Getting the most from map data structures in Android
Ruben Saboridoacute; [1]·Rodrigo Morales1·
Foutse Khomh1·Yann-Gael Guuml; ehacute; eneucacute; 1·
Giuliano Antoniol1
Published online: 2 March 2018
copy; Springer Science Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Abstract A map is a data structure that is commonly used to store data as key– value pairs and retrieve data as keys, values, or key–value pairs. Although Java offers different map implementation classes, Android SDK offers other implementations supposed to be more efficient than HashMap: ArrayMap and SparseArray variants
(SparseArray, LongSparseArray, SparseIntArray, SparseLongArray, and SparseBooleanArray). Yet, the performance of these implementations in terms of CPU time, memory usage, and energy consumption is lacking in the official Android documentation; although saving CPU, memory, and energy is a major concern of users wanting to increase battery life. Consequently, we study the use of map implementations by Android developers in two ways. First, we perform an observational study of 5713 Android apps in GitHub. Second, we conduct a survey to assess developersrsquo; perspective on Java and Android map implementations. Then, we perform an experimental study comparing HashMap, ArrayMap, and SparseArray variants map implementations in terms of CPU time, memory usage, and energy consumption. We conclude with guidelines for
Ruben Saboridoacute;
Rodrigo Morales
Foutse Khomh
Yann-Gael Guuml; ehacute; eneucacute;
Giuliano Antoniol
choosing among the map implementations: HashMap is preferable over ArrayMap to improve energy efficiency of apps, and SparseArray variants should be used instead of HashMap and ArrayMap when keys are primitive types.
Keywords Android · Map data structure · Map implementations · CPU usage · Memory usage · Energy consumption
1 Introduction
Android is a popular open-source operating system developed by Google for mobile devices. Android is successful in part due to the availability of hundreds of thousands of apps written using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and Java.
Google has recently mentioned, during the Google I/O Developers Festival in May 2017, that there are two billion active Android devices in the world.[2] Developers should manage resources mindfully because emerging markets own a significant share of this installed base; for example, there are more Android users in India than in the United States of America. However, many of the devices sold in emerging markets are resource constrained. To mitigate these factors, Google has also announced Android Go, which is a lightweight version of the operative system that is optimized for low-cost devices with less than one gigabyte of memory. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are making their way online for the first time, and Google wants to create a better experience for them. The new Android experience will ship in 2018 for all Android devices that have up to one gigabyte of memory. Google recommends taking a look at the Building for Billions[3] to learn about the importance of offering a useful offline state, reducing apk size, and minimizing memory and battery usages.
Previous empirical studies indicated that software engineers can help reduce energy consumption by considering the energy impacts of their design and implementation decisions, e.g., using dark colors in their graphical user interfaces (Li et al. 2014), considering the performance of different data structures (Manotas et al. 2014), or removing anti-patterns in Android apps (Morales et al. 2017). Hasan et al. (2016) showed that the Java implementations of various data structures differ significantly in terms of energy consumption, depending on the operations (insertions, iterations, and queries). They made developers aware of the consequences of their decisions. e.g., while List and Set collections consume about the same energy for the same operations, HashMap is the most energy-efficient Java map implementation. A map is a data structure used to store and retrieve data as key–value pairs, each key being unique.
Android SDK offers specialized map implementations and a series of video tutorials discussing performance issues.[4] The Android developersrsquo; reference documentation states that “ArrayMapis designed to be more memory efficient than a traditional HashMap”.[5]
When keys are defined as integer primitive types, the documentation also states that “SparseArrayis designed to be more memory efficient than HashMapto map integers to objects”.[6] The same is stated about LongSparseArray and long primitive types used as keys.[7] When keys are defined as integer primitive types and values are defined as integer, long, or boolean primitive types, the documentation also states that SparseIntArray,[8]SparseLongArray,[9] and SparseBooleanArray,[10] respec
摘要:映射是一种数据结构,通常用于将数据存储为键-值对,并将数据检索为键、值或键-值对。虽然Java提供了不同的映射实现类,但Android SDK提供了比HasMap更有效的其他实现:ArrayMap和SabSRAIL(SpasSurix,LongSparseArray,SpulsInTayLay,SabelSunGrand,SabeSoBoLoAlnAln阵列)。然而,这些实现在CPU时间、内存使用和能耗方面的性能在官方的Android文档中缺乏,尽管节省CPU、内存和能源是希望延长电池寿命的用户的主要关注点。因此,我们从两个方面研究了Android开发人员对映射的使用。首先,我们对Github中的5713个Android应用程序进行了观察研究。其次,我们进行了一项调查,以评估开发者对Java和Android映射实现的看法。然后,我们对HashMap、ArrayMap和SparseArray变量映射实现在CPU时间、内存使用和能耗方面进行了实验研究。
关键词:android 映射数据结构 映射实现 cpu使用 内存使用 能耗
1 简介
谷歌最近在2017年5月的谷歌I/O开发者节上提到,世界上有20亿台活跃的Android设备。开发人员应谨慎管理资源,因为新兴市场在这一安装基础上占有很大份额;例如,印度的Android用户比美国的多。然而,在新兴市场销售的许多设备都受到资源限制。为了缓解这些因素,谷歌还发布了Android Go,这是一个操作系统的轻量级版本,针对内存不足1千兆字节的低成本设备进行了优化。世界各地数亿人首次在网上购物,谷歌希望为他们创造更好的体验。新的Android体验将于2018年发布,适用于所有内存高达1 GB的Android设备。google建议您看看这座亿万富翁大厦,了解提供一个有用的离线状态、减少apk大小以及最小化内存和电池使用的重要性。
android sdk提供专门的映射实现和一系列讨论性能问题的视频教程。android开发人员的参考文档指出,“ArrayMap被设计成比传统的HashMap更节省内存”。 当键被定义为整数基元类型时,文档还指出“SparseArray被设计为比HashMap更节省内存,以便将整数映射到对象”。对于用作键的longParseArray和long基元类型也作了同样的说明。当键被定义为整型基元类型,并且值被定义为整型、长型或布尔型基元类型时,文档还指出Sparseintarray、Sparselongarray,parseBooleanarray和SparseBooleanarray分别被设计为比传统的HashMap更高效的内存。除了先前的Android Studio,官方的Android集成开发环境(IDE),警告“使用新的SparseArray代替新的HashMaplt;integer,objectgt;()以获得更好的性能”(对SparseArray变体也给出了类似的警告)。因此,ArrayMap和SparseArray应该比HashMap更受欢迎,根据Android开发者的参考,至少对于包含多达数百个元素的地图来说是这样。对于ArrayMap和SparseArray,文档声明“此实现不适用于可能包含大量项的数据结构。它通常比传统的哈希图慢。“
然而,文件是模糊的,因为(1)它没有提供有关效率的支持证据和定量信息;(2)尽管它不鼓励在包含大量元素的映射中使用它们,但它没有提供更精确的数字(例如,性能信息和要考虑的阈值水平)。因此,尽管当前的文档提高了开发人员对映射实现的优势和局限性的认识,但它没有提供具体的证据,可用于对最适合其应用程序的实现做出明智的决策。“大量”和“一般较慢”之类的表达式是模糊的,它们对开发人员一点帮助都没有。除了前面的内容,文档中没有提到能耗,也没有提到不同映射相关操作和数据大小的性能。在本文中,我们研究了与HashMap相比,android提供的map实现ArrayMap和SparseArray变体的性能,并为开发人员做出明智的决策提供指导。首先,我们对移动应用程序中地图实现的使用进行了最大规模的观察研究。我们分析了截至2016年11月23日在GitHub上托管并在官方Android市场(Google Play)上可用的所有Android应用程序。我们报告(1)HashMap是使用的映射实现,(2)很少使用ArrayMap和SparseArray变量,(3)即使SparseArray变体看起来更合适,也经常采用HashMap。其次,我们调查分析应用程序的Android开发人员,了解他们对映射实现的看法。我们联系了656名开发商,收到了118份(18%)完成的调查。我们报告说,开发人员对不同的android映射实现的含义相当熟悉,他们使用HashMap是因为它是众所周知的。但是,如果大多数开发人员(86%)对其他实现的性能有更具体的信息,他们将替换HashMap。因此,我们对HashMap、ArrayMap和SparseArray变量实现时CPU和内存使用以及能耗进行了实证研究。我们发现虽然前者在内存使用方面比后者好一些,但ArrayMap比HashMap节能和慢一些。我们估计HashMap比ArrayMap平均快13%,消耗的能量比ArrayMap少16%。但是,ArrayMap使用的内存(6%)比HashMap少。如果键是原始类型,我们会发现对于所有性能指标和大多数操作,SparseArray变量比HashMap更有效。使用HashMap而不是SparseArray变体的平均成本CPU时间增加25%,内存增加62%,能量增加6%。使用ArrayMap而不是SparseArray所产生的成本与HashMap类似。
2 背景
Java在包Java.UTIL中提供了三种通用映射实现:HashMap、LinkedHashMap和TeeMeAP。HashMap是HashMap.entry实例的数组,即非基元键和值对。当把一个键-值对放入HashMap中时,会计算出该键的哈希代码,并使用它来获取数组中条目的索引。linked HashMap是一个哈希表和链表的组合,用于实现具有可预测迭代顺序的映射。与HashMap相反,linked HashMap维护其所有条目的双重链接列表,该列表定义了迭代顺序。treemap是另一个使用tree来存储键-值对的实现。按排序顺序,允许快速检索。
ArrayMap和SparseArray变体都位于Android API提供的android.uti包中,但ArrayMap仅在Android API级别19(kitkat)及更高版本中提供。ArrayMap的另一个实现位于包中,适用于较旧版本的android。我们研究这两种实现,但只报告android.util包中实现的结果,因为针对android api 19及更高版本的应用程序将在90%以上的活动设备上运行。
我们从Github(知识库查询和访问日期:2016年12月)中选择了所有在官方Android Marketplace中作为Android应用程序发布的项目,即在readme.md文件中包含指向Google Play Marketplace链接的所有项目。我们选择开源应用程序来研究源代码中地图实现的流行性。
3.3 结果