Chapter 8
Intermodal Transportation
Teodor Gabriel Crainic
Deacute;partement management et technologie, Eacute;cole des Sciences de la Gestion, Universiteacute; du Queacute;bec agrave; Montreacute;al, and Centre de recherche sur les transports – CIRRELT,
Montreacute;al, Canada E-mail:
Kap Hwan Kim
Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea
- mail:
Keywords: Intermodal transportation, freight transportation, operations research
1 Introduction
Intermodal transportation may be defined as the transportation of a person or a load from its origin to its destination by a sequence of at least two transportation modes, the transfer from one mode to the next being performed at an intermodal terminal. The concept is very general and thus, it means many things to many people: transportation of containerized cargo by a combination of truck, rail, and ocean shipping, dedicated rail services to move massive quantities of containers and trailers over long distances, main transportation mode for the international movement of goods, central piece in defining transportation policy for the European Community, trips undertaken by a combination of private (e.g., car) and public (e.g., light rail) transport, and so on. One must therefore start with a few definitions to set the terminology and limit the scope of this chapter. First, although both people and freight transportation can be examined from an intermodal perspective, we limit the scope of this chapter to freight.
In one of its most widely accepted meanings, intermodal freight transportations refers to a multimodal chain of container-transportation services. This chain usually links the initial shipper to the final consignee of the container (socalled door-to-door service) and takes place over long distances. Transportation is often provided by several carriers. In a classical example of an intercontinental intermodal chain, loaded containers leave a shipperrsquo;s facility by truck either directly to port or to a rail yard from where a train will deliver them to port. A ship will move the containers from this initial port to a port on the other continent, from where they will be delivered to the final destination by a single or a combination of “land” transportation means: truck, rail, coastal or rivernavigation. Several intermodal terminals are part of this chain: the initial and final seaport container terminals, where containers are transferred between the ocean navigation and land transportation modes, as well as in-land terminals (rail yards, river ports, etc.) providing transfer facilities between the land modes.
Container transportation is a major component of intermodal transportation and international commerce and this importance is reflected in this chapter. Intermodal transportation is not only about containers and intercontinental exchanges, however. On the one hand, a significant part of international trade that is moved in containers does not involve ocean navigation, land transportation means providing the intermodal chain. On the other hand, other types of cargo may be moved by a chain of transportation means and require intermodal transfer facilities, as illustrated by the definition European Conference of Ministers of Transport (2001) gives for intermodal transportation: “movement of goods in one and the same loading unit or vehicle, which uses successively two or more modes of transport without handling the goods themselves in changing modes”. This last definition is still too restrictive, however. Thus, for example, the transportation of express and regular mail on a regional or national scale is strongly intermodal, using various combinations of road, rail, and air transportation modes, and yet freight is handled (sorted and grouped) in terminals. More generally, the transportation of less-thanvehicle-capacity loads by nondedicated services is intermodal, since it involves pickup (at origin) and delivery (at destination) operations, usually performed by trucks, at least one long-haul transportation movement by road, rail, river, or air, as well as transfer activities between these modes in dedicated terminals.
Almost all types of freight carriers and terminal operator may, thus, be involved in intermodal transportation, either by providing service for part of the transportation chain or by operating an intermodal transportation system (network). We limit the scope of the chapter to the latter with a particular focus on container-based systems, including container terminals in seaports. The national/regional planning perspective, which considers the flow of multiple products on multimodal networks, is also addressed.
Compared to several other application areas, Operations Research models and methods for intermodal freight transportation is still a very young domain. In many cases, there are not, yet, widely accepted models and methodologies. Work is indeed proceeding as this chapter is being written. Therefore, the goal of the chapter is to be informative and provide a starting point for future research. The chapter overviews the evolution of the intermodal transportation field and presents methodological developments proposed to address a number of important operations and planning issues: system and service design for intermodal transportation networks, container fleet management, container terminal operations and scheduling, national planning. We focus on models. Algorithmic developments are indicated but not examined in any depth. To structure the presentation, we follow the somewhat classical approach of examining issues, models, and methods according to whether they belong to the strategic, tactic, or operational level of planning and management of operations. The chapter is therefore organized as follows. Section 2
货物的运输需求来源于生产者和消费者之间的相互作用以及他们之间的距离。生产商的运输需求是搬运原材料和半成品,并配送成品以满足客户需要。托运人,可能是货物的生产者或一些中介公司(如经纪人),从而产生运输需求。承运人通过提供运输服务来回应这种需求。铁路、海运、卡车运输公司和邮政服务都是承运人。考虑到他们提供的服务类型,海港、多式联运平台和其他这样的设施也可以被描述为承运人。政府对基础设施的建设捐款:如道路、港口的大部分建设、航道和铁路设施等,当然政府对这些行业进行管理(例如危险货物和毒品的运输)和税收。我们不打算详细介绍货运,而是描述涉及多式联运的长途承运人和港站的基本操作和规划问题,特别是以集装箱为基础的系统,包括海港集装箱码头。第一小节给出了一些以集装箱为基础的运输的相关统计数据和趋势。第二节和第三节是专用写长途承运人和海港集装箱码头的。关于这些问题的评论可以在以下文章中找到:Assad (1980), Cordeau et al. (1998)和 Crainic (1988) 关于铁路运输的、Delorme et al. (1988)和 Powell (1988) 关于电动车运输的、Guuml;nther, Kim (2005)和Steenken et al.(2004)关于集装箱码头的。Crainic (2000,2003), Crainic 和Laporte (1997), Daganzo (2005), Dejax 和 Crainic (1987),Powell (2003), Powell 和Topaloglu (2003, 2005), Powell et al. (1995, 2007)提出的评论更广泛,解决了多个运输相关的问题或模型。与拣货和交付货物有关的问题和方法,通常称为车辆路线和调度问题,不包含在本章中。有兴趣的读者可以参考 Golden 和Assad (1988), Ball et al. (1995), Dror (2000), Toth 和Vigo (2002)和 Cordeau et al. (2007)的文章。
与集装箱相关的运输活动在过去十年中有了显著的增长而且这种趋势并没有显示任何放缓的迹象,全球每年集装箱吞吐量(百万标准箱(20英尺集装箱)如表1所示(2006年的数据为估计的;Koh和Kim,2001; ISL,2006)。以集装箱为主的运输最初的增长是因为其提供了避免货损货差的安全性。她具有减少货物装卸、运输标准化和转移设备成本经济和高效率方面的优势,也可提供全世界范围内的门到门多式联运服并推动行业发展。集装箱多式联运是国际货物运输的重要部分。
表1 全球集装箱吞吐量
年份 |
集装箱吞吐量(百万TEU) |
增长率(%) |
1993 |
113.2 |
12.5 |
1995 |
137.2 |
9.8 |
1997 |
153.5 |
4.2 |
1999 |
203.2 |
10 |
2000 |
225.3 |
10.9 |
2001 |
231.6 |
2.8 |
2002 |
240.6 |
3.9 |
2003 |
254.6 |
58 |
2004 |
280.0 |
10.6 |
2005 |
310.5 |
10.9 |
因此,卡车运输是在动态变化很大的环境中运行的,对未来的需求知之甚少,在顾客指定的地点等待延迟,装载的精确位置和空车等待等等。除此之外,调度员可以用来处理客户或驾驶员的要求的时间通常是非常短(大多数这样的决定是实时执行的)。服务是为每个客户量身定制的,同时及时分配任务给车辆,实现盈利也非常重要。因此资源管理和分配战略的发展是管理过程的核心。这些策略试图最大化满足需求量(运输量)和相关的利润,同时充分利用可用资源:司机,拖拉机和拖车车队等。在这一章当中我们不解决这些问题,感兴趣的读者可以参考 Powell (2003) 和Powell et al. (2007)等人的文章。然而,请注意,大多数方法都是为定制承运人解决的资源管理和分配问题,也可能适合为组合承运人解决运营级别的车队管理问题(第4节)。
整合运输承运人和基本上所有的多式联运运输系统被组织成所谓的中心辐射网络,如图1所示。在这样的系统中,在一定数量的起点和终点(本地/区域枢纽)之间提供服务,图1中数字1-9表示节点。这个数字明显大于由承运人运营的由起运地至目的地的直达服务。所以,利用规模经济的优势,小批量需求将会首先转移到中间点 - 合并的港站或枢纽(图1中的节点A,B和C) - 例如机场、海港集装箱码头铁、铁路站场或联运平台。在枢纽内,交通流被合并为更大的流量通过高频率,高容量的服务(图1中的厚实线和虚线)一起运输到其他枢纽。如图所示,在枢纽之间,不同的模式下有不止一种服务在运行。更低的频率服务通常是经营小型车辆,用于枢纽和起始目的地节点之间(图中的常规线路)。当需求水平调节时,高频率,高容量的服务可能会在枢纽和区域港站之间(节点A和9)运行或两个区域港站(节点4和5)之间运行。注意货物从起点-终点港站被运走和配送是通过车辆走拣货和配送路线或定制服务。零担货物汽车承运人和邮政服务是第一起案件的例子,铁路和海运集装箱(执行当地运输活动的驳船或卡车)是第二种。但是,由于规划合并的长途运输承运人时,一般不包括这些活动,所以我们没有进一步讨论这个话题。
图1 整合港站/枢纽网络图