
 2022-11-28 14:27:56

Environmental Accounting: Theoretical Review and Enlightenment for China

Sustainable economic growth requires that the development of enterprises be coordinated with their environmental responsibility. Environmental accounting, as a tool of reflecting and supervising environment-related economic activities, falls into the category of accounting from the early 1970s, represented by papers titled Research on Conversion of Social Costs in Pollution Control written by F. A. Beams in1971 and Accounting Problems of Pollution written by J. T. Malin in 1973, which open the prelude of the research in environmental accounting (Zhu, 1999). The report of United Nations World Environment and Development Committee titled 'Our Common Future' in 1987 and the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 made the research and discussion on environmental accounting get more and more attention and concern. Since then, scholars have launched in-depth research and discussion in environmental accounting, “Green accounting: the accounting profession after Pearce” issued by Rob Gray in 1990 is recognized as a milestone in the research of environmental accounting, which marks that the research in environmental accounting has become the central subject under discussion in the global academic circles. Gray (1990) argues that the connotation of environmental accounting is 'accounting about increase or decrease on artificial assets and natural assets, most importantly accounting of conversion between the two assets'. That is, environmental accounting mainly studies and discloses artificial assets, natural assets and conversion between these assets. After that, there are two kinds of mainstream viewpoints on the definition of environmental accounting. One view holds that environmental accounting plays a role of 'book noting', that is, accounting is a tool .measuring the economic performances of a company or a country. For example, Peskin amp; Angeles (2001) argues that environmental accounting refers to the adjustment over the traditional measurement methods of economic performances (such as GDP, NDP, GNP or NNP), in order to make the measurement methods reflect the change of natural environment better. The other view emphasizes the management functions of environmental accounting. For instance, Steele amp; Powell (2002) consider that environmental accounting is to confirm, distribute and analyze material flows and related cash flows through the use of the environmental accounting management system, making managers recognize the environmental and financial impacts of the enterprises.

With the deepening and development of the research on environmental accounting, scholars try to make theoryinnovation and exploration in environmental accounting from different perspectives, and the understanding overenvironmental accounting has also been further extended. Gray amp; Bebbington (2001) point out that environmental accounting is not confined only to enterprise accounting. Hines (1988), Solomon amp; Thomson(2009) maintain that environmental accounting should also have certain characteristics such as empiricalness,systematicness, transparency, objectivity, reliability, intelligibility, verifiability, auditability and fairness, etc.Solomon amp; Thomson (2009) expand the concept of environmental accounting, maintaining that environmental

accounting refers to a system which provides inflow and outflow information for different entities andcongregates natural, economic, cultural, ethical and social resources in order to measure the environmentalefficiency and social efficiency of different entities.

It can lay theoretical foundation in building environmental accounting system for China to make use of the worldwide attention paid to the problems on global climate, environmental resources and social development (Liu, 2011). In the academic circle, there are very rich results on theoretical research in environmental accounting. It can provide helpful background knowledge and academic standpoint for the related researches in China by combing clearly these achievements and on the basis reasonably using for reference and absorbing these achievements. This paper attempts to review the new development of environmental accounting theory from aspects of sustainability, externalities, information disclosure, cost management and behavior science and points out the possible future research directions combining with the research situations in China so as to provide experiences and references for further research on environmental accounting theory

Some Development in Environmental Accounting Theory From the latest research literatures, the researches on environmental accounting theory in recent years enrich the theoretical basis in environmental accounting and reporting, develop related technologies and methods of environmental accounting, and conduct in-depth research from different viewpoints. There is some progress made in several aspects as follows. 2.1 Development from the Perspective of Sustainability Sustainable development is a new development concept occurring in the 1970s. It is a strategic pattern of the long-term development for mankind based on the natural ecological environment resources. The proposal of the strategy is results with positive significance on the humanrsquo;s exploration of how to develop in reason, which will produce profound influence on the development of the human society and economy. There is no doubt that traditional accounting cannot provide sufficient information for the sustainable development of enterprises or reflect the special contributions to sustainable development made by them (Maunders amp; Burritt, 1991). The literatures that initially connect accounting with sustainability focus mainly on the deficiency of traditional accounting (Schtegger amp; Sturm, 1992; Mhews, 1997) and the potential limitation of accounting system (Gray,



经济可持续发展要求企业与企业协调发展环境责任。环境会计作为反映和监督的工具与环境有关的经济活动,属于会计的类别,从20世纪70年代初,代表通过论文题目对污染控制由F. A.梁年写的社会成本转换的研究玛琳在1973年内对污染治理的会计问题,打开了研究的序幕环境会计(朱,1999)。联合国世界环境与发展报告1987年联合国环境与发展大会题为“我们共同的未来”1992提出了环境会计的研究与探讨,得到了越来越多的关注和关注。自那时以来,学者们展开了深入的研究和讨论,在环境会计,“绿色会计:会计专业后,皮尔斯“被抢劫的灰色在1990被公认为一个里程碑环境会计的研究,标志着环境会计的研究成为全球学术界讨论的中心议题。灰色(1990)认为环境会计的内涵是“关于增加或减少人工资产的核算自然资产,最重要的是两者之间的资产转换。即环境







2.1从可持续发展的角度看发展可持续发展是20世纪70年代出现的一个新的发展理念,是一种战略模式基于自然生态环境资源的人类长期发展。的建议战略是人类探索如何发展的积极意义的结果,这将是一种积极的方法对人类社会经济发展产生深刻影响。毫无疑问,传统会计不能为企业的可持续发展提供充分的信息体现可持续发展做出的特殊贡献(蒙德斯和Burritt,1991)。以可持续发展为重点的文献,主要集中在传统的不足之处会计(schtegger amp;狂飙,1992;mhews,1997)和会计系统的潜在的局限性(灰色,1992;雷曼,1999)。但在早期,可持续会计不充分的概念。它只有一个模糊描述最多,只是另一代环境会计或环境报告的代名词(兰伯顿,2005)。灰色和米尔恩(2002)提出,企业可持续的会计和报告是强调服务于生态系统和社会的会计,认为生态公正并注重效率和效益。在英国,查尔斯王子已经发起了一项会计可持续发展项目(ICAEW,2008),对问题进行长期系统的研究企业可持续发展与企业可持续发展管理层。schahegger amp; Burritt(2010)再次提出明确的“可持续发展会计的概念”并指出,它是一个会计的分支,它服务于生态系统和社会,并可持续会计作为一种信息管理工具和方法,可以促进可持续发展企业可持续发展与企业责任。因此,可持续会计的区别而传统会计的实质在于可持续性会计提供了充分的相关信息企业可持续发展与企业可持续发展的具体贡献发展。可持续发展关注的是社会与社会之间的互动关系,环境与经济可持续发展。例如,具体的经济制度(如企业或国家等)将对生态环境和社会、环境产生影响社会将影响金融。可持续发展会计的作用是记录、分析和报告这些使用相关方法和系统的影响。激励管理者建立会计制度的具体原因,以提供行为信息企业可持续发展的评价,除了企业经营者的本质动机

而会计对企业可持续发展的重要性,包括以下五主要因素:绿色企业宣传(Gray,2006),模仿和工业压力(schahegger et a1。,2005)、从法律的压力,股东和经营许可证(库珀欧文,2007),企业自律(甘宁汉,2007)和企业责任和道德因素(清道夫amp;温斯坦利,2007)。根据现有文献,基于可持续发展观的解释特别强调宏观理论的建构,主要关注的是与角色的关系企业与社会、环境与经济从战略高度的相关文献主要阐述可持续发展会计的定位、功能和动机,并强调其重要性非财务信息与管理。然而,目前的研究仅指出,可持续发展会计是环境会计的延伸和发展方向,但不明确可持续会计与现有环境会计在经营中的具体差异水平,也没有提出一个具体的框架或系统的可持续性会计。


现货与远期市场价格机制。sijm等人。(2006)研究了碳的定价模式德国和荷兰的排污许可证和许可证的机会成本等问题。贝宾顿amp;冈萨雷斯(2008)讨论拉里纳加问题确认与温室气体相关的评估排放许可证,例如配额的确定(欧盟排放许可证)的资产。量et a1。(2010)认为,排污权交易制度的基础是市场成为有效分配碳许可证资源的方法。他们分别从会计和税法的角度探讨意义的.



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