题 目 互联网企业并购的财务协同效应分析 ——以优酷并购土豆为例外文翻译资料

 2022-11-18 16:41:44



题 目 互联网企业并购的财务协同效应分析 ——以优酷并购土豆为例

The Evidence on Synergy – Value Created and Added

In the last sectionwe showed that synergy can have considerable value in many acquisitions, either by increasing expected cash flows or by lowerig discount rates. In this section, we consider a question that is just as critical from the acquirerrsquo;s standpoint, which is the price that should be paid for synergy. We will begin by looking at the evidence on the existence of synergy both at the time of the merger announcement and in the aftermath. We will follow up by laying out a framework for assessing how best to fairly share the benefits of synergy and where the odds are greatest for succeeding with a synergy-based acquisition strategy.

Evidence on Synergy

There are two ways we can evaluate the existence of the synergy. The first is on a forward-looking basis, by looking at market reactions to acquisition announcements and gauging what the expected synergy value is and who gets the gains. The second is to track mergers after they occur and evaluate the success of firms in delivering synergy gains.

I. Market Assessments at time of merger

Synergy is a stated motive in many mergers and acquisitions. Bhide (1993) examined the motives behind 77 acquisitions in 1985 and 1986 and reported that operating synergy was the primary motive in one-third of these takeovers.

Do markets believe these firms? If synergy is perceived to exist in a takeover, the market value of the combined firms, after a merger announcement, should be greater than the sum of the market values of the bidding and target firms, prior to that same announcement.

V(AB) gt; V(A) V(B)


V(AB) = Value of a firm created by combining A and B

V(A) = Value of firm A, operating independently

V(B) = Value of firm B, operating independently

Studies of stock returns around merger announcements generally conclude that the value of the combined firm does increase in most takeovers and that the increase is significant.

Bradley, Desai, and Kim (1988) examined a sample of 236 inter-firms tender offers between 1963 and 1984 and reported that the combined value of the target and bidder firms increased 7.48% ($117 million in 1984 dollars), on average, on the announcement of the merger.

This result has to be interpreted with caution, however, since the increase in the value of the combined firm after a merger is also consistent with a number of other hypotheses explaining acquisitions, including under valuation and a change in corporate control. It is thus a weak test of the synergy hypothesis.

II. Post-merger Studies

The existence of synergy generally implies that the combined firm will become more profitable or grow at a faster rate after the merger than will the firms operating separately. A stronger test of synergy is to evaluate whether merged firms improve their performance (profitability and growth) relative to their competitors, after takeovers.

Mc Kinsey and Co. examined 58 acquisition programs between 1972 and 1983 for evidence on two questions: (1) Did the return on the amount invested in the acquisitions exceed the cost of capital? (2) Did the acquisitions help the parent companies outperform the competition? They concluded that 28 of the 58 programs failed both tests, and six failed at least one test. In a follow-up study of 115 mergers in the U.K. and the U.S. in the 1990s, Mc Kinsey concluded that 60% of the transactions earned returns on capital less than the cost of capital and that only 23% earned excess returns. In 1999, KPMG examined 700 of the most expensive deals between 1996 and 1998 and concluded that only 17% created value for the combined firm, 30% were value neutral and 53% destroyed value Moeller and Schlingemann (2004) broke down 4430 acquisitions between 1985 and 1995 into cross border and domestic acquisitions and conclude that U.S. acquirers overpay more in cross border acquisitions and have lower stock and operating performance in the post-acquisition period. They attribute this to acquirers over estimating the value of synergy in cross border mergers or under estimating the difficulty of delivering this synergy. A study looked at the eight largest bank mergers in 1995 and concluded that only two (Chase/Chemical, First Chicago/NBD) subsequently outperformed the bank-stock index. The largest, Wells Fargorsquo;s acquisition of First Interstate, was a significant failure. Sirower (1996) takes a detailed look at the promises and failures of synergy and draws the gloomy conclusion that synergy is often

promised but seldom delivered.The most damaging piece of evidence on the outcome of acquisitions is the large number of acquisitions that are reversed within fairly short time periods. Mitchell and Lehn note that 20.2% of the acquisitions made between 1982 and 1986 were divested by 1988.Studies that have tracked acquisitions for longer time periods (ten years or more) have found the divestiture rate of acquisitions rises to almost 50%, suggesting that few firms enjoy the promised benefits from acquisitions. In another study, Kaplan and Weisbach (1992) found that 44% of the




题 目 互联网企业并购的财务协同效应分析 ——以优酷并购土豆为例

学生姓名 王可

学 号 20141321003

学 院 商学院

专 业 会计学

指导教师 姚晖

二O一八 年 三 月 二十 日




有两种方法可以评估协同作用的存在。 首先是在一个前瞻性的基础上,通过观察市场对收购公告的反应衡量预期的协同价值是什么以及谁获得收益。第二个是在发生并购后追踪并购,并评估公司在提供协同效应方面的成功收益。



V(AB) gt; V(A) V(B)

即V(AB) =一个企业通过结合A和B所创造的价值

V(A) =独立经营A公司的价值

V(B) =独立经营B公司的价值


Ⅱ 合并后研究

协同效应的存在通常意味着合并后的公司将在合并后利润更高或增长速度比公司经营的更快,协同效应的一个更强有力的测试是评估合并后的公司是否改善它们在收购后相对于竞争对手的表现(盈利能力和增长)。 Mc Kinsey和Co.在1972年至1983年期间检查了58项收购计划来获得两个问题的证据:

  1. 收购投资金额的回报是否超过资本成本?
  2. 收购是否有助于父母公司跑赢竞争? 他们的结论是58人中有28人程序在两次测试中都失败了,六次在至少一次测试中失败。 在后续研究中Mc Kinsey总结说,在英国和美国有115起并购案60%的交易获得的资本回报低于资本成本只有23%获得超额回报。 在1999年,毕马威审查了700个1996年和1998年之间的昂贵交易,并得出结论,只有17%合并后的公司创造价值,30%价值为中性,53%没有价值。

Moeller和Schlingemann(2004)破获了4430次收购在1985年到1995年之间跨境和国内的收购案例,并得出结论,美国收购方在跨境收购中支付的价格过高,库存和库存较低在收购后的经营业绩。 他们将此归因于收购方过度估计跨境兼并或协同下的协同价值或者低估交付这种协同作用的难度。


在1995年看了八家最大的银行兼并,并得出结论只有两个(Chase / Chemical,First Chicago / NBD)随后跑赢大盘银行股指数。 富国银行对First Interstate的收购是最大的重大失败。 Sirower(1996)详细审视了诺言和协同失败,并得出协同作用经常被承诺但很少交付的结论。关于收购结果的最具破坏性的证据是巨大的在相当短的时间内扭转的收购数量。米切尔莱恩指出,1982年至1986年期间收购的20.2%是1988年剥离。跟踪长期收购的研究(十年以上)发现收购的剥离率几乎上升50%,这表明很少有公司享受收购带来的好处。 在另一项研究Kaplan和Weisbach(1992)发现他们中有44%的合并研究被扭转了,很大程度上是因为收购方支付了太多或因为收购两家公司的运作并没有相互影响。回顾证据,显然市场认为在美国可能存在协同效应合并时间(尽管远低于同时经理人评估),但事实确实如此也清楚地表明,只有少部分合并产生了实质性的协同效应。 这两个研究结果与协同确实存在的观点是一致的,但它在实践中比在理论中难实现。










在债务能力和/或债务成本降低的协同效应下,所涉及的两家公司应该处于不同的业务中,并且作为独立实体存在风险。 鉴于这两家公司都没有独特的优势,我们期望公平分享协同效益。


由于当一个拥有大量现金余额的成熟公司和一个拥有很少现金(以及巨大投资机会)的成长型公司聚集在一起时,现金闲置就会得到最佳利用,因此分享收益将取决于哪些市场上的优势(现金或增长机会)较少。 在一个新兴的增长型经济的投资机会比比皆是,但公司现金不足(也许是因为资本市场不发达),我们预计现金会很丰富公司可以从现金余额中获得更大份额的协同收益。 在更成熟拥有开放资本市场的经济体,我们预计有增长机会的公司在讨价还价过程中占上风。


购置税的税收优惠可以来自更高的税收。合并后的扣除额(从折旧、摊销或摊销)或更低税率。有了这两个储蓄,收购公司的份额将取决于如何积分就是接受这些税收优惠。如果任何收购公司都能写出目标收购后公司的资产,我们预期目标公司的股东得到几乎所有的协同效益。如果收购公司的参与对税收优惠的产生必要的,它将获得更大的溢价份额。结束这个讨论是一个实际问题。 对于目标公司能够提取的大部分协同溢价,它必须能够打开讨价还价的过程,并迫使收购公司匹配其他人的投标。 通过公开交易的目标公司,这很容易实现,因为市场扮演着竞争性竞买者的角色,迫使收购公司在协同效应溢价中占据越来越大的份额。在某些情况下,竞标者将进入并提高价格。随着私营企业,特别是小型企业,向其他投标人开放招标过程要难得多。因此,在任何给定的协同价值下,收购者更有可能提取更大比例的价值。



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