Profitability analysis of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka:
An empirical investigation
Mrs Shanthini Gnanasooriyar
Lecturer in commerce, Advanced Technological Institute, Jaffna
This paper is determine the profitability of 10 selected listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka over the period of 2008 to 2012, and the performance of thecompanies against four commonly used financial performance indicators: Gross profit (GR) ,Net profit (NP),Return onAssets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The results indicate that during this periodSri Lankan manufacturing companies were considerably more profitable in terms of GP and ROA but less profitable in terms of NP and ROE. A similar trend was observed when the profitability and equity ofcompanies were analyzed by industry. The results revealed that the profitability of manufacturing companies is less satisfactory. Based on the Gross Profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Royal Ceramics Lanka Ltd is at first whereas ABANS Electrical Ltd is at first based on ROA andLanka Ceramic Ltd (CERA) is at first on ROE. Outcome of the study is beneficial to academicians, policy makers, practitioners and so on.
Keywords: Profitability, analysis, listed, manufacturing, companies, Sri, Lanka,
Profit is an excess of revenues over associated expenses for an activity over a period of time. Lord Keynes remarked that lsquo;Profit is the engine that drives the business enterprisersquo;. Every business should earn sufficient profits to survive and grow over a long period of time. It is the index to the economic progress, improved national income and rising standard of living. Profit is the yardstick for judging not just the economic, but the managerial efficiency and social objectives also.
Profitability means ability to make profit from all the business activities of an organization, company, firm, or an enterprise. It shows how efficiently the management can make profit by using all the resources available in the market. According to Harwardamp; Upton, “profitability is the lsquo;the ability of a given investment to earn a return from its use.” However, the term lsquo;Profitabilityrsquo; is not synonymous to the term lsquo;Efficiencyrsquo;. Profitability is an index of efficiency; and is regarded as a measure of efficiency and management guide to greater efficiency.
lsquo;Profitrsquo; and lsquo;Profitabilityrsquo; are used interchangeably. Profit refers to the total income earned by the enterprise during the specified period of time, while profitability refers to the operating efficiency of the enterprise. It is the ability of the enterprise to make profit on sales. It is the ability of enterprise to get sufficient return on the capital and employees used in the business operation. As Weston and Brigham rightly notes “to the financial management profit is the test of efficiency and a measure of control, to the owners a measure of the worth of their investment, to the creditors the margin of safety, to the government a measure of taxable capacity and a basis of legislative action and to the country profit is an index of economic progress, national income generated and the rise in the standard of living”, while profitability is an outcome of profit. In other words, no profit drives towards profitability. Firms having same amount of profit may vary in terms of profitability. That is why R. S. Kulshrestha has rightly stated, “Profit in two separate business concern may be identical, yet, many a times, itusually happens that their profitability varies when measured in terms of size of investment”.
As manufacturing companies profitability is crucially important — as a main strategy for economic development — to any country adopting an export-oriented industrialization policy within an open economic environment. Sri Lanka has also made significant progress in its industrialization strategy through such a policy during the past three decades, it is important to examine how Sri Lankan manufacturing companies are performing when compared with their counterparts in a country that has achieved greater development in the manufacturing sector. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analysis the profitability of Sri Lankan manufacturing companies, measured in terms of company GP, NP, ROA, and the ROE – a country with a higher level of economic and industrial achievements in the past five decades. It is hoped that this study, while contributing to the literature, will also be useful to both economic planners and manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. The paper is based on a study involving 10 selected manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka.
Literature View
Velnamby and Nimalathasan (2009) noticed the profitability will provide more accurate view of the firmrsquo;s performance. Pandy (1979) indicated that recent experience in countries with totally planned economies indicated that economists are probably right in emphasizing the importance of overall profitability as a criterion for the efficient operation of an enterprise.
Velnampy (2006) examined the financial position of the companies and the relationship between financial position and profitability with the sample of 25 public quoted companies in Sri Lanka by using the Altman Original Bankruptcy Forecasting Model. His findings suggest that, out of 25 companies only 4 companies are in the condition of going to bankrupt in the near future. He also found that, earning/total assets ratio, market value of total equity/book value of debt ratio and sales/total assets in times are the most significant ratios in determining the financial position of the quoted companies.
Velnampy (2013) in his study of corporate governance and firm performance” with the samples of 28 manufacturing companies using the data representing the periods of 2007 — 2011 found that determinants of corpo
Abdorreze Asadi和Javad Baghaee Ravari(2009)认为,盈利能力与杠杆率之间存在显著的负相关关系。增长机会与杠杆率之间的关系呈显著正相关,有形与短期债务和总负债率呈显著负相关,而长期负债率则为正相关。
Keul Melinda,Drumeacristina(2009)得出的结论是,盈利能力与杠杆之间存在着负相关关系,因为杠杆程度会在金融债权人股东之间产生代理问题,在他们确定自己的经营风险、税收状况、财务灵活性和管理保守性或进取心方面。
Panayiotis P.Athanasoglou,Sphocles N.Brissimis,Matthaios D.delis(2005)提到,银行的规模、财务实力、所有权状况、经营范围、银行管理成本决策是影响银行盈利能力的主要因素。
这些指标是用与盈利能力有关的二手数据来衡量的。根据Achchuthan, S.和Kajananthan, R.(2013),Kajananthan, R.(2012),VelnamPy,T.和Nimalathasan, B.(2007),Velnampy, T.(2005)以及Velnampy, T.(2013)等进行的各种研究,盈利能力指标在研究中考虑到了毛利率GPR、净利润率NPR、资产回报率ROA,股本回报率ROE。
公司名称 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
总计 |
平均 |
标准差 |
阿班斯电气有限公司 |
11.31 |
11.83 |
13.78 |
12.26 |
13.40 |
62.58 |
12.516 |
0.93485 |
蓝宝石全球珠宝有限公司 |
35.82 |
29.39 |
15.91 |
39.79 |
25.49 |
146.4 |
29.28 |
8.323038 |
锡兰谷物升降机有限公司 |
4.97 |
6.59 |
7.73 |
5.09 |
1.66 |
26.04 |
5.208 |
2.045936 |
丹科图瓦陶瓷有限公司 |
24.00 |
23.36 |
12.81 |
18.75 |
15.25 |
94.17 |
18.834 |
4.388916 |
浸渍产品股份有限公司 |
19.25 |
15.58 |
27.02 |
0.87 |
63.84 |
126.56 |
25.312 |
21.05324 |
Kelani轮胎有限公司 |
16.46 |
16.56 |
20.93 |
16.09 |
18.56 |
88.6 |
17.72 |
1.822076 |
兰卡陶瓷有限公司 |
25.97 |
24.58 |
26.59 |
30.33 |
39.56 |
147.03 |
29.406 |
5.421876 |
帕尔凯(锡兰)有限公司 |
14.59 |
10.44 |
2.01 |
13.17 |
5.56 |
45.77 |
9.154 |
4.717748 |
三森国际有限公司 |
19.87 |
18.66 |
6.39 |
4.49 |
9.35 |
58.76 |
11.752 |
6.338449 |
斯里兰卡皇家陶瓷 有限公司 |
42.38 |
45.20 |
49.53 |
47.63 lt;全文共9315字,剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料 资料编号:[10142],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word |