
 2021-11-20 23:17:51

英语原文共 6 页


出处:CS Singh.Green Construction: Analysis on Green and Sustainable Building Techniques[J]Civil Engineering Research Journal.2018,4(3):1-6


Green Construction: Analysis on Green and Sustainable Building Techniques

Abstract Green building concept, in broader terms, involves a building, which is designed, built, operated, maintained or reused with objectives to protect occupant health, improve employee productivity, use wisely natural resources and reduce the environmental impact .In other words the green building process incorporates environmental considerations into every stage of the building construction. This process focuses on the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases and takes into account the lot design and development efficiency, energy and water efficiency, resource efficiency, indoor environmental quality, building-owner maintenance and the buildingrsquo;s overall impact on the environment. The design of green buildings should thus begin with the selection and use of eco-friendly materials with related or better features than traditional building materials. Building materials are usually selected through functional, technical and financial requirements. However, with sustainability as a crucial issue in the last decades, the building sector, directly or indirectly causing a considerable portion of the annual environmental deterioration, can take up the obligation to contribute to sustainable development by finding more environmentally benign methods of construction and building. Among the directions for solutions is to be found in new material applications, recycling and reuse, sustainable production of products or use of green resources, Careful selection of eco-friendly sustainable building materials may be the fastest way for builders to start integrating sustainable design concepts in buildings. Therefore, Selection of construction materials that have minimum environmental burdens is useful in the sustainable development of a nation. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how sustainable building material can contribute to lessen the impact of environmental degradation, and generate healthy buildings which can be sustainable to the occupant as well as our environment.

Here it itrsquo;s a small concept is presented in the paper to save environment amp; energy conservation: GREEN CONSTRUCTION CONCEPT. This concept will be a major step for the building sector for eco friendly design on energy amp;environmental concerns.

Keywords: Green building; Sustainable development; Modern building techniques; Cost efficiency; Environment friendly


The term “Green” refers to environmentally friendly practices from building design to the landscaping choices. It also optimist amp; Economic energy use, water use, and storm water and west water reuse. The term “Green Building” applies not just to products, but to construction strategies, building design and construction practice and promotes the economic health and well-being of your family, the community and the environment. A smart step toward personal economic rewards, green building has positive social and environmental ramifications that assert your commitment to the future and the way we live for years to come. Buildings have a tremendous impact on the environment, using about 40% of natural resources extracted in industrialized nations, consuming virtually 70% of electricity and 12% of potable water, and producing between 45% and 65% of the waste disposed in our landfills. Additionally, they are responsible for a massive amount of harmful emissions, accounting for 30% of greenhouse gases, due to their operation, and an additional 18% induced indirectly by material Exploitation and transportation. Simultaneously, the bad quality of indoor environments may result in health issues to employees in office buildings, hence, reducing efficiency.

From the environmental impact perspective, the building sector has a significant effect on the entire environment. Residential buildings represent a large percentage of the built environment, and the selections of materials and layouts are necessary for the general sustainability. Considerable initiatives have been carried out by the research community worldwide, in order to find alternative sustainable building materials and low technology methods, which result in a more sustainable and affordable construction adhering to the comfort standards needed today. Adopting green building materials is an excellent approach to meet this target. Selection of construction materials which have minimum environmental burdens is useful in the sustainable development of a country. Therefore, building related contribution to environmental issues is large and therefore essential. Selecting environmentally preferable building products is an excellent method to boost a buildings environmental performance. While there is obviously an immediate need for new technologies to optimize the application of low-impact building materials, it is also true that there are several technologies or systems, currently in use. Many have originated from an earlier influx of sustainable housing activism and development, prompted by the 1970s environmental movement, and then boosted by the force for better energy efficient buildings. their strategy has been referred to as effective in spreading ideas about best practice to dedicated green advocates, builders and individuals seeking for an alternative means of determining the material-selection process, very few such systems are available that support the effective and substantial use of local and recycled building materials in the design-decision making phase of a building.

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