
 2022-02-17 21:45:53

Exploring touristsrsquo; perceptions of tourism impacts


Understanding how residents perceive tourism impacts and support tourism development within a destination has received considerable attention in tourism research (Harrill, 2004) so as to better understand how tourism can be most beneficial for many involved parties (Hunt, Durham, Driscoll, amp; Honey, 2015; Su, Huang, amp; Huang, 2016). Unequivocally, a preponderance of such studies have focused on predictors or antecedents of how individuals view tourism, which include economic dependency (Pizam, 1978), travel history (Draper, Woosnam, amp; Norman, 2011), demographic background (Huh amp; Vogt, 2008), and distance from tourism center (Fredline amp; Faulkner, 2001) to name a few. More recently, a growing body of tourism research has considered the role of social relationships between host and guest in explaining residents#39; perceptions of tourism benefits and approval of tourism development (Lai amp; Hitchcock, 2017; Li amp; Wan, 2017). Focusing on “affective bonds individuals feel with one another” (Woosnam, 2008, p. 16), Woosnam (2012) and Hasani, Moghavvemi, and Hamzah (2016) each found that residents with greater emotional solidarity with tourists also demonstrated more optimistic views of the impacts of tourism.

Implicit in each of these studies is a focus on how residents think about tourism in their community or how their social emotion toward tourists affects their perceptions. Tourism research to date has mostly neglected to examine how tourists think about tourism impacts and tourism development in the destination they are visiting. Arguably, this research gap has resulted from a dichotomous view where non-residents of a destination are expected to have little opinion regarding what is planned for and managed in the destination. Nevertheless, such a dichotomous view should be questioned on two grounds. First, tourists may become emotionally attached to the destination (Cardinale, Nguyen, amp; Melewar, 2016; Cheng amp; Wu, 2015) and sometimes identify themselves with it (Su amp; Swanson, 2017). Consequentially, tourists can become mindful about the environmental and cultural impacts of their behavior (Cheng amp; Wu, 2015; Chiu, Lee, amp; Chen, 2014; Su amp; Swanson, 2017). Second, efforts in tourism research have increased to explore a single construct from both residents#39; and tourists#39; perspectives. For instance, place attachment has been studied using data collected from both residents and tourists (Gu amp; Ryan, 2008; McCool amp; Martin, 1994), as has destination image (Stylidis, Shani, amp; Belhassen, 2017).

Thus, it would be both logical and meaningful to ask tourists about their perceptions of tourism impacts on the destination and what contributes to more positive attitudes concerning tourism development. Studies (e.g., Cardinale et al., 2016; Su amp; Swanson, 2017) have not only supported the idea of emotional attachment emerging between tourists and the destination, but also many popular destinations (e.g., Hawaii or London) have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of repeat tourists (Hawaii Tourism Authority, 2017; VisitBritain, 2015) who are more likely to be emotionally connected to the destinations they frequent. This, in turn, creates a good environment for tourists to develop emotional solidarity with residents, as the two groups are more likely to have repeated interaction. According to the emotional solidarity theory (Durkheim, 1912/1995), individuals#39; affective bonds with one another is enhanced as their interaction increases. Indeed, in a study of residents#39;




了解居民如何看待旅游影响并支持目的地内的旅游业发展,在旅游研究中受到了相当多的关注(Harrill,2004),以便更好地了解旅游业如何对许多相关方最有利(Hunt,Durham,Driscoll,&Honey, 2015 ; Su,Huang,&Huang,2016)。毫无疑问,这些研究的优势集中在个人如何看待旅游的预测因素或前因,包括经济依赖(Pizam,1978),旅行历史(Draper,Woosnam,&Norman,2011),人口背景(Huh&Vogt,2008))和旅游中心的距离(Fredline&Faulkner,2001)仅举几例。最近,越来越多的旅游研究考虑了主人和客人之间的社会关系在解释居民对旅游利益的看法和旅游开发的认可方面的作用(Lai&Hitchcock,2017 ; Li&Wan,2017)。专注于“个人互相感受的情感纽带”(Woosnam,2008,第16页),Woosnam(2012)Hasani,Moghavvemi和Hamzah(2016)各自发现,与游客情感团结较大的居民也表现出更乐观的观点旅游的影响。

每项研究都隐含着关注居民如何看待社区中的旅游业或他们对游客的社交情感如何影响他们的感知。到目前为止,旅游研究大多忽略了检查游客如何考虑他们正在访问的目的地的旅游影响和旅游业发展。可以说,这种研究差距源于一种二分法观点,即预期目的地的非居民对目的地的计划和管理方面几乎没有意见。然而,应该从两个方面质疑这种二分法观点。首先,游客可能会情绪化地依附于目的地(Cardinale,Nguyen,&Melewar,2016 ; Cheng&Wu,2015),并且有时会认同自己(Su&Swanson,2017)。因此,游客可以注意到他们行为对环境和文化的影响(Cheng&Wu,2015 ; Chiu,Lee,Chen,2014 ; Su&Swanson,2017)。其次,旅游研究的努力已经增加,从居民和游客的角度探索单一的建筑。例如,地方附件已经使用从居民和游客收集的数据进行了研究(Gu&Ryan,2008 ; McCool&Martin,1994),目的地图像(Stylidis,Shani,&Belhassen,2017)。

因此,向游客询问他们对旅游目的地影响的看法以及对旅游业发展的更积极态度的贡献是合乎逻辑和有意义的。研究(例如,Cardinale等,2016 ; Su&Swanson,2017)不仅支持游客和目的地之间出现情感依恋的想法,而且许多热门目的地(如夏威夷或伦敦)也见证了大幅增长重复游客数量(夏威夷旅游局,2017 ; VisitBritain,2015)谁更有可能在情感上与他们经常去的目的地联系起来。反过来,这为游客提供了一个良好的环境,使他们能够与居民建立情感团结,因为这两个群体更有可能重复互动。根据情绪团结理论(Durkheim,1912/1995),个体之间的情感联系随着他们的互动增加而增强。事实上,在一项关于居民对节日参与者的感受的研究中,参与该节日多年的居民的情感团结更为明显(Woosnam,Aleshinloye,Van Winkle,&Qian,2014)。这意味着经常性的互动促进了居民的情感团结,这对游客来说也是如此。

反复访问目的地可能会使游客对目的地(Cardinale等,2016)及其居民(Joo,Woosnam,&Dudensing,2015)产生更大的情感依恋,这可能会改变游客对目的地旅游的看法(Woosnam,2012)。居民对游客的情感团结与他们对旅游的态度之间的紧密联系表明,在旅游环境中与其他人建立更愉快关系的个人也更倾向于对旅游业持乐观态度(Lai&Hitchcock,2017 ; Li&Wan,2017 ; Woosnam) ,2012)。因此,个人,特别是居民,在支持旅游业时,考虑非货币奖励(即社会情绪)和货币利益(Woosnam,2012)。有可能怀疑游客对目的地旅游的看法是由他们与居民的情感团结引导的。换句话说,当游客感到受到欢迎并在情感上接近居民时,他们也可能对目的地的旅游保持良好的看法。另一方面,游客和居民之间的低情绪团结可能有助于前者对旅游目的地做什么和将做什么感到不那么乐观。因此,这项研究假设了以下关系:




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