审计委员会对内部审计业务在公司治理制度的影响-根据克罗地亚的证据 -外文翻译资料

 2022-11-24 11:42:46

The influence of the audit committee on the internal audit operations in the system ofcorporate governance – evidence from Croatia

Boris Tuscaron;ek

Abstract:The activities of the internal audit and audit committee in a company are of exceptional importance for the good practice of corporate governance. For the audit committee, performing numerous roles and responsibilities of are not possible without the appropriate interactions with the internal audit department. On the other hand, the quality of the internal audit operations in a company is largely determined by the cooperation with the audit committee. This research analyses the influence of the audit committee on the internal audit operations in the sense of achieving the numerous roles and tasks of modern internal auditing in the system of corporate governance. On the basis of the conducted empirical research, using a questionnaire, the following hypothesis was tested: the efficiency of the internal audit function increases through its inclusion in the activities of the audit committee. Before the analysis and discussion on the results of the conducted empirical research on the influence of the audit committee on the improvement of internal audit activity, obtained by using methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction and comparative method, some relevant aspects are researched regarding the relation between the internal audit function and the audit committee in the system of corporate governance.

Keywords: internal audit; audit committee; corporate governance

1. Introduction

The internal audit function is an irreplaceable resource and source of information for the audit committee. In other words, the achievement of the numerous obligations and responsibilities of the audit committee is not possible without appropriate communication with the internal audit department. On the other hand, one of the key factors for successful internal audit operations in a certain organisation is the support that the audit committee offers to the internal audit and its activities. That support can, at the same time, have a positive influence on the quality of the information foundation that internal auditing offers to the audit committee for the purpose of achieving its supervisory roles. The internal audit must permanently develop new approaches to internal auditing, to design new auditing products and services, and all of this in conjunction with the growing complexity of demands that are set before business decisions in modern conditions. Related with this, it can be expected that internal auditing will be increasingly directed to anticipating possible risks in certain areas of business activities and in consulting management on the possibilities of managing these risks in the sense of forming and monitoring an appropriate internal control system where the risks will be efficiently reduced.

The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of the audit committee in improving internal audit activities, or increasing the efficiency of the internal audit function in the company. Efficiency most often concerns the capability of achieving results and objectives. In this context, a greater efficiency of the internal audit function implies a greater quality of internal auditing operations and achieving its numerous responsibilities, which also includes reaching the expected results in the system of corporate governance.

Because internal auditing is a relatively new research field in transition countries, as well as in Croatia, empirical research on the influence of the audit committee on the internal audit operations has not yet been conducted. In this context, there is a need to upgrade the existing literature by designing and conducting the empirical research, taking into account the current characteristics of the environment and development stage of corporate governance in Croatia.

2. The relation between internal auditing and the audit committee

Expectations of internal auditing nowadays are emphasised worldwide, especially in terms of its active inclusion in the creation of value added, primarily by generating information necessary for the identification, understanding and assessment of risks. The permanent task of the internal auditor is dealing with the comprehensive internal control as an instrument of risk management, including implementation of appropriate internal controls in the business system and constant concern that their function can significantly contribute to the realisation of the chosen strategies of risk management (Moeller, 2009).

When it comes to the business activities of large, diversified and decentralised business systems, in todayrsquo;s exceptionally complex and unstable conditions, there is a matter of sufficiency of internal monitoring and its business activities. In such organisations, it is common to organise the internal audit function that monitors internal controls, or offers an additional, higher level of monitoring of the complete business activities of the company. Internal auditing should support and assist in the identification and assessment of exposure to risks and should contribute to a quality of managing those risks; above all, by maintaining and continuing improvement of the internal control system.

The audit committee is a sub-committee or a consulting body of the supervisory board that has the task of monitoring the process of financial reporting, especially with regard to annual financial statements, and monitoring business risks and control procedures as instruments of risk management as well as monitoring the processes of external and internal auditing. Achieving these fundamental roles along with the tasks of the auditing committee are not possible without results and findings of internal auditing.

The obligation of establishing the audit committee in compani


审计委员会对内部审计业务在公司治理制度的影响-根据克罗地亚的证据 -

Boris Tuscaron;ek












审计委员会可以加强内部审计职能,把内部审计成为一个重要的资源,履行其义务(特里 - 扎曼2004)。审计委员会有责任和义务:评估内部审计职能的组织上的独立性和内部审计人员的个人的客观性,与首席审计执行官的报告和内部审计活动的最显著的发现进行讨论,特别是在手术内部控制的效率,审批年度内部审计计划,审查和批准预算内部审计,要考虑内部和外部审计之间的关系,协调工作,并参与任命的活动,解聘首席审计官(默勒,2009)。所有这些活动可以同时影响在一个组织内部审计操作的改进。

有几个研究文章涉及对审计委员会和内部审计职能之间的关系,审计委员会的个体特征的影响,但他们在与公司治理的发展审计学专业和系统的国家进行了初步进行的,主要是欧洲以外的,在这种情况下,以往的研究分析了审计委员会和加拿大内部审计职能之间的关系(Scarbrough,拉马,与Raghunandan,1998;在古德温,2003年,第264报价),新加坡(古德温和杨荣文,2001年),美国(Raghunandan,读取,和拉玛,2001年;在古德温,2003年,第264报价),澳大利亚和新西兰(古德温,2003年)。上述研究主要集中于确定的审计委员会和内部审计功能(古德温和杨荣文,2001年之间的关系,审计委员会成员独立性的影响; Scarbrough等,1998;在古德温,2003报价,第264页),然后确定,单独的成员和他们的会计和/或财务的审计委员会和内部审计功能(古德温,2003年)之间的关系的领域的能力的独立性的影响。也就是说,在确定,共审计委员会委员的独立性和能力的影响(Raghunandan等,2001;在古德温,2003年,第264报价)的审计委员会和内部审计职能的关系(Scarbrough等人,1998;在古德温2003引述,第264页)。


Raghunandan等。 (2001年,古德温2003年引用,第264页)对此进行了研究,审计委员会和美国内部审计业务的关系,并肯定了会计和财务知识,审计委员会的能力之间存在着正相关关系委员,审计委员会和首席审计官和审查的建议和内部审计业务的审计委员会的结果之间的会议频率。











3.2 结果与讨论






从样本类别来看,内部审计和审计委员会成员,总平均为3.65。从样本的内部审计人员的平均值为3.53,比总平均值略低,而审计委员会成员的平均值为3.77,比总的平均略高。 F检验的经验值是0.434,而计算出的p值小于5%(0.513gt; 0.05)的理论显着性水平更高,这意味着在两个装置之间的差异的平等的假定可以接受的。最后,t检验的值是1.209,而对于双尾检验所计算的p值是0.231,这比在5%的理论意义水平更高,因此,可以得出结论,没有统计学显著差异考虑放在一边内部审计师和其他(表7)审计委员会成员的感知手段之间。

两个子样品的结果进行归一化,导致63.25%的内部审计人员和审计委员会成员的69.25%的比例。测试中的-0.511的z试验的经验值并为0.3049单尾测试,这是大于5%的理论意义水平,因此它可以是p值所获得的两个比例的结果之间的差得出的结论是这两个比例之间无统计学显著差异,即使从审计委员会成员的感知影响的平均水平比的影响,从内部审计人员的感知(69.25%的平均水平更大gt; 63.25 %)。关于测试的结果,可以得出的结论是,平均而言,内部审计人员的意见和审计委员会的成员是内部审计部门和审计委员会之间的合作已经上增加了质量有很大的影响内部审计业务。











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