Sustainable Development of Tourism Industry in China under the Low-carbon Economy
Z. Tanga,b*, C.B. Shia, Z. Liuc
aSchool of Tourism and Cuisine, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin 150076, China
bSchool of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
cSchool of Foreign Language, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin 150028, China,
Low-carbon economy is an effective solution to the sharp conflict between rapid economic growth and high CO2 emission. Low-carbon tourism is a radical approach to implement sustainable development under the background of low-carbon economy. This paper analyzes the fundamental conception of low-carbon tourism and reviewed the main research on low-carbon tourism within and outside China. Some countermeasures for the sustainable development of tourism industry are discussed in view of the benefits of tourist administration, tourism enterprises, tourism attractions and tourists in order to achieve higher quality of tourism experience and greater economic, social and environmental benefits with energy saving and emission reduction.
copy; 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of RIUDS
Keywords: Low-carbon economy; Tourism industry; Low-carbon tourism; Sustainable development
With the growing concern about climate change, the international communities had reached a consensus on the construction of low-carbon economy for tackling global warming. Low-carbon economy is increasingly drawn worldwide attention since British Energy White Paper “Our Energy Future: Creating a Low Carbon Economy” was first drafted in 2003. Low-carbon economy perhaps will become “the fourth industrial revolution” after UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. According to the World Tourism Organization, China will become the largest tourist destination country and the fourth largest tourist source country in the world by 2020. The State Council of China formulated Principle of Speeding up the Development of Tourism Industry in 2009, which advocates vigorously greenhouse gas reduction by conserving energy of tourism industry, and cut down the electricity consumption and water consumption by 20% at star-rated hotels and scenic spots in five years. The low- carbon development of tourism industry not only can reduce energy consumption and achieve the target of energy saving and CO2 reduction, but also can cut down the operating cost and increase the profit of tourism industry. As a new traveling form, low-carbon tourism is the guarantee of the sustainable development of tourism industry.
2.Theory of low-carbon tourism
2.1 Connotation oflow-carbon economy and low-carbon tourism
Low-carbon economy is an economic mode based on low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission, which is another significant civilization following the agricultural civilization and industrial civilization. According to the guidance of sustainable development, new energy development and other means, the essence of low-carbon economy is to minimize the high-carbon energy consumption of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels, to reduce greenhouse gas emission, and to achieve the win-win patterns of economic and social development and ecological environment protection , through technical innovation, system innovation and industrial restructuring [1].
The concept of low-carbon tourism dates back to World Economic Forum “ Go to Low-carbon Travel and Tourism Industry” in 2009. Low-carbon tourism is a new way of sustainable development which can achieve the greater tourism economic, social and environmental benefits , through using the low-carbon technologies, setting up a mechanism for carbon sink mechanism, and promoting the implementation of low-carbon tourism consumption [2]. The core of low-carbon tourism is to obtain a higher quality of tourism experience with low carbon emission and less pollution in the process of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment [3].
2.2 Reviews of low-carbon tourism
The overseas researches put particular emphasis on quantitative assessment on carbon emission of tourism industry. For instance, Beckenaetal. proposed that the total energy use of international tourists is four times that of domestic tourists. Transportation contributes 65–73% of the total energy consumption, and becomes a priority to energy saving [4]. Richard accounts for the carbon tax on aviation fuel would particularly affect long-haul flights and short-haul flights, which implies that tourist destinations that rely heavily on short-haul flights or on intercontinental flights will decline in international tourism numbers [5]. Smith and Rodger assessed
摘 要
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