企业社会责任披露决定因素: 利益相关者理论的应用外文翻译资料

 2022-11-18 19:41:52




School o f Accountancy, University of Missouri - Columbia


The stakeholder concept

Freeman (1984) defines a stakeholder as 'any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the firms objectives'.Stakeholders of the firm include stockholders,creditors, employees, customers, suppliers,public interest groups, and governmental bodies.Ansoff (1965) was the first to use the term'stakeholder theory' in defining the objectives of the firm. A major objective of the firm was to attain the ability to balance the conflicting demands of various stakeholders in the firm.

Freeman (1983) categorized the development of the stakeholder concept into a corporate planning and business policy model and a corporate social responsibility model of stakeholder management. The corporate planning and business policy model of the stakeholder concept focuses on developing and evaluating the approval of corporate strategic decisions by groups whose support is required for the corporation to continue to exist. The behavior of various stakeholder groups is considered a constraint on the strategy that is developed by management to best match corporate resources with its environment. In this model stakeholders are identified as customers, owners, suppliers and public groups and are not adversarial in nature.

The corporate social responsibility model of stakeholder analysis extends the corporate planning model to include external influences on the firm that may assume adversarial positions. The adversarial groups are characterized as regulatory or special interest groups concerned with social issues. The corporate social responsibility model allows a strategic planning model to adapt to changes in the social demands of nontraditional power groups.

Freeman (1983) discusses the dynamics of stakeholder influences on corporate decisions.A major role of corporate management is to assess the importance of meeting stakeholder demands in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the firm. As the level of stakeholder power increases the importance of meeting stakeholder demands increases, also.From Freemans model, Ullmann (1985) developed a conceptual model of corporate social responsibility activities. Thus, Ullmann provides a conceptual basis for studying corporate social responsibility activities in a stakeholder framework. Ullmann concluded that stakeholder theory provides an appropriate justification for incorporating strategic decision making into studies of corporate social responsibility activities. The Ullmann model is discussed in detail in the next major section of the paper.

Applications of stakeholder theory

Stakeholder theory has been applied to analytical and empirical analyses of the firm and the environment in which the firm operates.The proposition that stakeholder interests may conflict was tested by Sturdivant (1979). He used a survey to compare the social responsibility attitudes of activist group leaders and corporate managers. As hypothesized, there were significant differences between attitude scores of activists and corporate managers. The scores indicated that activists were stronger in their beliefs that businesses should be responsive to social issues. Sturdivant concluded that corporate management should not necessarily change their beliefs to conform to those of stakeholders, but managers should consider conflicting stakeholder interests when planning corporate strategy.

In a study of strategic performance, Chakravarthy ( 1986 ) discussed the inadequacy of traditional profitability measures as indicators of strategic performance and proposed the use of a stakeholder satisfaction measure. He argued that well-adapted firms (i.e. firms whose strategic performance is considered excellent) realize that co-operation of a firms multiple stakeholder groups is a 'necessary condition for excellence'. A Fortune magazine survey of corporate reputations in which stakeholder satisfaction was considered was cited by Chakravarthy as supporting his contention.

Cornell amp; Shapiro (1987) discuss the role of stakeholders other than investors and managers in the development of a firms financial policy.They contend that a firm issues 'implicit claims' to non-investor stakeholders that must be considered when developing a firm strategy regarding capital structure. Implicit claims,such as uninterrupted service to customers,cannot be separated from a firms business dealings and impact a firms total risk (i.e.expected cash flows). Barton et al. (1989)empirically tested Cornell and Shapiros assertion that stakeholder theory may be used to explain cross-sectional variations in firms capital structures. Using a diversification strategy variable to proxy for a stakeholder construct, they found empirical results consistent with stakeholder predictions. Their research, along with the other studies reviewed, provides evidence that stakeholder theory is a viable approach to predicting and explaining management behavior.


Ullmann (1985) concluded that corporate social responsibility models developed in prior research are misspecified because the relationship of firm strategy to the social responsibility decision has not been incorporated into the empirical tests. He developed a contingency framework for predicting levels of corporate social responsibility activity and disclosure based on the stakeholder concept formalized by Freeman (1984). Ullmanns framework is consistent with the conceptual view of corporate social reporting discussed by Dierkes amp; Antal(1985), that publicly disclosed information regarding corporate social responsibility activities provides a basis for dialogue with




会计学院,密苏里大学 - 哥伦比亚








在一项战略绩效研究中,Chakravarthy(1986)讨论了传统的盈利能力指标作为战略绩效指标的不足,并提出了使用利益相关者满意措施的建议。他认为,适应性强的公司(即那些战略表现被认为是优秀的公司)意识到,一个公司的多个利益相关者群体的合作是公司发展的“卓越的必要条件”。 在《财富》杂志的一份关于企业声誉的调查中,提到了利益相关者的满意程度,Chakravarthy认为这是对他论点的支持。

Cornell和Shapiro(1987)讨论了投资者和公司负责人在制定公司财务政策时所扮演的角色。他们认为,在制定资本结构的坚定战略时,必须考虑对非投资者利益相关者的“隐性索赔”。 隐性的索赔,例如对客户的不间断服务,不能与公司的业务往来相分离,因为它影响公司的总风险(即:预期现金流)。巴顿等人(1989)实证检验了Cornell和Shapiro的主张,即利益相关者理论可以用来解释公司资本结构的横向变化。通过使用多样化策略变量来代理涉众构造,他们发现了与涉众预测一致的经验结果。他们的研究证明了利益相关者理论是预测和解释管理行为的可行方法。









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