原文作者 Fazal ur Rehman1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Tariq Nawaz3, Shabir Hyder4
我们生活的方方面面都被通信技术所改变,各种各样新的发明都引进这种技术。人们可以看到社交网站的例子。尽管这些平台主功能是搭建用户的社交网络,但通过这些媒体,人们也可以分享他们对产品或服务的体验和想法。 除此之外,在线产品/服务搜索和购买已经是世界各地的普遍现象。其次,产品促销不再局限于传统的促销/广告方式,例如“主流印刷和电子媒体”。各种在线社交媒体正在寻找他们可以作为可靠和有益的促销来源的途径。
脸谱网是一种促进了用户进行全球化互动并分享他们的想法和经验的媒体。脸谱网实际上是一个“基于网络,将不同的人聚集在一个虚拟平台上,确保其实现更深入的社交互动、形成更强大的社区并完成合作项目的实施”的一种社交媒体(Brown,2009)。 Kahraman(2010)将脸谱网定义为“人们用来分享他们的想法,经验和观点并相互交流的在线平台”。 数以百万计的人每天都在使用脸谱网。 截至2010年底,脸谱网在全球拥有5亿活跃用户。 2012年,活跃用户数量几乎翻了一番,达到9.55亿(Hayta,2013; Melason,2012)。
脸谱网广告基础的发展预示着这将成为一个重要的商业展示资源,并且这些企业将脸谱网广告作为一种获取消费者的有效策略。就在几年之后,它已经成为企业促销组合中的一部分,以在目标领域建立品牌形象并影响顾客的态度。由于其受欢迎程度,企业准备将他们的广告投放在脸谱网上,以扩大品牌知名度并影响消费者的购买行为。惠普等一些企业已将脸谱网作为商业活动的重要组成部分,以在竞争激烈的商业环境中与客户保持密切联系。 Vahl(2011)强调了对脸谱网的业务吸引力,并提到2011年Facebook的企业广告收入已达到约25亿美元。
企业正在花费相当大一部分预算来宣传他们的产品和服务。通过伴随有趣信息的广告,企业试图有效地影响顾客的购买行为。 由于公司认为他们的广告可能吸引顾客的注意力和行动(有效的购买决定),Facebook也正因这个原因被使用。
公司很难区分他们的产品和服务分别为他们的客户创造的价值。 广告被用于在顾客心目中创造产品/服务的差异化(Hussainy et al., 2008)。 广告商意识到品牌价值发展战略的重要性,以及它可以通过有效影响顾客的想法提供的好处。 这是因为客户往往与这些品牌对他们的具体品牌和情感价值有关联。 这促使广告商通过Facebook等媒体上的广告为观众创造情感价值。
公司试图去区分他们的产品和服务,以此来为消费者创造价值。广告是用来创造消费者心目中产品和服务的差异化(Hussainy et al.,2008)。广告主们意识到品牌价值发展战略的重要性,以及它可以通过有效影响顾客的想法提供的好处。 这是因为客户往往与这些具体品牌保持着情感联结。 这促使广告商通过Facebook等媒体上的广告为观众创造情感价值。
在当前的商业环境中,脸谱网广告扮演着一个传递商业信息至目标受众的重要角色。为了评估年轻用户对于脸谱网广告的购买行为,研究采集了400名年轻脸谱网用户的样本来作为研究依据。在400份调查报告中仅有309份提供了信息。此外,该研究还旨在确定情感和环境反应对年轻消费者购买行为的影响。 预计该研究将在这个特定的知识领域提供新的信息。
广告是以非个人方式呈现购买意向的核心思想。 Srinivasa(2008)将广告定义为“通过不同媒体通常由赞助商以非个人方式分享产品信息”。 同样,Ayanwala等人(2005年)将其定义为“非个人付费形式的交流,通过媒体(视觉,口头和文本)通过确定的方式促进思想,概念,产品或服务以及信息 赞助商说服或影响行为“。 Bishnoi和Sharma(2009)强调广告的固有特征,并建议流行是广告的目的。
脸谱网是一种社交媒体,是有着共同兴趣爱好的人们在一个虚拟环境中分享他们的观点和评论 (Weber, 2009)。脸谱网广告能够使消费者去分享他们的经历、观点、兴趣和关于一个品牌有用的信息。脸谱网广告在这些场景中时通过交互的方式非常实用地收集反馈和目标受众的用户画像。在当前的商业环境中,脸谱网广告是一种非常有效的资源去触达目标用户 (Sendberg, 2010)。脸书广告提供了建立你的品牌并在大型社交网络上经营你的客户。
脸谱网广告是以一种积极的方式创造爱好、吸引力和影响消费者的购买行为。对待广告的态度,是一种有趣的广告理论,通常用于理解用户的购买行为。有效的广告会影响用户的态度。品牌将最终导致购买意愿(Goldsmith amp; Lafferty, 2002)。理想情况下,消费者购买行为是一种商品购买决策。
社会化媒体特别是脸谱网已经成为了达到目标市场的营销渠道。根据一项研究,“扩大你的品牌社区在线”的社交媒体已成为一个重要的营销渠道,直接接触到目标客户并与公司品牌合作(Hanlon et al.,2008)。例如,奥迪(德国汽车公司)和DunkinDonuts(美国消费者商品公司)正在使用社交媒体与客户直接互动。奥迪在脸谱网上与粉丝建立了合作关系(Wasserman,2011)。同样,位于纽约的Proper Cloth公司也在Facebook上创建了自己的网页,发布其业务新闻和服装图片。所有脸谱网粉丝都可以在页面上几秒钟内收到更新。这些龙头品牌通过单一平台(即脸谱网)收集消费者,并以较低的成本保持更新。
根据Lukka and James (2014)认为,脸谱网的个人化的方式来销售商品是一种有效的资源。脸谱网能够使营销者在特定人群中传递他们的广告。营销人员瞄准这些基础的人口信息和共同兴趣的个体。脸谱网使得触达目标用户成为可能,通过有效和可盈利的方式而不是传统的营销渠道。脸谱网的广告主们使用与众不同的技术去有效传递商业信息以此创造购买决策。脸谱网提供更好的智能广告选项,这可以使广告主能够为他们所有的广告中定向匹配到相应的观众。举例来说,脸谱网和其他线上社区启用了Hewlett Packard (HP)以此触达消费者并帮助消费者产生客观的利润。
脸谱网广告是激发消费者购买广告产品的有效来源。 脸谱网广告影响产品的喜好和对品牌的态度。对待广告的态度是广为人知的理论。对广告理论的态度正在影响消费者对导致购买意向的品牌感受(Goldsmith&Lafferty,2002)。 消费者购买行为奠定了他们将决定购买的看法(Adelaar et al。,2003)。 广告的目标是影响消费者对品牌的感受,增加销售量并为广告创造积极的情感反应(Goldsmith&Lofferty,2002)。 因此,广告的基本目标是鼓励购买行为和创造意识(Bijmolt et al。,1998)。
根据传统的态度理论,消费者的行为与消费者的态度不同。 态度是获取行为倾向(Smith&Swinyard,1983),而行为是情绪反应的结果并受三个因素影响; 即“愉悦”,“兴奋”和“支配”。 这些概念被进一步定义为“快乐是人们感觉良好和快乐的状态”,“唤醒是依赖于人与人之间的感受状态”和“占主导地位是控制或自由行动的感受状态 特殊情况“(Adelaar等,2003)。
分析消费者对Facebook广告的行为的目的是解释影响消费者购买行为的因素。 目前的研究旨在确定影响消费者购买行为的因素,特别是在社会和心理方面(Ayanwale等,2005)。
外文文献出处:Academic Research International Vol. 5(4) July 2014
Academic Research International Vol. 5(4) July 2014
How Facebook Advertising Affects Buying Behavior of Young Consumers:
The Moderating Role of Gender
Fazal ur Rehman1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Tariq Nawaz3, Shabir Hyder4
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
- Fazal_marwatpk@yahoo.com
This study assessed the affects of Facebook advertisement and Facebook environment on buying behavior of young consumers, while moderating effects of gender. The study used quantitative approach to collect data through questionnaires based survey. The collected data were analyzed through step wise regressions. Results indicated that Facebook advertisement and Facebook environment have significant effects on buying behavior of young consumers, while gender has moderating effect on Facebook advertisement and no moderating effect on Facebook environment. Further, it was noted that females have negative perceptionsrsquo; toward Facebook environment as compared to male.
Keywords: Facebook advertisement, Facebook environment, buying behavior, gender
The communication technology revolutionized all aspects of life. Various new innovations are introduced by this technology. One could see the example of social networking websites. Although, these platforms are used primarily by the people f
Academic Research International Vol. 5(4) July 2014
How Facebook Advertising Affects Buying Behavior of Young Consumers:
The Moderating Role of Gender
Fazal ur Rehman1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Tariq Nawaz3, Shabir Hyder4
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
- Fazal_marwatpk@yahoo.com
This study assessed the affects of Facebook advertisement and Facebook environment on buying behavior of young consumers, while moderating effects of gender. The study used quantitative approach to collect data through questionnaires based survey. The collected data were analyzed through step wise regressions. Results indicated that Facebook advertisement and Facebook environment have significant effects on buying behavior of young consumers, while gender has moderating effect on Facebook advertisement and no moderating effect on Facebook environment. Further, it was noted that females have negative perceptionsrsquo; toward Facebook environment as compared to male.
Keywords: Facebook advertisement, Facebook environment, buying behavior, gender
The communication technology revolutionized all aspects of life. Various new innovations are introduced by this technology. One could see the example of social networking websites. Although, these platforms are used primarily by the people for social networking, however, through these media people also share their experience and ideas about a product or service. In addition to this, online product/service search and purchase is already a common place around the world. Secondly, product promotion is no more limited to traditional ways of promotion/advertisement e.g. main stream print and electronic media. Various online social media are finding their places as reliable and rewarding sources of sales promotion.
Facebook is one such medium that is facilitating its users for global interaction and sharing their ideas and experiences. Facebook is social media that is in fact a “Web based site which bring different people together in a virtual platform and ensure a deeper social interaction, stronger community and implementation of cooperation projects” (Brown, 2009). Kahraman (2010) defines Facebook as “the online platform that people use to share their ideas, experience, and perspectives and communicate with each other”. Millions of people are using Facebook daily. By the end of 2010, Facebook had 500 million active users around the globe. In 2012, the number of active user has almost doubled to reach 955 million (Hayta, 2013; Melason, 2012).
Vast use of Facebook around the globe has made it a new and important advertising platform, where businesses place their ads to reach their prospective customers. This is probably because Facebook allows businesses to target specific customer and promoting their product or services through effective advertisements. As Vahl (2011) argues Facebook is facilitating the manufacturers and service providers to reach customers of specific age group and interest.
Growing Facebook based advertising is perhaps an indication that it is becoming an important source of business presentation and the firms are taking Facebook advertisement as a useful strategy to attract customers. Just in a few years, it has become a part of promotional mix of the firms to create awareness in target areas and influence customers mind. Because of its popularity, businesses are placing their ads on Facebook for creating awareness and
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ISSN: 2223-9944, eISSN: 2223-9553 |
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Academic Research International Vol. 5(4) July 2014
influencing buying behavior. Some businesses like HP, have adopted Facebook as a crucial part of business activities to stay close with customers in competitive business environment. Vahl (2011) highlights the businesses magnetism towards Facebook and mentions that Facebook revenue from businesses advertisements reached approximately $ 2.5 billion in 2011.
Companies are spending a sizable portion of their budget on advertising their products and services. Through the advertisements which accompany interesting information, firms attempt to influence customersrsquo; buying behavior favorably. Facebook is also being used for the very reason as the firms believe that their advertisement may catch customersrsquo; attention and action (favorable purchase decisions).
Companies struggle to differentiate their products and services to create values for their customers. Advertising is used to create products / services differentiation in customersrsquo; mind (Hussainy et al., 2008). Advertisers are aware of the importance of brand value development strategy and the benefits it may offer by effectively influencing customersrsquo; mind. This is becaus
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