
 2022-11-18 17:05:54

The financial statements could be viewed as an assembly of assertions by management. For group financial statements, SAS No. 80 (Section 326) outlines the following broad categories:

? Existence and occurrence

? Completeness

? Rights and obligations

? Valuation or allocation

? Presentation and disclosures

Assertions about existence and occurrence relate to physical items such as inventory, plant and equipment or cash, as well as non-physical items such as accounts receivable and accounts payable. Occurrence is concerned with whether all transactions, such as purchases and sales, represent economic events that actually occurred.

Completeness states that all financial statement items are in fact included in the financial statements and that all transactions and economic events that occurred during a specific period have been recorded.

Rights and obligations relate to whether assets are the rights and liabilities the obligations of an entity at a given date.

Valuation and allocation pertain to whether financial statement items are valued in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Presentation and disclosure relate to the proper classification, description and disclosure of all financial statement items.

SAS No. 31 includes two additional assertions which are of general interest:

? Accuracy

? Cut-off

Accuracy relates to the mathematical correctness of recorded transactions included in

financial statements and cut-off relates to the recording of transactions in the proper

reporting period.

These seven broad categories of management assertions could be used to formulate audit

objectives and develop audit procedures for a useful transition process.

The following table gives an example of this process using the Level I IFRS statements:

Management Assertion

Example of Audit Objectives

Example of Audit Procedures

Existence or occurrence

Construction contract recorded in inventory physically exists according to IAS11

Review client confirmation of recorded work in progress


All lease contracts are classified according to IAS 17

Review all lease contracts


Provisions are calculated according to IAS37

Review calculation method


IAS 18 Revenue Recognition has been followed

Review all revenues resulting from revaluation of assets or liabilities

Rights and obligations

All recorded intangibles are controlled by the entity according to IAS 38

Review all contracts

Valuation or allocation

Deferred tax assets are valued according to IAS 12

Review calculation of tax assets and applied tax rate

Presentation and disclosure

Property is classified separately according to IAS 40

Review list of all recorded property classifications

In audit theory, audit procedures are directly linked to management assertions about the financial statements. Audit procedures are the operational basis to ensure that the financial statements as a whole are in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards.

The design of a transition process from local GAAP to IFRS can make use of the relationship between audit procedures and management assertions. The IAS statements themselves could be seen as audit objectives and represent the starting point for the whole process. Audit procedures applied relate to the detailed regulations included in the IAS statements. Under this concept, each IAS statement will be viewed as a decision tree and each branch is related to detailed audit procedures. A systematic decision process will automatically lead to the detailed procedures and the application of these procedures will ensure financial statements in accordance with IFRS.

The main difference between the audit approach and the transition approach is that the transition is not an audit of financial statements but a set up of IFRS statements themselves. This would impair the principle of independence in an audit engagement and is generally not legal under the 8th EU Directive regarding an audit of financial statements. Because independence is not required under a transition engagement, which is not an audit engagement, management assertions are not replaced but relocated and represent the end of the transition process instead of the beginning.

The concept of developing a decision tree forms a basis for possible further development, e.g. the construction of software programmes. Software developers may use the decision tree structure as a model pattern.

Audit tests in the sense of audit procedures must be designed to be able to verify whether management assertions are correct or incorrect97. They are a means to gain evidence about the quality of the information contained in financial statements and form the basis for an audit opinion. Auditors use various methods or procedures, for example inquiry, observation, inspection and counting of assets, confirmation, examination of documents and records, reperformance and analytical procedures to reach a conclusion. In any case, competent and sufficient evidential accounting material is necessary to be able to make a decision. Various detailed tests and methods have been developed in auditing accounts under different situations. Usually more than one source or method is available. These methods and audit tests could be applied in the transition approach.

Because the concept of IFRS is most comparable t










关于存在和发生的断言与物理项目有关,例如库存,厂房和设备或现金,以及诸如应收账款等非实物项目和应付账款。 发生与所有交易是否相关,例如购买和销售,代表实际发生的经济事件。完整性规定所有财务报表项目实际上都包含在财务报表中声明以及特定期间发生的所有交易和经济事件期间已被记录。权利和义务与资产是否是义务的权利和义务有关在给定日期的实体。估值和分配属于财务报表项目是否以价值计价符合公认的会计原则。介绍和披露涉及适当的分类,描述和披露的所有财务报表项目。





















所有记录的无形资产均由主体根据IAS 38









从当地公认会计原则到国际财务报告准则的过渡过程的设计可以利用审计程序和管理断言之间的关系。 国际会计准则报表本身可以被视为审计目标,并代表整个过程的起点。 适用的审计程序涉及国际会计准则报表中的详细规定。 在这个概念下,每个国际会计准则声明将被视为决策树,每个分支都与详细的审计程序相关。 一个系统的决策过程将自动产生详细的程序,这些程序的应用将确保按照国际财务报告准则编制财务报表。

审计方法与过渡方法的主要区别在于,过渡不是对财务报表的审计,而是建立国际财务报告准则报表他们自己。 这会损害审计参与的独立性原则根据欧盟第8号指令有关审计财务报表通常不合法。因为在过渡参与下不需要独立性,这不是一个审计参与,管理主张不被取代,而是重新安置和代表转换过程的结束而不是开始。

制定决策树的概念构成了可能的进一步发展的基础,例如 软件程序的构建。 软件开发人员可以使用该决定树结构作为模型模式。

审计程序意义上的审计测试必须设计为能够验证是否管理断言是正确的或不正确的。 他们是获取证据的手段关于财务报表中所包含信息的质量并构成其基础审计意见。 审计师使用各种方法或程序,例如查询,观察,资产检查和计数,确认,审查文件并记录,重新执行和分析程序以得出结论。 在任何案件,胜任和足够的证据会计资料是必要的做决定。 在审计中已经开发了各种详细的测试和方法在不同情况下的账户.通常有不止一种来源或方法可用。 这些方法和审计测试可以应用在转换方法中。由于国际财务报告准则的概念与美国公认会计原则(美国公认会计原则)最为相似,因此采用标准审计程序的美国注册会计师协会似乎是建立账户最合适的方式IFRS报表。 这些详细的程序通常由大的应用程序国际审计公司,这些公司常常在美国或法律上受到约束根据美国证券交易委员会规定的美国标准审计程 程序他们自己在会计和审计行业广为人知。 米勒审计指南2006101总结了所有相关的审计程序,并将作为一般性使用建立过渡程序的模式。 这可以确保选择的程序是符合适用的国际标准,这种方法提供了一个机会将转换过程整合到会计中的众所周知的工作程序中

公司部门以及审计公司的服务程序。在国际财务报告准则本身不包含的情况下可能会出现主要问题有足够的规定,因此出现监管缺口。 在这种情况下,做出决定必须对所应用的会计原则或数学方法进行说明。



在审计理论中,已经做出了许多尝试来发展一种数学方法评估风险,但总的来说,由于风险,不需要数学风险模型评估是一个专业评估问题如果风险高,审计测试就是做得更详细; 如果风险评估为中或低,详细的测试是减少或局限于分析程序。 因此,审计程序的设计是直接关系到风险评估。

关于转型过程,审计风险评估的一般概念也很有用定义将解决某些风险情况和风险的程序类型环境。风险评估也有助于描述程序的数量。在此外,审计过程中的风险评估可用于a类似的风险环境过渡过程。例如,如果工厂和设备按历史成本计价,在使用寿命内折旧,如果这种方法也按照IAS 16进行计算“财产,厂房和设备”,审计过程中的风险评估和程序也适用于过渡过程。额外的程序可能是必要的根据国际会计准则第40号分开投资物业(如有)。


固有风险是一种完全不同的风险。 固有风险与某一特征有关账户余额或交易,这也可能受到实体业务的影响一般商业条件的变化,新的政府规定而下降的行业是不受管理控制的影响。 这些影响可能会导致对现有资产进行估值调整,或者可能会创建新的记录要求,例如承担责任。内在风险的想法也很有用对于IFRS,例如,如果欧盟委员会决定放宽对市场的管制航空公司和引入授权程序,这可能会导致新的会计项目按照国际财务报告准则编制的无形资产形式,但不按照当地GAAP。另一个例子是可能导致增加的环境义务对公司的责任。

因为IFRS扩大了对额外资产进行核算的机会,尤其是无形资产,并引入与市场相关的公允价值会计方法与历史成本相比,IFRS本身的风险更高会计制度,特别是第4号欧盟指令的规定。按照欧盟第7号指令进行组别核算的组成部分和方法,例如购买价格的分析和附加资产的确认转发给单一实体财务报表。一般来说,特定的国际财务报告准则方法,示例公允价值会计或特定报表,例如IAS 38“无形资产”资产“可能会被视为比其他陈述具有更高的内在风险方法。 因此,一般风险评估是必要的,以确定类型过渡期间的程序。 如果通常表示更高的固有风险,程序类型将更加详细。



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