Conflict is the result of a difference of perception or beliefs among people(PMI,2010).Usually, conflict occurs when are incompatible goals, thoughts to emotions among individuals, resulting in opposition and disagreements. Wall and Callister (1995) define conflict as lsquo;lsquo;hellip;.A process in which on party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another partyrsquo;rsquo;. Ahmed (2007) states that conflict is lsquo;lsquo;perceived difference between two or more parties resulting in mutual oppositionrsquo;rsquo;. Conflict involving the project team, as well as groups that are outsid of the project, can be detrimental to project performance (Y-Chin Liu et al, 2011). Project managers often experience interface conflict that stem from incompatible requirement from different project stakeholders. Each group will generally present differences in attitude towards a project, and these differences will generate interface conflicts (Awakul and Ogunlana, 2002).
The project manager accomplishes project success though project team by motivating all those involved within time, budget, and quality and to the clientrsquo;s satisfaction. According to Hoffer et al.(2002) the project manager uses the required skills in leadership, management, stakeholderrsquo;s relationship and conflict management style to achieve project objectives by motivating the team to ameliorate conflict during project life cycle. The project manager should concentrate on applicable constructive conflict management style. Lee (2008), posited that conflict is part of human reciprocal activity, which require different use of conflict management styles adopted by the project manager to maintain harmony within the organization.
Rahim and Bonoma (1979) outline the most common five styles of dealing with conflict: confronting, dominating, compromising, accommodating and avoiding
Khanaki and Hassanzadeh (2010) and Kuhn and Poole (2000) looked at confronting conflict management style in project management as a situation that allow conflict to be resolved between two parties that result in a win-win situation. This style involves clear and straight communication and it makes available utmost declaration. Thammavijitdej (2000) posited that confrontation has proven to be the most efficacious of all the conflict management styles since it encourages openness and a cut clear information synthesis from one party to another.
Compromising is considered to be given and take. Lee K.L.(2008) and Verma V.K. (1998 see compromising as bargaining to solve the pending conflict that satisfy both parties and always catering for unequivocal resolve. It is good to use when both parties need to win; there is a deadlock, there is not enough time, the need to maintain the relationship is crucial and there is no suitable time, in other words, both parties gain something to lose something.
Accommodating allow for the point of view of everyone and synthesizes to have an agreement and allegiance of the parties involved in conflict, which always produce a long lasting solution. Its final result is a win-win situation according to thammavijitdej P. (2000) and the result benefits all the parties involved.
Forcing conflict management style is a condition of high concern fo onersquo;s self and a low concern for others as it is an indication of establishing onersquo;s idea over others leading to a win-lose situation. This in turn encourages forcing to win at the expense of other TMs (Cheung, C., 1999; Friendman R.A. et al, 2000, Rahim M.A 2002;Hans A. and Bariki A.S.2012). The project manager that uses this technique will become an authoritarian or a dictator and the project will suffer the consequences.
Avoiding is the situation of conflict avoidance as they ignore it and look somewhere else whenever conflict arises. Zikmann, R (1992) attributed conflict avoidance as a passive response to conflict in which the concern for both parties is ignored.
These same styles are being presently considerd to analyze the consequences of a project managerrsquo;s conflict management styles on the project teamrsquo;s motivation (Mumuni, 2013) confirming the most successful project conflict management styles through ranking. The ranking orders indicate that the confronting conflict management style is the most important of the five, followed by accommodating and compromising respectively, while forcing came in fourth and avoiding, fifth. This study recommends that the conflict management style adopted should be based on the nature of the contending issues; the project stakeholderrsquo;s demand and the urgency to deliver the project as soon as possible.
Most research on conflict implies that its management is a process: 1) identification, 2) resolution, 3) enactment, and 4) evaluation, analyzing the impact of conflict type on project performance. The conflict process is based on previous condition, emotions, perceptions and behaviors. By examining conflict as a process, Iorio and Taylor (2014) developed a model to understand conflict, not only examining failures which occur within the conflict management process, but also identifying phases when conflict is successfully mediated. Different interactional patterns between distributed project TMs and boundary objects have demonstrated a reduction in conflict duration Regardless of network diversity, networks that interacted with the boundary objects in certain ways were able to identify and resolve conflicts more quickly.
A general consensus from researchers indicates that what triggers conflict may be an internal pr external change, a cause or result of communication, emotions, values, organization structure, workgroup diversity or personal experience (Desivilya and Yagil, 2005, Farmer and Roth, 1998, fine et al., 1990; Jameson, 1999; Jones and Deckro,1993; Jones and Melcher 1982; Tjo8vold and Su, 200; Wall and Callister,1995)毕业设计外文翻译译文
冲突是人们感知或信仰差异的结果(PMI,2010年)。通常,冲突发生在目标不相容、个人对情绪的想法不一致、导致反对和分歧的情况下。Wall and Callister(1995)将冲突定义为“hellip;hellip;一个缔约方意识到其利益受到另一方反对或负面影响的过程”。艾哈迈德(2007)指出,冲突是“两个或两个以上政党之间的感知差异,导致相互反对”。涉及项目团队以及项目以外的群体的冲突可能会对项目绩效造成不利影响(Y-Chin Liu等人,2011年)。项目经理经常会遇到来自不同项目涉众的不兼容需求导致的接口冲突。每个小组在对待一个项目的态度上通常都会有差异,这些差异会产生接口冲突(Awakul和Ogunlana,2002年)。
妥协被认为是给予和接受。Lee K.L.(2008)和Verma V.K.(1998)将妥协视为解决双方满意的未决冲突的谈判,并始终满足明确的解决方案。当双方都需要胜利的时候,这是很好的利用;有僵局,没有足够的时间,维持关系的需要是至关重要的,而且没有合适的时间,换句话说,双方都会得到一些东西来失去一些东西。
通融允许每个人的观点,并综合考虑有一个协议和冲突各方的忠诚,这总是产生一个持久的解决办法。根据Thammavijitdej P.(2000年)的观点,其最终结果是一个双赢的局面,结果对所有相关方都有利。
强迫冲突管理方式是一种对自己高度关注、对他人低关注的状态,因为它是种对他人确立观念、导致输赢局面的标志。这反过来又鼓励以牺牲其他队员为代价的强迫取胜(Cheung,C.,1999;Friendman R.A.等人,2000;Rahim M.A,2002;Hans A.和Bariki A.S.2012)。使用这种技术的项目经理将成为一个独裁者或独裁者,并且项目将承担后果。
研究人员的普遍共识表明,引发冲突的可能是内部公关外部变化、沟通、情感、价值观、组织结构、工作组多样性或个人经验的原因或结果(Desivilya和Yagil,2005年,Farmer和Roth,1998年,Fine等人,1990年;Jameson,1999年;Jones和Deckro,1993年;Jones和Melcher 1982;Tjo8vold和Su,200;Wall和Callister,1995)
Kaushal R.等人(2006)探讨了文化、个性和冲突解决方式之间的关系。他们在研究中概述了文化变量与冲突解决方式、人格变量与冲突解决方式之间的假设联系。Cingoz-Ulu B.和Lalond R.N.(2007)进一步探讨了在同性友谊、异性友谊和浪漫关系背景下冲突管理策略的文化差异。结果表明,总体而言,人际关系比异性友谊更广泛地使用冲突管理策略,同性友谊介于两者之间。
一些作者分析了项目和组织中冲突的应急视角(Cameron和Whetten,2007年;De Dreu和Weingart,2003年;Mantel和Mederith,2009年),确定了评估冲突对项目团队成功的积极和消极影响的必要性,区分了三种基本类型的冲突:内部人(TMS之间的关系紧张)、任务(当利益相关者对项目的优先级、范围和/或要求不一致时)和过程冲突(如何执行任务以实现项目目标)。
冲突是一种不可避免的现象,发生在我们日常生活的每一部分,无论是在组织内部还是外部。随着发现组织内部和组织内部的冲突日益增多,学术学者和从业人员都对冲突给予了极大的关注(Amason,1996;Amason、Thompson、Hochwater和Harrison,1995;Cronin和Weingart,2007;Gibson和Callister,2010;Jameson,1999;Morris Conley和Ken 200;Li、Chun、Ashkanasy,amp;Ahlstrom,2012年;Pondy,1992年;Schotteramp;Beamish,2011年;Sheltonamp;Darling,2004年;Wall and Callister,1995年)。研究人员注意到,许多关于冲突的研究都带来了积极的结果(Amason,1996年;Amasonamp;Schweiger,1997年;Rahim,2011年;Simonsamp;Peterson,2000年);然而,其他的研究也证明了相反的结果(De Dreuamp;Weingart,2003年;Jehn,1995年;Jehnamp;Mannix,2001年;Tepper,Mossamp;Duffy,2011年)。导致冲突研究结果的原因是缺乏有效的冲突管理技能对冲突结果产生影响。具体来说,冲突本身不能给组织带来有用的功能或有害的结果,相反,冲突结果取决于员工的个人意识和对冲突和冲突管理技能价值的认识(Rahim,2011年)。从本质上讲,冲突与积极或消极的结果没有直接关系。冲突的积极结果来自使用适当的冲突管理技能,而冲突的消极结果来自使用不适当的冲突管理技能(Barki和Hartwick,2001年)。研究表明,高绩效员工知道如何管理冲突,从而使冲突产生积极的贡献,而效率较低的员工避免冲突或允许冲突产生消极的后果,进而导致工作绩效不佳(Amason、Thompson、Hochwarter和Harrison,1995;Desivillya、Somech和Lidgoster,2010;LEster、Parnell和Carraher,2010年;Zhang、Cao和Tjosvold,2011年)。
冲突研究人员的重点并不是确定冲突的原因(Deutsch,1990年;Wallamp;Callister,1995年)。各种因素有助于为冲突的出现奠定基础。德克斯和帕克斯认为,争议者之间的相互依赖性,以及在目标、价值观或目标上的实际或感知到的差异,他们认为另一方可能干扰这些目标、价值观或目标的实现,从而导致工作场所的冲突(德克斯和帕克斯,2003年)。Putnam和Poole(1987)将资源竞争、系统协调、工作分配和参与决策视为组织冲突的关键因素。组织内部各部门之间不断加剧的冲突归因于各部门之间资源和工作流程的相互依赖、短期目标的差异以及对自主权的渴望(Barclay,1991;Duttonamp;Walton,1966;Gresham等人,2006;Lovelace等人,2001;Nautaamp;SanderS,2001;van de venamp;Ferry,1980年)。