附录Y 外文原文
Active temperature compensation design of sensor with fiber gratings
Since 1978, Hill and others in Canada the first time in germanium-doped silica fiber is found in light and the legal system used to create the worlds first standing wave a fiber Bragg grating and the United States in 1989 and others achieving Melt Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) write side of the UV laser technology, fiber grating manufacturing technology continues to improve, people in the optical fiber grating sensor research has become more extensive and in-depth. Fiber Bragg Grating sensor sensor with general anti-electromagnetic interference, high sensitivity, small size, light weight, low cost, suitable for high temperature, corrosive environment, such as the use of the advantages, it also has the intrinsic ability to self-coherent and in a single fiber on the use of multiplexing with point complex, distributed parameter measurements to distinguish the unique advantages. Therefore, FBG sensors have become the hot sensor. By the light source, fiber Bragg grating sensors and signal demodulation system consisting of fiber grating-based system to be able to reduce costs and improve measurement accuracy, and so on to meet the real-time measurement of the premise, so that the various parts to achieve the best match to meet the Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor system in the modernization of all areas of practical research is focused on the need to consider.
In this paper, fiber Bragg grating sensor system, the fiber Bragg grating system for broadband light source are described, focusing on an analysis of the sensor fiber Bragg grating sensors can distinguish between theory and measurement techniques, commonly used to signal the signal demodulation method summarized Finally, the proposed order to meet the future needs of the various parts of the system optimization measures.
Fiber Bragg Grating sensor system is mainly by the broadband light source, fiber Bragg grating sensors, composed of signal demodulation. Broadband light source to provide light for energy, fiber Bragg grating sensor using the light sensor light source was measured outside information, outside of information was measured through the signal demodulation system is reflected in real time.
The quality of light determines the performance of the entire system by sending the mixed optical signal. In Fiber Bragg Grating sensor, as a result of sensing the amount of wavelength encoding, the light source must have wide bandwidth and strong output power and stability to meet the needs of distributed sensor system in parameter measurement needs. Fiber Bragg Grating sensor system commonly used in light of LED, LD and doped with different concentrations, different types of light rare-earth ions. LED light sources have a wide bandwidth, up to dozens of nanotechnology, which have a higher reliability, but lower output power of light source, and it is very difficult with the single-mode fiber coupling. With a monochromatic light source LD good coherence, and high power characteristics. However, poor stability of LD spectra (4 times; 10-4 / ℃). Therefore, the two kinds of light the shortcomings of its own constraints on their optical sensing applications. Doping of different types, different concentrations of light rare-earth ions is the most extensive study of erbium-doped light. Now C-band erbium-doped light source has been developed and used in optical communication with the capacity and speed of communication requirements and distributed optical fiber sensing points intensive bandwidth requirements of the light source, L-band study of more and more important. Researchers put forward C L band of the development of programs to enhance the bandwidth and power sources. Erbium-doped light source in the temperature stability than the semiconductor light source to increase the number of level 2 at the same time, can provide high power, wide bandwidth and a longer service life, therefore, can expand the fiber grating sensor measuring range to improve the detection of a letter noise ratio.
Fiber Bragg grating sensors can be achieved on the temperature, strain, such as the direct measurement of physical quantities. Fiber Bragg grating wavelength as a result of temperature and strain at the same time sensitive to temperature and strain at the same time that is caused by coupling wavelength shift of fiber grating, the coupling by measuring the fiber grating wavelength shift on temperature and strain can not be distinguished. Thus, the solution to the issue of cross-sensitive to achieve the distinction between temperature and stress sensor measurements are a prerequisite for practical use. The adoption of certain technologies to determine the stress and temperature change to achieve the distinction of temperature and stress measurements. The basic principles of these technologies is the use of two or two with different temperature and strain sensitivity of fiber Bragg grating in response to constitute a double-grating temperature and strain sensors, through the identification of two fiber Bragg grating temperature and strain sensitivity coefficient, the use of two binary solution temperature and strain. Measurement techniques to distinguish between general can be divided into two categories, namely, multi-fiber grating measurement and measurement of single fiber Bragg grating.
Fiber Bragg Grating measurements include hybrid FBG / long period grating (long period grating) method, two-period fiber grating method, fiber Bragg grating / FP cavity integrated complex usage, FBG written into the law overlap. Have their own advantages and disadvantages of various methods. FBG / LPG demodulation method is simple, but very difficult to guarantee that the same measurement point, an accuracy of 9 times; 10-6,1.5 ℃. Two-period fiber grating measurement method can guarantee the position, improve the measuremen
附录X 译文
光源性能的好坏决定着整个系统所送光信号的好坏。在光纤光栅传感中,由于传感量是对波长编码,光源必须有较宽的带宽和较强的输出功率与稳定性,以满足分布式传感系统中多点多参量测量的需要。光纤光栅传感系统常用的光源的有LED,LD和掺杂不同浓度、不同种类的稀土离子的光源。LED光源有较宽的带宽,可达到几十个纳米,有较高的可靠性,但光源的输出功率较低,且很难与单模光纤耦合。LD光源具有单色性好、相干性强、功率高的特点。但LD光谱的稳定性差(4times;10-4/℃)。因此,这2种光源自身的缺点制约了它们在光传感中的应用。掺杂不同种类、不同浓度的稀土离子的光源研究最广泛的是掺铒光源。现在C波段掺铒光源已经研制成功并使用,随着光通信中对通信容量和速度的要求及分布式光纤传感密集布点对光源带宽要求,L波段的研究越来越重要。有研究者提出C L波段的研制方案以提高光源的带宽和功率。掺铒光源在温度稳定性方面比半导体光源提高2个数量级,同时,能提供较高的功率、宽的带宽和较长的使用寿命,因此,可以扩大光纤光栅传感器的测量范围,提高检测的信噪比。
多光纤光栅测量主要包括混合FBG/长周期光栅(long period grating)法、双周期光纤光栅法、光纤光栅/F-P腔集成复用法、双FBG重叠写入法。各种方法各有优缺点。FBG/LPG法解调简单,但很难保证测量的是同一点,精度为9times;10-6,1.5℃。双周期光纤光栅法能保证测量位置,提高了测量精度,但光栅强度低,信号解调困难。光纤光栅/F-P腔集成复用法传感器温度稳定性好、体积小、测量精度高,精度可达20times;10-6,1℃,但F-P的腔长调节困难,信号解调复杂。双FBG重叠写入法精度较高,但是,光栅写入困难,信号解调也比较复杂。
2004年12月12日得到了用于补偿光纤光栅传感器温度影响的技术出现的消息。 用于应变传感器和其他与应变相关的传感器,如电磁传感器,这个技术设计了一种新颖的结构,将两个光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)作为应变差分传感器,并取消了温度效应。运用这种技术,应力灵敏度已被放大达到0.226 nm / N,总变异在3-45℃的范围内的波长差为0.03nm,是未补偿的FBG的1/14,该结构可用于不敏感的静态应变测量和微小振动测量。
光纤光栅是具有光学功能的新型光子器件,其反射峰和吸附峰可以通过应变和并回复。光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)以及光收发器是应用广泛的传感器组件,通信主要依赖于通信的放大器其波长调制技术。一般来说,为了测量应力,电压和电流,FBG与物质的表面结合可以接受应变引起的饰面应力,电场和磁场,但应变和温度可以移动FBG的布拉格波长,变化的波长超过100℃的温度范围,光栅高达1 nm,一些结构已经提出了FBG的条纹补偿。其中一种方法是利用两个具有不同热膨胀系数的物质使得布拉格波长的温度偏移速率为补偿光栅在30一700C的范围内仅0.07nm / 100℃。另一个是粘贴两个FBG在磁致伸缩传感器的表面,但在两个垂直方向所以温度的影响是可以忽略的。用作传感器,因为应变而温度,FBG的波长偏移是输出参数。 在本文中,我们提出了一种方法用于光纤光栅中的有源温度补偿。 通过测量两个FBG的波长差用作应变差动传感器,确定依赖效应得到补偿。 设计有一个宽线性范围 实验证明波长差的总变化范围内的3〜45°C为0.03nm,未补偿的FBG为1/14。 具有近Bragg波长的两个FBG被环氧化轴向到两个使用的量的表面上相同的材质和形状。 当受温和影响时,峰值波长的相对偏移是
其中pe是纤维的光弹性常数,E是ax-FBG,△的应变是热光系数纤维,量热膨胀数与FBG。 由于温度变化OT,DaB / aB可以表示为
为了补偿温度的影响,四个量形成正正方形。该设计在图1中,光束与FBG连接到的一个角落,另一个用 2 FBG用于加入op-定位四方的角落。 那两个FBG是连续连接 通过这种结构,拉力F可引起相等的拉伸应力和压缩应力在两个量上用FBG。
其中和拉伸应变和压缩应变分别为Dalgt; 0和} a2 lt;0。因为两个量具有相同的形状和配合它们具有相同的应变和温度特性。 然后使用与(1一pe)一样的公式公式(3)和(4),波长的变化力F可表示为:
其中X11和a22是受影响的FBG的新波长通过拉F显然,} a是线性的力和独立的温度,但敏感 -对力的扩增。 F的动作增加两个反射峰之间的差异光纤光栅。为了满足双向应变传感器的需要,使用带有FBG的光束的滑动槽,这可以将量保持原来的直线状态。 当F是压缩力时,压缩应变因子(1一pe)e导致p 1 lt;0,拉伸应变因子(1一pe)e`导致p 2gt; 0。 所以结果是两个反射峰之间的差异减小0a可以表示为:
因为两个量有相同的应变特征,当F改变时两根量改变其应变方向。 基于上述分析,我们发现对力F的作用仍然线性同步,对是:
图2 5-N拉伸力反射光谱
图3 6-N拉伸力反射光谱
选择相同的材料和相同的形状的3 x 3 x 42 mm3大小的两份实验材料。附近有两个FBG布拉格波长轴然后进行热处理。光从宽带源(BBS)通过3dB耦合器耦合分为两个串联FBG,来自返回端口的反射率的耦合器通过使用光谱分析仪(OSA,Agilent 86140B)与0.07 nm最小分辨率。在18°C,峰值波长为FBG被测量为} 1 = 1548.37nm并且J} 2 =1548.07 nm,分别为A和B在图通过图2所示的设计。 1,拉精密压力表的力和压缩力可以被加载图2显示了反射光谱施加拉伸力为5N的结构免费状态。 A1和B1表示峰A和的偏移B。图3显示了反射光谱的施加压力为6N的结构和自由状态。 AZ和BZ表示变化峰A和B。和...之间的不同FBG相对于应用的两个反射峰拉力绘制在图1中。 4. 0}成正比力F。从这些数据我们得到一个拉敏感,0.136nm / N的感光度和0.09nm / N的按压灵敏度,所以力的总灵敏度为0.226nm / N。也是通过实验证明压缩力可以导致同的结果,对应于以前的分析。根据理论分析,测量反射峰的差异可以使温度 - 不敏感的静态应变