Environmental and Economic Impact of Wind Power Planning
By Alternative Scenario Analysis
Yoon-Keun Chae, Kwi-Nam Park, Ho-Chul Shin, Se-Woong Ahn, Jin-Won Park
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Yonsei Center for Clear Technology (YCCT) at Yonsei University,
134 Shinchon Seodaemoon-ku, Seoul 120-749, Korea
E-mail: ecokids@yonsei.ac.kr chae_yoon_keun@hotmail.com
The wind power is an environment-friendly energy and faster growing resource in renewable
energy source. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the economic and environmental impacts of wind power on the energy market of Korea with energy-economic model called lsquo;Long-range Energy Alternative Planning system (LEAP)rsquo;. Business as usual scenario based on existing electricity generation planning was composed to compare wind power with other electricity generation facilities. Different alternative scenario is considered, namely technological improvement of different annual growth rate (10, 15, 20, and 25%) and dispatch process according to merit order change (from base-load to peak-load).
In results of alternative scenario analysis, alternative trend of existing electricity generation facilities was analyzed and the cost of installed wind power and reduction potential was assessed quantitatively.
Keywords: “Wind power, Environment, Economic, Assessment, LEAP model”
Monetary unit: Won (1$=1200Won)
1. Introduction
A reinforced exploitation of renewable resources is increasingly demanded by the public in order to expand the durability of fossil energy reserves and resources and to decrease harmful energy-related gas emissions. The wind power of the renewable resources is one of the fastest-growing energy sectors in the world. In the early 1970s, with the first oil price shock, the interest in the power of the wind re-emerged. The first wind turbines for electricity generation had already been developed at the beginning of the 20th century. The technology was improved step by step since the early 1970s. By the end of the 1990s, wind energy has re-emerged as one of the most important sustainable energy resources. From 1991 until the end of 2002, global installed capacity has increased from about 2GW to over 31GW with an average annual growth rate of about 26%. During this period, both prices of wind turbines and cost of wind-generated electricity have been reduced. [1] During the last decade of the 20th century, worldwide wind capacity has doubled approximately every 3 years. The costs of electricity generated from wind power have fallen to about one-sixth since the early 1980s, and the trend seems to continue. Some experts predict that the cumulative capacity will be growing worldwide by about 25% per year until 2005 and cost will be dropping by an additional 20-40% during the same time period. [2] Besides a reduction in the levels of carbon dioxide being emitted into the global atmosphere is the most important environmental benefit from wind power generation. The benefit to be obtained from carbon dioxide reductions is dependent on which other generation method wind power is substituting for. In spite of these developments, electricity produced from fossil fuel. However, this may change in the near future. [1]
This paper aims to project the energy demand of electricity generation in Korea and to evaluate environmental and economic effects of wind power generation in Korea by alternative scenario.
2. LEAP Model
LEAP called lsquo;Long-range Energy Alternative Planningrsquo; (LEAP) is an energy and economic assessment model to evaluation the effect of wind power generation in Korea. LEAP model made by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Boston is a scenario-based energy-environment modeling tool of other energy resource, as well as wind power. LEAP model includes the Technology and Environmental Database (TED) that provides information about technical characteristics, economic and environmental effects of energy technologies including existing technologies, renewable energy technologies. Its scenario is based on comprehensive accounting of how energy is consumed, converted and produced in a given region or economy under a range of alternative assumptions on population, economic development, technology, price and so on. Generalized analytical process of LEAP model is shown in Figure 1. [3]
Fig.1: Generalized analytical produce of LEAP model
LEAP model differs from macroeconomic models because it is not attempt to estimate the impact of energy policies on employment or GDP, although such models can be run in conjunction with LEAP.
LEAP serves several purposes: as a database, it provides a comprehensive system for maintaining energy information; as a forecasting tool, it enables to make projections of energy supply and demand over a long-term planning horizon; as a policy analysis tool, stimulates and assesses the effects-physical, economic, and environmental-of alternative energy programs, investments, and actions. [3] LEAP can help to examine the projects, programs, technologies and other energy policy, and solve the environmental and energy problems.
3. Scenario Analysis
3.1 BAU (Business-As-Usual) Scenario
BAU scenario is the scenario about existing electricity generation in Korea. BAU scenario is composed of the current accounts (2000) and future projections for 15 years and is named to LEAP ROK 2000 (Republic of Korea). The base year data set developed from government agenciesrsquo; statistics.
The industrial sector occupied the most parts of energy demand and is the main contributor to the emissions of greenhouse gases. Energy demand heavily depends on fossil fuel, especially on petroleum products. After the climate change negotiation reaches and agreement on conferences of parties
Yoon-Keun Chae, Kwi-Nam Park, Ho-Chul Shin, Se-Woong Ahn, Jin-Won Park
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Yonsei Center for Clear Technology (YCCT) at Yonsei University,
134 Shinchon Seodaemoon-ku, Seoul 120-749, Korea
E-mail: ecokids@yonsei.ac.kr chae_yoon_keun@hotmail.com
货币单位:元(1 $ = 1200Won)
公众越来越多地要求加强对可再生资源的开发,以扩大可再生资源化石能源储备和资源的持久性,减少有害气体排放。该可再生资源的风力发电是世界上增长最快的能源行业之一。在早期的20世纪70年代,随着第一次石油价格震荡,对风力的兴趣重新出现。第一台风力发电机20世纪初已经开发了发电日世纪。技术是自20世纪70年代初以来一步一步地改进。到20世纪90年代末,风能已经重新出现为其中之一最重要的可持续能源。从1991年到2002年底,全球装机容量有所增加从约2GW增加到31GW以上,平均年增长率约26%。在这段时期,风力发电机价格和风力发电成本都有所下降。 [1]在过去十年
的20日世纪之交,大约每3年,全球的风力发电量翻了一番。电费自1980年代初以来,风力发电量已经下降到六分之一左右,趋势似乎继续下去。一些专家预测,直到2005年,累积能力将在全球范围内增长约25%而同一时间段的成本则会下降20-40%。 [2]除了减少排放到全球大气层的二氧化碳水平是最重要的环境效益来自风力发电。从二氧化碳减排获得的好处取决于哪个风力发电是替代其他发电方式。尽管有这些发展,电力生产化石燃料。不过,这可能会在不久的将来发生变化。[1]
LEAP称为“远程能源替代计划”(LEAP)是一个能源和经济评估模型评估韩国风力发电的效果。 由斯德哥尔摩环境制造的LEAP模型波士顿研究所(SEI)是一种基于情景的能源环境建模工具,其他能源也是如此作为风力发电。 LEAP模型包括技术和环境数据库(TED)关于能源技术的技术特点,经济和环境影响的信息包括现有技术,可再生能源技术。 其场景是全面的考虑在一定范围内的特定地区或经济中如何消耗,转换和生产能源人口,经济发展,技术,价格等方面的替代假设。一般性LEAP模型的分析过程如图1所示。[3]
LEAP有几个目的:作为一个数据库,它提供了一个维持能源的综合系统信息; 作为预测工具,能够长期对能源供求进行预测规划地平线 作为政策分析工具,可以刺激和评估物理,经济和社会影响环境 - 替代能源计划,投资和行动。 [3] LEAP可以帮助检查项目,方案,技术等能源政策,解决环境和能源问题。
3.1 BAU(商业惯例)情景
BAU情景是韩国现有发电的情况。 BAU情景由现在的账户(2000年)和未来预测15年计划组成,并被命名为2000年LEAP(韩国)。基准年数据由政府机构的统计数据制定。
工业部门占能源需求的大部分,是排放量的主要贡献者温室气体。能源需求主要取决于化石燃料,特别是石油产品。之后气候变化谈判达成并达成了缔约方会议7(COP7)2001年能源需求鼓励使用非化石燃料,天然气和电力用量增加。年电量约为二零零零年达二十万GWh。发电量上升百分之三点五为平均值。过度煤电和核设施作为基地产生80%的电力。联合循环,液化天然气(LNG)和油蒸汽设备运行在第二位。 BAU情景的电力输出预计有传统趋势(人口,家庭和效率),能源供需模式,经济形势和能源政策。 [4]
- 最大容量系数:60%
- 风力发电设施的优点:1ST(基本负荷)
- 评估制度的时间范围:2000 - 2015年
- 现有电力设施和能源的经常账户(2000年)和未来预测(2001年至2015年)韩国的需求决定于2000年LEAP考察数据库。[5]
- 效率:100%
- 利率:5%
- 标准电力输出单位:GWh
替代方案是由政策设定,1.4%的电力输出由替代能源替代,1%其中替代风力发电,2006年占3%,电力总产量为2011年的5%由替代能源生产。 [6]替代情景分析风力发电的基础韩国能源需求和发电情况。 BAU风力发电容量在2000年至2015年期间,其他情况的情景发现为5.8MW。
替代方案的组合是技术潜力将增加年增长率。一年一度增长率将从10%变化到25%的年增长率。从2000年建成的风力发电容量,年增长率由10%至25%的每5%增加。 [7]
电力输出,投资成本和全球变暖潜能的情景结果( 气体)
与BAU情景相比分析。 在替代情景分析中,风力发电被替代用于煤蒸汽核,联合循环,油蒸汽和LNG蒸汽。 在图2中分析了差异BAU情景和替代情景之间的电力输出按年增长率。
在图2中,替代情况下的电力输出比BAU情景产生了大约44-175 GWh,2015年风力发电年均增长25%的电力产量约为858.6亿千瓦时电力产值占韩国电力需求的2%左右。
与现有设施相比,分析了电力输出和投资成本的情景结果。该现有的发电设施由基地负荷,中间和高峰负荷工厂分类根据供电系统。 一般现有的核煤和煤蒸汽属于基础负荷,而LNG蒸汽,油蒸汽和水力发电厂属于中等负荷,联合循环和内部燃烧厂属于高峰负荷工厂。 表1比较了现有发电机组的发电机组成本设备。 根据功绩顺序改变电力输出情况如表2所示。
在替代情景I中,按年增长率的电力输出将增加约44-175吉瓦时,投资成本将投资约24,000-93亿韩元, 气体将减少约63,000-250,000吨。在替代方案二中,风力发电取代了煤蒸汽,核燃料,油蒸汽,LNG
6. 参考文献
[1] M. Junginer., A. Faaij. and W.C. Turkenburg., Global experience curves for wind farms, Energy Policy.,
[2] Thomas Ackermannand Lennart Soder., Wind energy technology and current status: a review. Renewable amp; Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4, 315-374(2000)
[3] SEI-B, Long-range energy alternative planning system; User guide for LEAP version 2000 Boston, USA., 2001. See also: http://www.seib.org
[4] Ho-Chul Shin., Jin-Won Park., Ho-Seok Kim. and Eui-Soon Shin., Environmental and economic assessment of landfill gas electricity generation in Korea using LEAP model. Energy Policy, (accepted) 2004
[5] Shin, E S and Kim, H S. lsquo;ROK LEAP dataset and BAU scenariorsquo; paper presented to the East Asia Energy Futures workshop, Nautilus Institute, Berkeley California, 2002
[6] Ministry of commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) Report, Alternative energy development-supply plan, 2003.5
[7] WIND FORCE 12, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) report, 2002