Efficiency of banks in a developing economy: The case of India
Milind Sathye
Abstract:The objective of this paper is to measure the productive efficiency of banks in a developing country, that is, India. The measurement of efficiency is done using data envelopment analysis. Two models have been constructed to show how efficiency scores vary with change in inputs and outputs. The efficiency scores, for three groups of banks, that is, publicly owned, privately owned and foreign owned, are measured. The study shows that the mean efficiency score of Indian banks compares well with the world mean efficiency score and the efficiency of private sector commercial banks as a group is, paradoxically lower than that of public sector banks and foreign banks in India. The study recommends that the existing policy of reducing non-performing assets and rationalization of staff and branches may be continued to obtain efficiency gains and make the Indian banks internationally competitive which is a declared objective of the Government of India.
JEL classification:D61; G21; G34
Keywords:Bank efficiency; DEA analysis; Indian banks
- Introduction
The objective of this study is to measure and to explain the measured variation in the performance and therefore the productive efficiency of Indian commercial banks. While many similar studies have evaluated the performance of banking sector in the US and other developed countries, very few studies have evaluated the performance of banking sectors in developing economies. Earlier though, Tyagarajan (1975), Rangarajan and Mampilly (1972) and Subrahmanyam (1993) have examined various issues relating to the performance of Indian banks, none of these studies have examined the efficiency of bank service provision in India. Some recent studies did measure the efficiency in service provision of Indian banks but they suffer from certain limitations as indicated in this paper.
The main impetus for this study was the appointment of the Second Narasimhan Committee (1997) by the Government of India, with a mandate to suggest a programme of banking sector reforms so as to lsquo;strengthen Indiarsquo;s banking system and make it internationally competitiversquo;. This obviously requires that the relative efficiency of Indian banks is measured and compared with banking efficiency in other countries. Secondly, a scheme of voluntary redundancies for bank employees is under consideration by the Indian Banksrsquo; Association. In this context, the efficiency issues of banks in India have again come to the fore. Thirdly, Indian banking is particularly interesting because of the diversity of bank ownership forms. Indian banks can be classified into three ownership groups; publicly owned, privately owned and foreign owned. It is expected that there will be performance variation across groups of banks. This study will quantify and explain the performance variation. Lastly, there is little reliable empirical research on bank efficiency in India although Bhattacharya et al. (1997), Chatterjee (1997) and Saha and Ravishankar (2000) have examined various issues relating to the performance of Indian banks. This study measures relative efficiency of Indian banks subsequent to the period used by the above studies. Additionally, it compares the efficiency of Indian banks with that of the banks in other countries.
The paper is organized as follows. A brief review of the current state of the Indian banking sector is provided in Section 2. In Section 3 data and methodology are discussed. Section 4 presents the results and Section 5 concludes this paper.
2.An overview of the Indian banking sector
It is important to take stock of the special features of the banking sector in India, in order to put the efficiency issues in perspective. India is the largest country in South Asia with a huge financial system characterized by many and varied financial institutions and instruments. Indian banking sector was well developed even prior to its political independence in 1947. lsquo;There was significant presence of both foreign and domestic banks and well developed stock marketrsquo; (Bery, 1996, p. 245). The system expanded rapidly after nationalization of major commercial banks in late 1969 and lsquo;now ranks in the top quarter among developing countriesrsquo; (Khanna, 1995, p. 265).
Table 1 presents important banking indicators of commercial banks in India as at the end of June 1998.
Banking data of commercial banks in India as of June 1998
Number |
Branches |
Deposits (Rs. Billion) |
Deposits as % of GDP |
Advances (Rs. Billion) |
Advances as % of GDP |
Public Sector Banks |
27 |
45,293 |
5317 |
51 |
2599 |
25 |
Private Sector Banks |
34 |
4664 |
695 |
7 |
354 |
3 |
Foreign Banks |
42 |
182 |
429 |
4 |
292 |
3 |
Source: Indian Bankrsquo;s Association, Performance Analysis of Banks, 1997–1998.
Besides the above, as at the end of June 1998, there were 196 Regional Rural Banks with 14,517 branches, 28 State Cooperative banks with 651 branches, 351 District Central Cooperative Banks with 10,775 branches, 88,341 Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies, 20 State Agricultural and Rural Development Banks with 1488 branches, and 706 Primary Land Development Banks with 646 branches (Sathye, 1997). There also are several Urban Cooperative Banks and 22,000 non-bank financial institutions (K
发展中国家银行的效率: 以印度为例
本研究的主要动力是由印度政府任命的第二个纳史木汗的任命委员会(1997),并授权建议一个银行业改革的计划,以加强印度的银行系统,使其具有国际竞争力。这显然需要对印度银行的相对效率进行测量并与其他国家的银行效率相比较。第二,印度银行协会正在考虑银行员工的自愿裁员计划。在这种背景下,银行的效率问题在印度再次脱颖而出。第三,由于银行所有权形式的多样性,印度银行业显得尤其有趣,。印度的银行可以分为三个所有权形式:国有、民营和外资。预计会有银行集团之间的绩效变化。本研究将量化和解释绩效变化。最后,虽然Bhattacharya et al.(1997)、Chatterjee(1997)、Saha和Ravishankar(2000)已经检查了有关印度银行绩效的各种问题,但是几乎没有有关印度银行效率的可靠的实证研究。本研究测量了继上述研究的时期之后的印度银行的相对效率。另外,它将印度银行的效率与其它国家银行的效率作了比较。
为了正确看待效率问题,估量印度银行业的特点是很重要的。印度是南亚最大的国家,有着一个以多种多样的金融机构和工具为特征的巨大的金融体系。印度银行业非常发达,甚至早于1947年,它的政治独立。贝里在1996年说过,印度有着国内外银行和发达的股票市场的重要现状。在1969年末主要商业银行国有化后,该系统迅速扩大,现在在发展中国家排名靠前(卡纳,1995年,p . 1995)。
数量 |
分行 |
存款 |
存款占GDP比重 |
贷款 |
贷款占GDP比重 |
公共部门银行 |
27 |
45,293 |
5317 |
51 |
2599 |
25 |
私人部门银行 |
34 |
4664 |
695 |
7 |
354 |
3 |
外资银行 |
42 |
182 |
429 |
4 |
292 |
3 |
资料来源:印度银行协会,银行的绩效分析,1997 - 1998
除了上述之外,截至1998年6月底,印度有着14517家分行的196个地区农村银行,有着651家分行的28个国家合作银行,有着10775家分行的351区中央合作银行,88341年初级农业合作社信用社会,有着1488家分行的20个国家农业和农村开发银行,有着646家分行(Sathye,1997)的706个基层土地开发银行。也有几个城市合作银行和2200家非银行金融机构(卡纳,1995,p . 294)。
银行体系的顶部是印度央行,负责审慎地监管银行和非银行金融机构,以及执行其他中央银行的职能。在印度有两个连续被国有化的银行,一个在1969年,另一个在1980年,结果公共部门银行占据了印度金融体系的主导地位。尽管分行的数量有着惊人的扩张,但每个分行的服务人员足足有13000人(RTPB,1997,p . 126)。这是由于这个国家的人口有增无减(最近跨过10亿大关)和分支网络不能跟上相关的成本。公共部门银行控制了80%的银行业务。银行系统已经在地理覆盖面,存款动员和信贷扩张的方面开发了好多年。然而在技术方面是不发达的。近年来外资银行在城市中心已经开始了一些自动取款机。
印度银行受限于更严格的政府对所有权的控制,开始于1960年代末被称为对银行的社会控制:政府国有化银行。银行受限于直接信贷、规定的利率和实质性的优先购买权的存款。大多局限于大城市的银行服务扩展到农村地区。因此,虽然在1964年底只有10%的商业银行都坐落在农村地区,但这一比例在30年后增加到45% 。Sector 1中活动的进步份额在国有化后优先大幅增加。整体贷款部门信贷目标目前已达到公共部门和私人部门银行的净银行信贷的40%。外资银行的目标是32%。在商业银行信贷总额中的优先领域贷款的份额从1969年的14%增至1980年的30%再到1985年的39%(Thakur,1990)。
自1990年代初以来,印度政府已经实施了许多银行业改革。这些改革包括将现金准备金率从15%(1993 - 1994)降低到8.5%(2000年7月),将法定流动比率从38.5%(1992 - 1993)降低到28.2%(1995 - 1996),一个存款和贷款利率渐进的管制,引入符合国际标准的审慎规范等。已经采用了灵活的流通账户的汇率制度。印度政府在1991年任命的金融系统委员会(纳史木汗委员会)认为直接投资和信贷项目是商业银行的效率、生产力和盈利能力下降的两个主要来源。因此,优先领域贷款的比例已经下降到37%(1998)和农村分支机构网络的比例下降到42%。这些和其他类似的政策举措表明了通过在三类银行组织中建立一个公平的竞争环境使印度银行更具竞争力的欲望。银行业改革启动以来,八年多已经过去了,估量印度银行的生产效率是正确的。
- 方法论
通常是使用财务比率来衡量银行的绩效。Yeh(1996)指出,这种方法的主要缺点是对基准比率的依赖。这些标准可以任意的,而且可能误导分析师。此外,Sherman and Gold (1985)指出,财务比率不能显示长期绩效,而且汇集了操作、市场营销和财务等绩效许多方面。近年来,有一个使用一个前沿分析方法来衡量银行绩效的趋势。在前沿分析中,相对于一个特定的标准,表现更好的机构与那些表现不佳的相分离。通过将非参数或参数前沿分析应用于金融服务行业的公司来实现这种分离。这种参数方法包括随机前沿分析、自由处理外壳、厚前沿和自由分布的方法,而非参数方法是数据包络分析(DEA)(Molyneux et al., 1996)。本文使用的是DEA方法。从“最近的研究表明,DEA为估计有效边界而使用的数学规划程序相对强劲”(Seifordand Thrall,1990)以来,这种方法一直被使用。此外,在Charnes et al. (1978)创造了DEA这个词后,大量的论文已经扩展和应用了DEA方法(Coelli,1996)。
本研究使用的是印度银行协会(IBA,1999)编制的1997年- 1998年最新公布的数据。根据这个数据库,在1997年- 1998年有27个公共部门的商业银行,34个私营商业银行和42个外资银行。在103家银行中,九家银行(1 家私营部门和8家外资)的输入和输出数据还不清楚。因此,这些银行被排除在样本之外。从而最终样本有27个公共部门商业银行,33个私营商业银行和34个外资银行。因此,总的观察对象由94家银行组成。
分析的第一步是对银行绩效的测量。根据Bhattacharya et al.(1997),绩效与技术效率(以下称为“效率”)有关。它能够将多个资源转换为多个金融服务。一直使用面向规模收益变量输入的DEA理论模型来计算效率。为了尽可能直接地测量效率,也就是说,管理在控制成本和产生收入的成功,两个输入和两个输出变量,即利息支出、非利息费用(输入)和净利息收入和非利息收入(输出)已经被使用(以下称为模型A)。第二个DEA分析伴随着存款和员工人数作为输入和净贷款和非利息收入作为输出而运行(以下称为模型B)。在模型B中,采用了一个更直接的方法测量效率,存款代替利息费用,员工人数取代非利息支出和净贷款成为净利息收入的代理。两个模型被用来展示当输入和输出变化时效率值是如何不同的。