
 2022-12-26 19:06:07

A Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Temperature Estimation

First Author: Dr. Fred C. Collins Jr.

Affiliation: IBM Government Systems - Resource Management and Distributed Systems

Address: 6300 Diagonal Highway, 003F, Boulder Colorado 80301

Topic Area: GIS and Spatial Data Analysis

Authors: Fred C. Collins, Ph.D (IBM) and Paul V. Bolstad, Ph.D. (Univ. of Minnesota)

1.0 Introduction:

The increased awareness of government and industry to the potential benefits of geographic information systems (GIS) has been driven by an increase in the availability of digital spatial data and increased hardware and software capability. Along with thi s increased awareness, has been increased concern over the accuracy and precision of spatial data. GIS error begins with data collection and continues through data input, storage, manipulation, output, and interpretation of the results. Understanding th e source, nature, and extent of errors in GIS is the first step in a strategy for reducing error in GIS. This research is concerned with the spatial interpolation of meterological data as a preliminary step prior to use in landscape, regional, and global models or as layers in a GIS.

Spatially distributed estimates of meteorological data are becoming increasingly important as inputs to spatially explicit landscape, regional, and global models. Estimates of meteorological values such as temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspirati on rate are required for a number of landscape scale models, including those of regeneration, growth, and mortality of forest ecosystems. To calculate daily microclimate conditions in mountainous terrain, the model MT-CLIM requires minimum and maximum da ily temperature data as inputs (Running and Nemani, 1987). To compute forest evapotranspiration, landscape scale ecological models such as FOREST-BGC use spatially explicit meteorological inputs from models such as MT-CLIM (Band et. al., 1991). Accurate estimates of temperature are critical to the performance of the above models. In addition to those involved in temperature modeling, temperature prediction at unsampled sites is of interest t o individuals involved in fire management, resource management, and spraying or seeding operations.

Accurate measurements of temperature are also of interests to scientists studying the 'greenhouse effect' - global warming via the entrapment of longwave radiation due to certain gases such as carbon dioxide. While there is disagreement on the extent of global warming, most scientists estimate its effects between 0.50F to 1.00F (Handcock and Wallis, 1994). Clearly, even a small bias resulting from the interpolation method used would affect concl usions reached by scientists studying the greenhouse phenomena.

Accurate temperature estimates are critical in the calibration of satellite sensors. Satellite surface temperature retrieval in mountainous terrain is complicated by the high variability of occurring temperatures and complex terrain features. While sate llite surface temperature retrieval appears to be a promising technology, surface variations have been shown to bias temperature measurements upwards of 3.00C (Lipton, 1992). As bias is systematic, satellite deri ved temperature estimates calibrated with accurate ground truth, may offer cost effective temperature estimates where data are sparse.

Given a set of meteorological data, researchers are confronted with a variety of stochastic and deterministic interpolation methods to estimate meteorological variables at unsampled locations. Spatial interpolation is often an important first step in tak ing irregular point data and converting it for use in a GIS. Depending on the spatial attributes of the data, accuracies vary widely among different spatial interpolation methods (MacEachren and Davidson, 1987; and Rhind, 1975). The choice of spatial interpolator is especially important in mountainous regions where data collection are sparse and variables may change over short spatial scales.

While there have been comparisons of interpolation methods, few research efforts have been directed towards comparing the effectiveness of different spatial interpolators in predicting temperature (eg. Van Kuilenburg et. al. (1982); Dubrule (1983); Puente and Bras (1986); 空间插值技术在温度估计中的比较

联系:IBM Government Systems - Resource Management and Distributed Systems

主要研究范围: GIS and Spatial Data Analysis






趋势表面分析(TSA)可以被认为是多项式回归的子集。 TSA是将数据分解为区域趋势和局部变化的随机技术。TSA的区域组件可以被认为是对数据的回归表面,而局部变化可以被认为是残差图。可以使用位置变量X,Y和区域化气象变量的兴趣之间的数学关系来估计非抽样位置的值。在这项研究中,温度适合于三阶多项式。假设三阶多项式足以捕获区域温度变化。TSA与上面的多项式回归不同,因为在估计温度时不使用高程,TSA使用所有回归变量,而不是基于Mallows Cp选择的子集。使用TSA的估计受到与空间自相关引起的边缘效应和多重共线性相关的问题的限制。TSA假定错误是独立的。除了用作空间插值技术之外,TSA还可以在进一步的空间分析(如克里奇)之前消除广泛的趋势。

Kriging是一种类似于反距离加权平均的随机技术,因为它使用已知点处的权重的线性组合来估计未知点处的值。克里金以D.L.命名。克里格(Krige),他们用克里金(Crriging)的根本原理来估计矿石含量。然而,克里金的通用方法是由Matheron(1969)开发的。 Kriging使用半变异函数,两点之间的空间相关性的度量,因此权重根据样本的空间排列而变化。与其他所调查的估计程序不同,克里金提供了估计表面的误差或不确定度的量度。此外,克里金不会产生边缘效应,因为试图强制一个项目与TSA一样适合数据。Cokriging类似于克里金,除了它使用额外的协变量,通常更强烈地采样,以辅助预测。当协变量高度相关时,Cokriging最有效。克里金和克里金都假定了第一次差异的同质性。虽然克里金被认为是最好的线性无偏空间预测器(BLUP),但现实世界数据集中存在非平稳性问题。

该比较分析使用国家气象局(EarthInfo,1992)和SNOTEL温度数据,以及USGS 3弧秒数字高程数据。使用两个测试区域。这些地区被选为国家气象局(NWS)和SNOTEL天气监测站的对比密度。区域1在整个研究区域内分布不均匀,而区域2的站点聚集在人口中心附近。此外,在区域1中,台站高程是区域高程的代表。在区域2中,高层由气象监测站代表。区域1位于美国东部上部山区,北纬34至37度,西经80至85度。该地区包括弗吉尼亚州,北卡罗来纳州,南卡罗来纳州和格鲁吉亚州的部分州。在区域1有146个NWS站。从EarthInfo CD-ROM中读取NWS数据,然后使用dBaseIV软件进行过滤。SNOTEL数据通过调制解调器访问下载,并从ASCII文件格式转换为dBaseIV格式。此转换对于筛选和创建此比较分析中使用的数据集是必要的。 SNOTEL数据与NWS数据的格式不同。此外,SNOTEL数据以摄氏度记录,其中NWS数据以华氏度记录。所有SNOTEL温度读数转换为华氏度,并重新格式化以符合NWS数据格式。已知NWS数据由于数据输入,数据记录和数据格式化错误导致错误的日常值(Reek,Doty和Owen,1992)。

基于偏差,平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方误差(MSE)对每种插值技术进行了比较。对于克里金和克里格,交叉验证技术用于从候选模型中选择最佳半变异函数模型。此外,交叉验证技术用于选择最小化克里金方差的搜索半径。对于克里金和co-kriging,半变异函数模型使用Geo-EAS软件(Englund,1988)和VARIOWIN软件(Pannatier,1994)完成。 Kriging和Co-kriging使用GSLIB软件库(Deutsch,1992)完成。最后,使用Sigma PlotTM目视检查每个插值方法的结果。这项比较研究研究了三个时间尺度:10年平均,季节和日。总共生成408个温度轮廓曲面。 408个表面来自六个插值技术的两个区域的10年平均值,最大和最小温度(1 * 2 * 2 * 6 = 24)。六个插值技术的两个区域的四个季节最低和最高温度(4 * 2 * 2 * 6 = 96);和12个插值技术的两个区域的12个平均值,最大和最小温度(12 * 2 * 2 * 6 = 288)。比较分析的结果以表格和图形格式呈现。




lt;a data-cke-saved-href='http://www.sbg.ac.at/geo/idrisi/gis_environmental_modeling/sf_papers/collins_fred/collins.html' l


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