
 2021-12-31 22:43:49

Equity financing capacity and stock returns: Evidence from China


We examine the relation between the capacity for financing through rights and seasoned public offers of equity and subsequent stock returns in China. The results show that the capacity for rights and public offers is reliably negatively related with future returns for firms that met regulatory criteria. Further, the capacity for rights offers is strongly negatively related with returns for firms that met the criteria and applied for approval, and for firms that issued equity after meeting the criteria and obtaining approval. Thus, there is clear evidence of a negative relation between equity financing capacity and stock returns in China.

Keywords:Equity financing capacity;Stock returns;Rights offers;Public offers;China

1. Introduction

There is a large body of literature on the relation between equity financing and stock returns. These studies focus on the actual financing activities such as the issuance of equity and debt. However, there is very little research on the relation between the capacity of a firm to raise external funds and stock returns. China provides a unique setting for studying the stock market valuation of equity financing capacity because the listed firms in China have to meet specific requirements set by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to become eligible to issue equity and debt securities. The CSRC effectively defines a firm#39;s capacity to issue equity and debt. We examine whether the equity financing capacity, defined as the eligibility to raise external equity capital through rights and seasoned public offers as per CSRC regulations, is related to future stock returns. Our paper is uniquely different from previous research on financing and stock returns in that we focus on the impact of the capacity to raise equity funds rather than the relation between actual financing activities and stock returns.

From the standpoint of neoclassical investment theories, the ability to raise equity capital provides the firm with financing flexibility and enables it to exploit any emerging profitable investment opportunities that will lead to future cash flow growth and increased shareholder wealth. Investors recognize the possibility of profitable investments and growth, leading to higher expected returns. Thus, neoclassical investment theories predict a positive relation between capacity to raise equity and future returns.

On the other hand, agency, signaling, and earnings-management explanations predict a negative relation between equity financing and returns. Agency conflicts between managers and shareholders may lead to the overinvestment problem, which is investing in unprofitable projects resulting in negative NPV and loss of shareholder wealth (Jensen, 1986, Jensen and Meckling, 1976). When firms issue equity, the market recognizes this overinvestment problem by way of lower expected returns. The signaling hypothesis posits that firms issue equity when they are overvalued, and market prices adjust downward subsequently leading to a negative relation between equity issuance and stock returns (Myers and Majluf, 1984, Loughran and Ritter, 1995, Loughran and Ritter, 1997, Loughran and Ritter, 2000, Ritter, 2003). Earnings management explanations argue that firms intending to issue equity opportunistically manage their earnings to alter financing proceeds in their favor (Cohen and Lys, 2006, Dechow et al., 2008, Papanastasopoulos et al., 2008). When investors recognize earnings management, the price drops subsequently. The key implication for firms that have not yet issued equity but have the capacity to do so is that the market recognizes the propensity for these firms to issue equity and over-invest, issue overvalued equity, or engage in earnings management activities leading to lower expected returns. Therefore, the capacity to issue equity capital will be negatively related with future stock returns.

We contribute to the literature in a number of ways. We examine the relation between equity financing capacity and stock returns, which has received very little attention in the empirical finance literature. More importantly, our study is based on a unique setting where the capacity to issue equity and debt to the public by firms listed in China is determined by the Chinese securities market regulation. The requirements for becoming eligible to raise external capital essentially creates two types of firms – those eligible to raise external capital and hence have external financial capability and those that are not eligible and hence have constrained external financing. We specifically examine whether the capacity to make rights and seasoned public offers of equity is priced in the market in terms of future returns. Due to the tight controls and regulations related to access to public capital markets in China, only a portion of listed firms qualify to access public equity and debt markets in China. The capacity to raise external capital is an important intangible option available to the firm and could conceivably affect stock returns. We are able to enrich the existing literature on financing behavior and stock returns by showing how equity financing capacity is related to stock returns in a highly regulated emerging capital market.

The scope of this study is limited to examining how equity financing capacity is related to future returns. A related and important issue is the factors such as earnings management that may explain the relation between equity financing capacity and returns. That issue is beyond the scope of our present study and points to a further research area.

The results of our study show that the capacity for rights offers of shares is strongly negatively related with future stock returns. This negative relation between capacity to make rights issues and future stock












这些发现与机构、信号和盈余管理假设一致,后者预测股票发行和后续回报之间存在负相关关系。现有美国证据显示,关于实际股票发行与股票回报之间关系,在经过调整的股票发行之后,股价表现明显不佳(例如,Loughran和Ritter,1995年,Spiess和Affleck Graves,1995年)。与先前的证据一致,我们的研究通过表明发行股票的能力也与回报呈负相关,从而完成这篇文章。


















bull; 三年平均净资产收益率不低于 10%,且三年中每年净资产收益率不低于6%

bull; 连续两次发行股票必须间隔一年以上,前一次发行的股票已全部认购
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 近三年没有违反证券法规的行为
bull; 与控股股东没有不良关联交易



bull; 近三年盈利
bull; 连续两次发行股票必须间隔一年以上,前一次发行的股票已全部认购
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 与控股股东没有不良关联交易


bull; 三年平均净资产收益率不低于6%
bull; 连续两次发行股票必须间隔一年以上,前一次发行的股票已全部认购
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 近三年没有违反证券法规的行为
bull; 与控股股东没有不良关联交易

bull; 三年平均净资产收益率不低于 6%
bull; 与控股股东没有不良关联交易
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 近三年没有违反证券法规的行为


bull; 三年平均净资产收益率不低于10% ,且每年净资产收益率不低于10%
bull; 与控股股东没有不良关联交易
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 近三年没有违反证券法规的行为
bull; 上一年度的资产负债率不低于同行业上市公司的平均水平
bull; 上一年度公司及其董事没有受到中国证监会的处罚,也没有受到证券交易所的公开谴责
bull; 若公司预备发行超过现有股本20%的股票,需要公司获得50%长期股东的批准


bull; 近三年每年都盈利
bull; 近三年,中国证监会未对现任董事、监事、高级管理人员进行处罚,也未对现任董事、监事、高级管理人员进行公开谴责
bull; 不存在严重影响公司持续经营的担保、诉讼、仲裁等重大事项
bull; 若公司在近两年发行了股票(包括股票和债券),则本年的营业收入下降幅度不超过50%
bull; 在过去三年的审计报告中,没有保留意见、否定意见和无法表示意见
bull; 最近三年的现金股利或股票股利总额超过前三年平均可分配净利润的20%
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 近三年没有违反证券法规的行为
bull; 在上一年度,证券交易所没有公开谴责这家发行公司

bull; 近三年平均净资产收益率不低于 6%.
bull; 近三年,中国证监会未对现任董事、监事、高级管理人员进行处罚,也未对现任董事、监事、高级管理人员进行公开谴责
bull; 不存在严重影响公司持续经营的担保、诉讼、仲裁等重大事项
bull; 若公司在近两年发行了股票(包括股票和债券),则本年的营业收入下降幅度不超过50%
bull; 在过去三年的审计报告中,没有保留意见、否定意见和无法表示意见
bull; 最近三年的现金股利或股票股利总额超过前三年平均可分配净利润的20%
bull; 近三年财务报告无重大遗漏、伪造账目和虚假记载
bull; 近三年没有违反证券法规的行为
bull; 在上一年度,证券交易所没有公开谴责这家发行公司




3.1. 数据和样本描述





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