A deployment procedure for wireless sensor networks
Since the wireless signal is invisible and unpredictable, the deployment issue for a wireless sensor network (WSN) becomes a critical task. In this paper, a procedure of deployment for a wireless sensor network in an indoor environment is proposed. The objective of the procedure is to provide a solution guide for people who donrsquo;t have sufficient wireless communication knowledge and experience in how to correctly place the wireless sensor nodes or devices in the interesting indoor environment, especially in a large-scale deployment case, and then the desired communication performance of the wireless sensor network can be achieved. The addressed deployment procedure is divided into four sub-procedures and is discussed in detail in the following. A deployment plan for an office and the real deployment testing results are then proposed to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed deployment procedure.
1. Introduction
In recent years, based on the maturity of low-power, low-cost and small-scale circuit design technology, a newly application area of wireless sensor networks formonitoring and sensing environment, detecting the events, tracking targets in thegiven regions and providing personal network services, is arisen very quickly. Most ofthe services in this newly application area need certain infrastructure to achieve thedata sensing, processing and communication tasks. That is why the deploymentprocedure is regarded as the most important issue in wireless sensor network [1].
The traditional way in the deployment of wireless sensor networks is mostlyplacing sensor nodes by random or ad hoc method which is convenient and suitablefor outdoor applications [2-4]. In such cases, the sensor nodes are capable ofself-configuration and self-discovery. To reduce power consumption, in [5], theyestablished a topology that act as a communication backbone. In [6], they establisheda virtual network whose topology of a mesh of stars which also provides communication functionality. It is represented in [5] and [6] that the backbonenetwork is essential to wireless sensor networks while it require more effort to be established.
Since our use of wireless sensor networks lies on indoor applications, we considerthat a reliable communication channel should be constructed before any application-oriented devices being put into action. When it comes to sensor network deployment, we put our attention on deploying the communication backbone of sensor network while fulfilling the connection quality and coverage constraints into target area. Furthermore, the deployment planning in the proposed method, a 3-D space and 3-D antenna radio pattern are employed to make the simulation results will be more approximated the real physical environment. After planning of deployment, we also suggest some efficient testing procedure to measure the communication performance of the established networks; these are the major differences between our method and others [6-8].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the proposed deployment procedure for wireless sensor networks is addressed. In Section 3, an office deployment demonstration is illustrated to show the efficiency of the proposed deployment method. Then, we make a conclusion in the last Section.
2. The deployment procedure for WSN
The proposed procedure includes four sub-procedures, which are (1) Planning Procedure; (2) Device Configuration Procedure; (3) Network Verification Procedure and (4) Requirement Completion Procedure. The whole procedure is shown in Figure 1 and the details of these procedures are described below.
2.1. Planning Procedure
In the construction of the backbone of a wireless sensor network, we take a few things into consideration: the network connectivity, the signal coverage in the area, and the number of devices used. The most important thing we care about is the network connectivity which stands for the ability whether the packets can be successfully sent to their destination through the established networks. It must be assured that each device in the backbone network is inter-connected, since it was essential to the whole network and the applications established above. After that, we take the signal coverage and the devices used into account in the next step. As a goal, we would like to expand the signal coverage of the backbone network to cover the whole area. Generally speaking, expanding the coverage usually increases number of devices used, raises the cost of the sensor network at the same time. The Planning Procedure is proposed to find the suitable position of each device by minimizing the number of devices used while expanding the network coverage to the whole desired region.
We have built an automated application program which helps the users finding the exact position where the devices should be located and fulfill the coverage constraint in the target area while limiting the amount of devices required in a reasonable number. The required inputs of the application, given by the users, are: a 3-D Space Model of target region, the Antenna Models (3-D radio patterns) of devices used and the Signal Quality Threshold (sensitivity of employed antenna) of the receiverrsquo;s antenna being considered to be connected. Some other constraints can be assigned to the application, including the redundancy of the devices, the density of the devices in certain area and the area should or should not be placed with sensor devices, etc.
The 3-D Space Model we are using includes information about location and material of walls and doors in target area, along with the coverage requirements. We did some experiments for measuring the transmission attenuation of the received signal strength when the signal passes through
传统的部署无线传感网络节点的方法大多数是随机的安置传感器节点或者使用Ad hoc,后者主要适合于户外应用[2-4]。在这样的应用中,传感器节点要求能够自我配置和自我发现。为了减少能量消耗,在[5]中,他们制定了一个拓扑作为通信的告诉链路。在[6]中,他们制定了一个虚拟的网络,这个网络拓扑是星型的并且提供通信功能。在[5]和[6]中,都共同指出当它需要更好的效果时,高速链路网络对无线传感网络是必要的。
因为我们的无线传感网络是应用于室内的,所以我们认为在任何应用被实施之前应该建立一个可靠的通信信道。当提到无线传感网络部署,在要完成连接质量和进入目标区域的覆盖限制时,我们把注意力放在无线传感网络的通信链路的间部署上。而且,在我们提出的部署方法中,利用3-D 空间和3-D 无线模式来使仿真结果更加接近于真实的物理环境。在这个部署计划之后,我们也提出一些有效的测试方法来评估已制定网络的通信性能;这是我们的程序和其他人之间主要的不同之处[6-8]。
本文剩余的组织结构如下:第2 章节,讲解提到的无线传感网络的部署方法。第3 章节,用一个带插图的办公室部署案例来说明提出的部署程序的有效性。然后我们在最后做一个结论。
提出的部署程序包含四个子程序,它们是(1)计划编制程序;(2)设备配置程序; (3)网络确认程序;(4)需求完成程序。整个部署如图1 所示,这些程序的细节描 (3)网络确认程序;(4)需求完成程序。整个部署如图1 所示,这些程序的细节描述如下。
2.1 计划编制程序
我们建立了一个自动化的应用程序,当限制设备数量在一合理范围内时,这个程序可以用来帮助用户在目标区域寻找设备应该放置的准确的位置和覆盖的范围。应用程序需要用户输入目标区域的3-D 空间模型,使用设备的天线模型(3-D 无线参数)和接收天线的信号质量门限值(使用天线的灵敏度)。也可以给应用程序指定其他一些限制,这包括多于的设备,在确定区域的设备的密度和在这区域中是否应该放置传感器装置等等。
我们使用的 3-D 空间模型连同覆盖需求还包括目标区域的墙和门的位置和材质信息。我们做了一些实验来测量当信号通过像水泥,玻璃和木头等等这些材料时接收信号强度的传输衰减。事实上,我们努力使我们提出的计划编制程序尽可能的接近实际情形;然而肯定会有一些在这个程序中不可测量或者没有考虑到的因素,它们是由于天线之间的差异,无线参数测量的错误,来自环境的冲突等原因而产生。至少,这个计划编制程序可以为那些在怎样部署无线设备到感兴趣区域方面没有经验的人提供一个有用的工具。
2.2 设备配置程序
每一个设备上运行的程序配置是相同的,当有一些个别配置需要在放置他们到计划编制程序中确定的位置之前应用到每一个设备上。这些必需的配置是:每个设备的天线使用的能量,网络运行的信道和默认的网络拓扑结构。由于无线传感器网络的拓扑结构是一种树形结构,我们可以在每个设备中保持默认的双亲身份来配置默认的网络拓扑。因此,一个设备的双亲身份应该在配置之前被公认。我们使用64bit MAC 地址,这个作为唯一识别号被预先配置到每一个设备中。在指定了设备的双亲后,网络的拓扑很容易确定。我们制作了另一个工具帮助用户方便的使用这个程序。计划编制程序的结果将会通过设备配置工具被取得,用户可以通过其中包含的信息描绘出网络的拓扑结构。和默认的拓扑不同,网络运行的信道是通过用户来指定的。至于每一个设备的能量,已经在计划编制程序中定义好了,计划编制程序的结果中同样包含这个信息。在获得必要的数据之后,这个工具将转换到配置模式。
2.3 网络确认程序
2.4 需求完成程序
我们在办公室的无线传感器网络部署上应用了提出的程序。我们在下面列出了一些我们的测试环境。我们使用的无线传感器网络协议是以IEEE 802.15.4 标准为基础。测试平台使用的是一个Chipcon CC2420 射频发射器和AtmelATmega128 微控制器。在计划编制程序中利用一个像搜索算法一样的仿真程序来定位所有的无线传感器网络节点。装置额射频设定为:发射器力量是0 dBm,接收器天线的灵敏度是-94 dBm。
办公室的平面图如图 3 所示。这花了我们大约30 分钟来描绘平面图和确定室内材料。在描绘平面图之后,我们掩饰区域不需要被网络覆盖,如图4 所示。计划编制工具只需要很少的信息,如上面提到的天线模型和信号质量门限等。计划编制工具为找一个配置计划在我们的Pentium4 3.2GHz 个人计算机上花了40秒。结果如图5 所示,这些点指示了装置应该放置的位置。图6 显示了用计划编制工具仿真的网络信号覆盖情况。
我们使用装置配置工具使我们的网络形成一棵树,如图7 所示。数字指示出被配置的装置的次序。整个装置配置程序花了我们大约6 分钟来描绘拓扑图和配置装置。在配置之后,装置被放在各自的位置。
装置安置后的程序是网络确认程序。我们利用提供的工具来检查网络有效性,每个装置大约花了20 秒,整个网络大约5 分钟。
我们选择了应用程序指定的十二个位置,装置将会被放置在这些感兴趣的位置。在每个位置,我们扫描可用的网络装置,并且选择它们其中之一作为网络附着。我们利用装置覆盖测试,可以得到每一个感兴趣位置的数据包丢包率和链路质量分析结果。测试位置和他们各自的结果如图8 所示。对于所有的十二个位置的测试程序花了我们大约10 分钟完成。依照测试的结果,网络的运转如我们期望的一样,而且不需要需求完成程序。
4. 结论
最近随着无线传感网络的应用的兴起,急需一种快速且有效的传感器节点部署工具或者解决方案。在这篇文章中,无线传感网络的部署程序指导用户系统地完成部署任务。这个程序设计大多数是依据博物馆的3 层展示厅(8000 平方米面积)的无线传感网络部署任务来实现的。我们假定的应用是无线传感应用和移动通信服务,因此,在感兴趣的区域内的装置连通性和信号覆盖是非常重要的,这被认为是部署程序中无线通信的性能指标。此外,无线传感器网络的其他必要性能指标可以包括在依赖于应用程序需求的确定网络效率评估中。然而,提出的程序的主要目的是帮助用户完成部署工作。根据以上结果,工具和程序可以真正的帮助我们实现一开始在无线传感器网络应用中确立的目标。