Sorayanti Utami, Syafruddin Chan, and Novita SariFaculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University, Jalan Kampus Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, IndonesiaE-mail: sorayantiutami@unsyiah.ac.id
ABSTRACT. This study is an empirical study that aims to determine theeffect ofAtmospherics and Perceived value on Behavioral intention through Visitor satisfaction.This research wasconducted at Masjid Raya Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh.The study population is allvisitors of Masjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh.260 samples of the research were collected through purposive sampling technique.Primary data collection is done by distributing questionnaires.Primary data were analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Atmospherics and Perceived value have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral intention. Visitor satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on Behavioral intention. The Atmospherics and Perceived value have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral intention through Visitor satisfaction as mediation. This study also found the role of Visitor satisfaction indirectly mediating the influence of Atmospherics and the Perceived value of partial mediation.
Key words: Atmospherics; Perceived Value; Visitor Satisfaction; Behavioral Intention.
ABSTRACT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nilai Atmospheric and Perceived terhadap Behavioral intention melalui kepuasan Pengunjung. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Banda Aceh. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pengunjung Masjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh. 260 sampel penelitian dikumpulkan melalui teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Data primer dianalisis menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dengan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Atmospheric and Perceived value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Behavioral intention. Kepuasan pengunjung memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Niat berperilaku. Nilai Atmospheric and Perceived berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Behavioral intention melalui mediasi kepuasan pengunjung. Studi ini juga menemukan peran kepuasan Pengunjung secara tidak langsung memediasi pengaruh Atmospheric dan nilai Perceived dari mediasi parsial.
Kata kunci: Atmospherics; Nilai yang Dirasakan; Kepuasan Pengunjung; Niat Perilaku.
Indonesia is one of the largest Moslem countries in the world that is very rich in the quality and quantity of mosque architecture. The development of a mosque is formed by the human need for spirituality. Mosque architecture work is a manifestation of philosophy in a region well in his time. In general, the Mosque in Indonesia has a strong identity of its design form. There is also influenced by economic aspects, social and culture so that there is a distinctively different image between one mosque with another mosque. A mosque means obedient and obedient, the essence of a mosque is a place to carry out all activities that contain obedience to God (Nurjamilah, Cucu 2016).
Masjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh is one of a mosque located in the middle of Banda Aceh or the heart of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province. Masjid Raya Baiturrahman was built during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1022 H/ 1612 AD. In the history of the mosque, there are two versions of history, some sources say the mosque was founded in 1292 AD by Sultan Alauddin Johan Mahmudsyah. Meanwhile, another source mentioned that mosque was founded by Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1612 AD (Badruddin, 2009) Masjid Raya Baiturrahman has its history sheet and has a high value for the people of Aceh, because since the reign of Sultan Iskandar Mudauntil now the Masjid Raya Baiturrahman still stands majestically and serves as a place of worship including the place of commemorating Maulid of Prophet Muhammad SAW, commemorate 1 Muharram and Musabaqah Tilawatil Qurrsquo;an.The mosque is also ashistoric sitesthat has existed since the glorious era of the Aceh Sultanate.
In the year 2015 and then the government of Aceh to renovate the mosque, thechange in the building of the mosque of which is the establishment of 12 unitselectric umbrellaswith colorful lamps with a height ofup to20 meters and a width of 14 meters,with thesize of itcan be imagined how many tens of people can take shelter below(Abdillah, 2016).Then also has been builtablution placewith exclusive design and disability friendly, marble floors, escalators, and the presence of thirty more palm trees. Besides, it also built a basement area under the parking lot with an area of 8,600 m2. This area can accommodate 254 units of cars and 347 motorcycles.
The change certainly addsa different atmosphere that cannot be separated from the spotlight ofvisitors (Jalil, Fikry, amp; Zainuddin, 2016) , to always want to visit Masjid Raya Baiturrahman.
From the preliminary research done by the author, there is a tendency for the perception of the users to be lesssatisfied, so that it influences their behavioral intention. Dissatisfied visitor behavior will usually take different actions from satisfied visitors. Dissatisfied visitors are likely to reduce discrepancies by taking several actions such as expressing their complaints directly to consumer complaints, spreading negative impressions to their friends, until
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