样本模拟成一个悬臂结构,并且纵横比(H/B)是6,其中H和B分别代表了立柱的高度和其横截面宽度。图1显示的是立柱的几何尺寸和配筋情况。立柱横截面的边长是22英寸(560毫米)四个角分别配有九号(直径29毫米)的损伤筋,在中间配有8根八号(直径25毫米)钢筋,立柱的纵向配筋率为2.13%。箍筋是由四边形和八边形的三号(直径10毫米)损坏钢筋组成,其组成的正方形边长为3.25英寸(82毫米),立柱的横向配筋率为1.32%。八号(直径25毫米)纵向钢筋所测的屈服强度为76ksi(574MPa),九号(直径29毫米)纵向钢筋的为67ksi(462MPa)。而箍筋的屈服强度为74ksi(510MPa)。钢筋条的屈服强度是根据ASTMA 370 (2012)来测出结果的。混凝土28天目标圆柱体抗压强度为5000psi(34MPa)。Prakash等(2012)提供所测混凝土其他性质的信息。



经过了之前的测试之后,由于不同的周期性轴向荷载组合效应(T/M),立柱都在不同的破坏条件下产生了严重的损伤。根据目测情况和实测反馈数据来划分总体的破坏情况。依据之前的所做的工作(Lehman等,2001),任何可视的核心混凝土压碎、纵向钢筋变形、纵向或横向钢筋折断都被归为严重损坏。如果存在一个明显的永久变形,钢筋已经屈服,或者主要的混凝土剥落已经发生(Rojahn 等,1997),那么根据ATC 32标准则可认为破坏时显著的。在这篇论文中,当我

图1 立柱的几何尺寸和配筋情况

图2 原始立柱在之前测试中的损伤情况




表1 原始立柱损伤数据







Cover spall

Core crush




Column 1


25 in. (635 mm) above column base

10 in. (260 mm) above column base

All bars

All bars, 10 in.

(260 mm) above column base

2 bars; 10 in.

(260 mm) above column base (see

Fig. 1)

4 ties

Column 2


37 in. (950 mm) above column base

20 in. (500 mm) above column base

All bars

10 bars, 20 in.

(500 mm) above column base


3 ties

Column 3


58 in.

(1,470 mm) above column base

30 in. (760 mm) above column base

All bars

10 bars, 30 in.

(760 mm) above column base


1 tie

Column 4


94 in.

(2,380 mm) above column base

40 in.

(1,020 mm) above column base

All bars

10 bars, 40 in.

(1,020 mm) above column base


1 tie

Column 5


120 in.

(3,050 mm) above column base

64 in.

(1,620 mm) above column base

2 bars



0 tie






表2 修复



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