I n t e l l i g
e n t
E - B u s i n e s s
A Multi-agent Framework for Automated Online Bargaining
Fu-ren Lin and Kuang-yi Chang, National Sun Yat-sen University
he rapid development of Internet technologies is making online shopping and business-to-business purchasing an increasingly attractive option. For example,
search engines and electronic catalogs are useful for researching products and vendors. More advanced still are automated bargaining agents—such as eMediator, AuctionBot,
Automated online bargaining is currently limited by fixed price-issuing capabilities. The authors propose a multiagent framework for automated bargaining that uses pattern matching and a dynamic price- issuing agent to better serve customers and the sellerrsquo;s bottom line.
Tete-a-Tete, and Kasbah—which facilitate price negotiations between buyers and sellers.1,2 Research shows that people might actually prefer shopping online at e-stores that offer the chance to negotiate prices, even if they donrsquo;t end up with the lowest price.3 Despite this clear opportunity, few electronic stores and online business-to-business operations currently offer automated bargaining.
There are several reasons for this. First, the mar- ket determines pricing for products currently sold at e-stores, and sellers see no benefit to bargaining. Sec- ond, e-stores that let buyers bargain without auto- mated support for the process are likely to be over- whelmed by numerous simultaneous transactions. Finally, existing automated support lacks the intelli- gence required to handle real-world situations. To meet demands, software agents must be capable of learning from experiences. Also, existing bargain- ing agents use simple, fixed strategies to issue prices and cannot handle complex situations.
To address this, wersquo;re developing a multiagent framework to support a dynamic, online bargaining process. Our online dynamic bargaining (ODB) sys- tem uses three agents: one that uses data mining tech- niques to generalize bargaining patterns, one that matches the current transaction to an existing pat- tern to facilitate the best vendor response, and a third that dynamically issues prices based on utility theory. Wersquo;ve prototyped the ODB system as a bargain- ing system for various applications, such as online used-car trading. We also use it as a reference in our ongoing development of intelligent bargaining sys- tems, comparing it against different intelligent bar-
gaining approaches, including neural networks and persuasive mechanisms. Here, we describe how the ODB system works and show results from a field experiment in which we compared its performance to that of a similar system in terms of the sellerrsquo;s profit and customer satisfaction.
ODB system framework
A bargaining process consists of a series of price shifts by both sellers and buyers. A deal is made when both sides agree on a proposed price. An auto- mated bargaining system supports this process first by issuing prices according to updates from both sides, then by deciding to accept an offered price.
The ODB system works on the seller side using a multiagent framework to bargain prices with buyers. Figure 1 shows the ODB system architecture. The system consists of three agents: a dynamic price- issuing agent, a pattern generalization agent, and a pattern-matching agent. The dynamic price-issuing and pattern-matching agents execute in front-end settings, interacting with buyers in real time. The pat- tern generalization agent executes in back-end set- tings, processing transaction data periodically to generate bargaining patterns in batch mode.
We define the bargaining pattern as follows: The sellerrsquo;s price series is denoted as S = {S0, S1, S2, ...., Sn} and the buyerrsquo;s is denoted as B = {B0, B1, B2, ...., Bn}. Si and Bi indicate prices issued at the ith step by a seller and a buyer, respectively. Figure 2 shows an example of a bargaining process, including gain and premium, which we describe in more detail later. A bargaining pattern generalizes both price series (S and
JULY/AUGUST 2001 1094-7167/01/$10.00 copy; 2001 IEEE 41
Figure 1. The ODB system architecture consists of three agents: a dynamic price-issuing agent, a matching agent, and a pattern generalization agent that generates bargaining patterns.
B). Formally, the slope list of selling prices is denoted as SoS = {K0, K1, K2, ...., Kn}, where K0 = (B0 S0) / S0; K1 = (S0 S1) / S0; K2 = (S1
S2) / S0, ....; and Kn = (Sn1 Sn)/ S0. The slope list of buying prices is denoted as SoB =
Pattern database
Back end
Generalization agent
Transactions database
Front end
Dynamic Matching price- agent issuing
Web interface
{A0, A1, A2, ...., An}, where A0 = (B0 S0) / S0;
A1 = (B1 lt;
有几个原因导致这种情况的发生。第一,市场决定目前在电子商店销售的产品价格,而且卖家认为议价不能得到任何好处。 第二,让买家在没有自动化支持的情况下进行议价的电子商店可能会被大量的并发事务所淹没。最后,现有的自动化支持缺乏处理真实情况的智能。为了满足需求,软件代理必须能够从经验中学习。而且,现有的议价代理商使用简单,固定的策略来发行价格,这样无法处理复杂的情况。
为了解决这个问题,我们正在开发一个多主体框架来支持动态的在线议价过程。我们的在线动态议价(Online Dynamic Bargaining ODB)系统使用三种代理:一种是使用数据挖掘技术归纳出议价模式;一种是将当前交易与现有模式匹配来促进产生最佳供应商响应;第三个是根据实用理论动态定价的。
图1 ODB系统架构由三个代理组成:
我们定义了交易模式如下:卖方的价格序列表示为S = {S0, S1, S2, ....,Sn}而买方则表示为B = {B0, B1, B2, ....,Bn}.。Si和 Bi指示卖方和买方在第i步发布的价格。图2显示了一个议价过程的例子,包括收益和保险费,我们稍后将对此进行更详细的描述。议价模式概括了价格系列(S和B)。
形式上,销售价格的斜率列表表示为SoS = {K0, K1, K2, ...., Kn}, 其中K0 = (B0 minus;S0) / S0; K1= (S0minus; S1) / S0; K2= (S1minus; S2) / S0, ....; Kn = (Snminus;1 minus; Sn) / S0 . 购买价格的斜率表表示为SoB ={A0, A1, A2, ...., An}, 其中 A0= (B0 minus; S0) / S0; A1= (B1 minus; B0) / S0; A2= (B2 minus; B1) / S0, ....; An = (Bn minus; Bnminus;1) / S0.
Assume that there are N transactions (N = n), and each transaction goes through m bargaining states (for example, S0; B0; S1; B1, ...; Sm-2; Bm-1; and Pend).
1. Create m N * N matrices and fill e in each matrix;
2. Calculate E for each fragment and generate m-2 E-matrices;
3. Check all cells in E-matrices and remark the cells that exceed with prop;;
4. Sum up m–2 N * N E-matrices and generate N * N TE-matrix; //TE = E1 E2 ... Em-2 ;
5. Do {
Select a cell of TE-matrix having the minimum TE value; Generate the pattern with m bargaining states;
N = n - 1;
Update m - 2 N * N E-matrices and N * N TE-matrix with the new pattern;
} Until no more new patterns can be merged;
图3 模式泛化方式的伪代码
在步骤1中,我们对价格发行系列进行了分割。我们将几个购买价格的斜率列表定义为一个SoB片段,每一个SoB片段有3个连续的购买价格。我们每次计算两个相应的SoB片段之间的距离值。 每个 e代表两个相应的SoB购买价格之间的差别,而En 等于 en minus;1 en en 1。 用sigma;表示E的临界值,如果 E大于 sigma;, 两个 SoB片段被当作两个不同的议价模式。例如,令 SoB1 = {A10, A11, A12, ... , A1n} , SoB2= {A20, A21, A22, ... , A2n}表示购买价格的两个斜率列表。由此,我们得到 E1= [(A10 minus; A20) (A11 minus; A21)] (A12 minus; A22)], E2 = [(A11 minus; A21) (A12 minus; A22)] ((A13 minus;A23)), 而 Enminus;1 = [(A1(nminus;2) minus; A2(nminus;2)) (A1(nminus;1)minus; A2(nminus;1))] (A1n minus; A2n)].如果任何一个 En 超过sigma;,我们断言这两个系列是不同的。我们将同样的碎片化过程应用到SoS中。
在步骤3中,我们产生了讨价还价的模式。如果两个相应的SoB之间的误差在sigma;之内,我们就会产生一种议价模式,用相应的斜率值代替两个SoB的斜率。例如,Z表示两个买家的价格发行模式,Z的斜率系列是Z0 Z1 Z2和Z3,其中Z0 = (A10 A20) / 2, Z1 = (A11
A21) / 2, Z2 = (A12 A22) / 2, Z3 = (A13 A23) / 2. 我们以同样的方式生成相应的销售价格模式的斜率列表。两个斜率列表都包含了议价模式,并存储在模式基础中,以匹配未来的交易。
接下来,基于标准化的概念,我们通过将价格差异除以S0来获得——在本例中是100/S0。因此,第一位买家的斜率是(8,500 minus; 8,400)/ S0, 第二位买家的斜率是(8,600 minus;8,400) / S0. 通过从第二个斜率中减去第一个斜率,我们得到100/S0.
在执行阶段,当买家个人通过一个Web接口向ODB系统提交价格时,谈判过程就开始了。 这启动两个过程。首先,模式匹配代理检索与模式数据库中的模式匹配的议价模式,以确定接受哪个价格。如果没有模式匹配,系统将调用动态价格发行代理来发布符合价格发行算法的价格。
有几种现有的方法可以使时间尺度标准化,包括使用动态时间扭曲技术、semi-Markov和segmental Markov模型,或者简单地插入点来获得对称曲线点。在我们目前的实现中,我们采用了插值方法。我们匹配算法的伪代码如图4所示。ODB系统正在与买方议价。如果买方不接受已发行的价格,谈判匹配代理将根据三个步骤退还其价格。
bull;模式匹配和选择:当买家开始议价时,他或她会读到ODB系统发行的价格S0。当买方返回价格B0时,匹配代理可以立即计算SoB中的A0 (其中 A0 = (B0 minus; S0) / S0).令sigma; 为E的临界值。根据A0,匹配代理根据存储在模式基础中的模式计算Es。匹配代理选择Es不超过sigma;的模式。如果不止一个模式满足条件,匹配的代理会随机选择一个模式,并将其余的选项保存为可选项。
bull;连续模式匹配和价格发行:在买方提供价格后,匹配代理可以获得买方的价格系列(例如,A1和A2)。匹配代理然后检查E值(例如e1 e2),如果E值小于(例如e1 e2lt;sigma;),匹配代理在图4中的算法中执行步骤2。如果E等于或大于sigma;(例如e1 e2ge;sigma;),匹配代理会用最小的E搜索另一种模式,并将其作为讨价还价的模式,然后进入第2步。当匹配代理不能分配任何讨价还价的模式时,ODB系统调用动态的价格发行代理来接管在线议价过程。
Assume that there are n candidate patterns, and the matching state m = 1;
1. While (the candidate set is not empty) { If the buyer closes a deal then exit;
Get the price that a buyer issued; Calculate the slope of SoB; Create 1*n matrix;
Calculate the E of all candidate patterns at the m th state and fill them in the 1*n matrix; Remove the patterns that exceed sigma;;
Choose a pattern that has the minimum E, and E lt;sigma;; Issue the price according to the selected pattern;