
 2022-11-27 14:22:19

A Comparative Analysis of Credit Risk Management

Models for Banking Industry Using Simulation

Hsin-Hung Chen, Ben-Chang Shia, and Hsiu-Yu Lee

Abstract:Risk management is an issue that has become increasingly important. Basel II Accord has been widely discussed since it was proposed. However, the comparative analysis of Credit Metrics with Basel II Accord has not been found in previous literatures. The objective of this study is to compare.Credit Metrics with Basel II Accord using empirical data and simulation programs. Moreover, the fitness of the standard for Basel II Accord which proposed the minimum requirement of 8% of capital to risk-weighted assets is discussed in this study. The records of the data system in a bank listed by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) were used as the empirical data in this research. The results showed that the expected loss calculated by the 8% capital ratio defined in Basel II is clearly lower than the Credit Va R obtained from the Credit Metrics model.

Key words:Basel II Accord, Credit Metrics, credit risk, Value-at-Risk (Va R).


Risk management is an issue that has become increasingly important. Financial institutions compete aggressively for more market shares and customers, and consequently, they take on more risks [1]. Therefore, the implementation of risk management within financial institutions is crucial. The risk management attempts to reduce and manage the risks, increase the benefits, and avoid harm from taking risks due to default of loan accounts [2]. In the financial sector and banking industry, risk management is an issue of high interest due to the financial crises of the last two decades [3]. These crises occurred for various reasons but according to the Basle Committee, which is the international banking supervisory body, the largest source of serious banking problems is credit risk which caused by counterparty default. Serious financial scandals and crises such as the Russian Default and the Tequila crisis are related to credit risk [1]. Scandals of that type in the 1990s are estimated to have cost at least $125 billion within the United States. Another indicator of the crucial importance of credit risk is the fact that in recent years there has been a steady increase of defaults and bankruptcies and a decline in the creditworthiness of financial institutionsrsquo; counterparties [4] and [5]. In 2008, the events of sub-prime mortgage and global financial distress occurred. These reasons provided the motivation for the present authors to explore the issue of credit risk in this study.

In order to improve credit risk management and financial stability for banking industry, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) [6], an international organization that fosters cooperation toward monetary and financial stability, proposed the 1988 Basel Capital Accord (Basel I) and the New Basel Capital Accord in 2001 (Basel II). The major difference between the two capital accords is that Basel II provides more flexibility and risk sensitivity in credit risk management than Basel I. Basel II consistsbof three mutually reinforcing pillars: Pillar 1;minimum capital requirements, Pillar 2 and Pillar 3 market discipline.

Besides Basel I and Basel II proposed by BIS, J.P. Morgan published CreditMetrics to evaluate credit risk of loan portfolios in 1997. CreditMetricsrsquo; approach is based on credit migration analysis, i.e. the probability of moving from one credit quality to another, including default, within a given time horizon, which is often taken arbitrarily as 1 year. While interest rates are assumed to evolve in a deterministic fashion, the changes in value are related to the eventual migrations in credit quality of the loan account or obligor upgrades and downgrades as well as default [8].

Basel II Accord has been widely discussed since it was proposed. For example, Lamy [9] discussed the treatment of credit risk in the new Basel Accord and the results revealed that the new Basel Accord should encourage A-rated banks to act as liquidity providers in economic slowdown phases. The issue of credit risk also has been investigated frequently [10], [11] and[12]. However, CreditMetricsrsquo; approach was rarely discussed by empirical analysis. The study of Crouhy et al. [8] has introduced and reviewed the CreditMetrics approach as well as other credit risk measurement models, but there was no empirical analysis in that article. Moreover, the comparative analysis of CreditMetrics with Basel II Accord has not been found in previous literature. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare CreditMetrics with Basel II Accord using empirical data. And the fitness of the standard for Basel II Accord which proposed the minimum requirement of 8% of capital to risk-weighted assets is discussed in this study. The records of the data system in a bank listed by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) are used as the empirical data in this research.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the Basel II proposed by BIS. Section 3 reviews the CreditMetrics approach proposed by JP Morgan. Section 4 presents the results of empirical analysis including the object of analysis. Section 5 discusses the managerial implications of the analytical results, and the last section provides conclusions and suggestions.

2 .The New Basel Capital Accord (BASEL II)

According to Saunders and Allen [13], the 1988 Basel International Bank Capital Accord (Basel I) was essential because it sought to develop a single capital requirement for credit risk across the major banking countries of the world. A major focus of Basel I was to differentiate the credit risk of bank, and mortgage obligations (accorded lower risk weights) from nonblank private sector or c



Hsin-Hung Chen, Ben-Chang Shia, and Hsiu-Yu Lee





为了提高银行业的信用风险管理和金融稳定和促进金融和金融稳定的合作,国际清算银行(BIS)提出了1988巴塞尔资本协议(Basel I)和巴塞尔新资本协议2001(Basel II)。这两个资本协议的主要区别在于,巴塞尔二号协议在信用风险管理方面比巴塞尔一号协议提供了更多的灵活性和风险敏感性。巴塞尔协议由三个相辅相成的支柱部分构成:支柱1为最低资本要求,支柱2为监督审查程序,支柱3为市场纪律。




2.新巴塞尔资本协议(BASEL II







CreditMetrics模型于1997首次被 Gupton, Finger and Bhatia of J.P. Morgan和他们的合伙投资人(美国银行、KMV、瑞士联合银行,及其他)提出来作为适用于非流通资产如贷款的风险评估和私募债券的风险价值(VAR)框架。如前所述,由于贷款是不公开交易的,无论是贷款的CreditMetrics观察市场价值和贷款价值的利益在地平线的波动。然而,使用对借款人的信用评级的可用数据,评级将在明年发生变化的概率(评级转移矩阵),对违约贷款的回收率,以及在债券的信用利差和收益率(或贷款)市场,它是可以计算的一个假设的市场价值和非交易的贷款或债券的贷款价值的波动性,并对个人贷款和贷款组合的VaR值进行估计。







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