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Do Autistic Kids Fare Better In Integrated Or Specialized Schools?

June 2, 2014·5:40 PM ET

Heard on All Things Considered

The federal law that governs special education lays out the goals pretty clearly: Students are entitled to an appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.

But some parents of children with autism feel their local public schools arent meeting their kids needs. And with autism diagnoses rising, new schools are emerging specifically for autistic children.

Some parents see these specialized schools as a godsend. For others, they raise a new set of questions.

Carson Ellis son, Hank, is autistic. He spent kindergarten in a special education classroom at his local public school in Portland, Ore. But Ellis says that while school administrators said it was inclusive, she found the special education classroom was quite segregated.

'We went on a field trip, and there were name tags for all the kids, but no name tags for the special ed kids,' Ellis remembers. 'And another time we went to some kind of art studio, and they had art supply packets, but they had forgotten to get enough for the special ed kids. So it was stuff like that.”

Ellis says the teacher herself was very kind and caring, but that given the schools overall attitude and resources, Hank wasnt really a part of things. And when it came to an appropriate curriculum? Ellis says that at the age of 5, her son was reading at an eighth-grade level.

'He got his talented and gifted designation, and I was like, OK! Sign me up for the awesome advanced reading group, ' Ellis says. 'And they were like, That doesnt exist. '

More On Autism

Ellis ended up feeling like there were a lot of missed opportunities, and her son was 'really unhappy,' she says. 'There was a point where I felt like making him feel like a worthwhile kid trumped everything else.”

Creating A Safe一Yet Challenging一Space For Autistic Kids

Now, Hank attends Victory Academy, just south of Portland. In some ways, it seems like a typical private school一one with small classrooms where kids study evehing from math to music.

But at Victory, all of the students are on the autism spectrum.

Tricia Hasbrook founded Victory Academy after struggling to find a good fit for her own autistic son. She says teaching autistic students is about breaking down tasks, providing positive reinforcement and following specific instructional strategies.

'The world around them might feel very chaotic,' Hasbrook says. 'So we teach them sensory regulation skills and social cognition, so that they can have purposeful relationships throughout their life.”

Hasbrook acknowledges that a lot of these kids have nontypical behaviors or ways of interacting with the world that arent going to change. But the teachers meet the kids where they are and give them the tools to pursue what they want out of life.

'They get an environment that they feel is safe一sometimes to act out, or to be their very best selves,and shine here,”Hasbrook says,”I think that a separate school for children with autism is an amazing thing.”

Segregated Schools Lead To Segregated Societies

I would never ask families to make a political statement with their childrenlsquo;s future. I spent time in public schools where I was bullied and not challenged and under estimated.I know we have a really serious problem.

Ari Neeman, autism advocate

Ari Neeman, who heads the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, disagrees. 'Segregated schools lead to segregated societies,”says Neeman, who is also a member of the National Council on Disability. 'Inclusive schools give us the opportunity for inclusive societies.”

Neeman says that many segregated schools and classrooms一like the ones he attended一have what he calls a culture of low expectations. But even ones that dont can still create hurdles, he says.

'If we have an environment in which autistic people are over there, in that other classroom, in that other environment, it really sends a very clear message that we are not a part of your society,' he says.

But Neeman acknowledges that parents often face a tough choice between the world they want to create and the world their kids may be living in.

'I would never ask families to make a political statement with their childrens future,' Neeman says. 'I spent time in public schools where I was bullied and not challenged and underestimated. I know we have a really serious problem.”

Another Answer: Inclusive Education

Wayne Sailor, director of the SWIFT (Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation) Center, funded by the Department of Education, is working on a new model of inclusive education一one where special education and general education teachers work together as a team.

In a fully integrated school, Sailor says, kids with autism may have a very complex schedule to help in meeting their specific needs. And all students get different tiers of assistance一whether its a bit of personal attention, or engaging with the whole class or helping the student next to them.

'The important point is kids move fluidly back and forth through the tiers as needed,' Sailor says. That sort of fluid inclusion model undeniably takes coordination一but not necessarily more resources, Swift says. And so far, the outcomes look pretty positive for all students.

But for parents like Carson Ellis, who cant find a truly inclusive approach nearby, autism一only schools can feel more accepting. Ellis says Hank likes having classmates who are a lot like him. But thats not why the school works, she says.

'Theres a really kind of special degree of empathy and patience and love一I will even say it, love一and innovation,”she says.

For a school like Victory Academy, innovation, empathy and love are part of the job. And advocates of inclusive education hop









“我们进行了一次实地考察,所有的孩子都有名称标签,但特别的孩子没有姓名标签,”埃利斯回忆道。 “而另一次,我们去一些艺术教室,他们制作了一些包装好的艺术用品,但他们并没有准备足够的用品给特别的孩子。所以这是类似的情况。”


“他得到了lsquo;才华和天赋rsquo;称号,我当时想,lsquo;好吧!我要注册为先进优秀阅读小组rsquo;,“埃利斯说。 “这也一样,lsquo;不存在rsquo;。 ”


埃利斯始终感觉自己错失了很多机会,而她的儿子是“真的不开心,”她说。 “我觉得让他觉得自己是一个有价值的孩子胜过一切。”


















“最重要的一点是孩子们在需要的层次中流畅地不断进步,” 萨勒尔说。那种变化模型认十分协调,但不一定需要更多的资源,斯威夫特说。到目前为止,结果看起来对所有学生相当良好。






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