Design of Portable Security System Using
Face Recognition with Back-Propagation
Algorithm and MATLAB
M. Hareesh Babu, M. Bala Naga Bhushanamu, B. Benarji
and M. Purnachandra Rao
Abstract In our globally connected world, threats from various aspects are going
at an alarming rate. These are controlling with different security systems such as
metal detector, closed circuit cameras, and scanning systems. All these aids are
meant to recognize and identify the explosives and others weapons. Here, it is more
important to identify the particular person or persons, who were planning to distract
the society or particular event. This paper is aimed to design that to control the
threats by identifying the suspected people by a simple face recognition technique
using simple PC or laptop with the help of scientific software MATLAB and its
neural network tool box. In general, all major events are fully securitized with well-
developed protection systems but only problem with non-major and small events,
where security systems are matter of financial issues. So, militants and other
destroyers are taking advantage of these situations and creating a panic and terror
situations. This paper is also designed like that a PC or laptop with camera can be a
face recognition system to identify the suspected peoples and most wanted criminal.
By recognizing the people, we can mostly avoid the threats from these people and
dangerous situations. Neural network is a science that has been extensively applied
to numerous pattern recognition problems such as character recognition, object
recognition, and face recognition, where this paper has programmed for face rec-
ognition with the back-propagation algorithm and simulated with the software
MATLAB and its neural network tool box. Here, the back propagation plays the
central operation role to get the key features were extracted from the picture for
training the network. Since the major role of the project is mainly focusing on the
M. Hareesh Babu (amp;) Aacute; M. Bala Naga Bhushanamu Aacute; M. Purnachandra Rao
Department of Systems Design, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
M. Bala Naga Bhushanamu
M. Purnachandra Rao
B. Benarji
Department of Electronics and Communication, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
copy; Springer India 2015
L.P. Suresh et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms
in Engineering Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 324,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2126-5_28
M. Hareesh Babu et al.
training of the neural network, already extracted key features of the personrsquo;s image
from the database were taken for training the back-propagation network. Here, we
have taken 7 input units, 6 hidden units, and 4 output units contained back-prop-
agation network. The output unit, 4 output units, generates the 4-bit output which
gives the person identity.
Keywords Security Back-propagation Face recognition
Aacute; Neural network Aacute;
Data learning rate Aacute; Weight Aacute; Train
Aacute; MATLAB
1 Introduction
In this globalized world, security of a person or country is a major issue. An annual
budget for the country and their people security has raising drastically by every
nation. Even though the security system in root levels are failing at small and non-
recognitions events, which leads to financial and death loses. So, security at these
events need to be enhance to control the various loses. All these situations can be
overcome by utilizing the technology such as Artificial Neural Network, Face
recognition, Digital Image Processing, and MATLAB software. The main aim of
the paper was to identify the persons from the face recognition technique and back-
propagation algorithm, which is a part of neural network. In this paper, we have
designed as that will collect the still photograph of the person, especially face part
of the of the person, by the personal computer or laptoprsquo;s built-in camera and then
fed to the MATLAB software, where captured image has processed according to
back-propagation algorithm using neural network tool box. This image is stored in
the database and also compared with the previous images from database system,
which has taken previously or collected from internet database system. If images
found to be matched, then the system immediately intimating that particular person
has already listed or identified in this database. Here, the data base system will
readily stores the suspected people and criminals images. In this manner, we can
identify the criminals, militant, and suspected persons at a small and non-recog-
nized events at rural areas by simple using personal computer and laptops.
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment for computa-
tions, visualizations, and programming. Meanwhile, you have a chance to analyze
data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. This language tool
and built-in mathematical functions will enable you to explore multiple approaches
and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming
languages, such as C or C or VC . Main Key features of the MATLAB are as
follows: (1) Mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis,
filtering, optimization, numerical integration, and solving ordinary differential
equations. (2) Built-in graphics for
M. Hareesh Babu, M. Bala Naga Bhushanamu, B. Benarji and M. Purnachandra Rao
MATLAB是一种面向计算、可视化和编程的高级语言和交互式环境。同时,你有一个机会来分析数据,开发算法,并建立模型及应用。这个语言工具和内置的数学函数,将使你能够探索多种途径和达成解决方案比传统的电子表格或编程语言更快,如C或C 或VC 。MATLAB的主要特点如下:
BP是一种常见的训练人工神经网络的方法,简称“误差反向传播”。 从一个期望的输出,网络从许多投入学习,类似于一个孩子学习从狗狗们的例子中识别出一只狗。它是一种监督学习方法是delta规则的一个推广。它需要多个输入数据集所需的输出,建立训练集。它是最有用的前馈网络。BP需要激活函数使用的人工神经元或“节点”是可微的。反向传播学习算法可以分为两个阶段:传播和权值更新。每个传播包括以下步骤:
- 在图像平面的变化和姿态;(2)面部表情;(3)照明条件和背景。
在技术如人脸识别和图像处理的优点导致克服诸如识别可疑人和敌人通过捕捉图像,利用提取的特征在数据库中识别一个人的有效性,安全性等方面的许多敏感问题。实际执行中,更应注意预处理阶段直接从图像中提取特征。最后,本文的意图便携式安全系统设计. “利用人脸识别与BP算法和MATLAB的“便携式安全系统的设计具有非常低的成本和优势在PC和笔记本电脑的模拟,它可以调动到任何地方。
致谢我们感谢我们敬爱的引导和部门的教授M. purnachanra,给了我们这样一个机会去学习,神经网络,人工智能,和MATLAB软件,以及他对我们的援助。
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