
 2022-03-31 20:50:41

Service Quality and its Impact on Tourist Satisfaction

Mukhles Al-Ababneh


This study aims to assess tourists‟ perceptions towards quality tourism services provided at Petra historical site, and to measure tourist satisfaction by examining the impact of quality tourism product on overall tourist satisfaction. In this study, four hypotheses were developed are proposed a study model. The empirical data were collected from tourists via a survey that yielded 180 usable questionnaires, these data were analysed using a series of multiple regressions to determine the relationship between service quality and tourist satisfaction. The findings confirmed that service quality directly impacted tourist satisfaction throughout destination facilities, destination accessibility and destination attraction. As a result, this study argued that there is a significant impact of the service quality on tourist satisfaction, and therefore service quality plays an important role in tourism by increasing the level of tourist satisfaction. The results in this study supported the evidence that there are positive impacts of components of tourism product on tourist satisfaction. This study provided some theoretical and managerial implications based on the findings to academicians and tourism sector, the researcher presented recommendations for further studies and he discussed the main limitations in this study.

Keywords: Service Quality; Tourist Satisfaction; Tourism; Petra and Jordan.


Tourism is one of the top and fastest growing sectors in the world; it plays a very important role in the economy and stimulated the growth of other economy (Osman and Sentosa, 2013). The Travel and Tourism industry has outperformed the global economy in 2012, it growing faster than manufacturing, retail, financial services and communications. The industry has grown its total contribution to GDP by 3% and increased the number of jobs by five million to 260 million, and therefore one in 11 of all jobs in the world are now supported by Travel and Tourism. More than 10% of all new jobs created in 2012 were from the industry. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council‟s economic research, in 2012, Travel and Tourism‟s total economic contribution was US$6.6 trillion in GDP. This contribution represents 9% of total GDP (WTTC, 2013).

In Jordan, tourism plays an important role in the national economy and contributes highly to the country‟s GDP compared with the other sectors. Tourism‟s contribution to the Jordanian economy was estimated to be US$3.4 billion and accounts for approximately 12.4 per cent of the country#39;s GDP in 2010. It provides the Jordanian economy with hard currency and creates new jobs. The tourism sector is a promising sector in Jordan due to

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Jordan being considered as an attractive country for tourists in the world for reasons such as the diversity of nature, the deep-rooted cultural heritage, and the country‟s political stability. In addition, Petra became one of the “Seven Wonders of the World” in 2007, and that attracts more tourists from around the world. Jordan had been visited by more than 8.25 million tourists in 2010 which an increase of 16.5% from 2009 which was about 7.08 million tourists. The tourism statistics between 2006 and 2010 indicate that the tourism sector in Jordan is growing rapidly. Hence, the tourism income in 2010 has increased by 65% from 2006 which was about US$2.06 billion (Jordanian Ministry of Tourism, 2013). Jordan is a destination with many iconic tourist attractions, such as Petra, Wadi Rum, Jerash, and the Dead Sea. Tourism is of vital importance to the national economy of Jordan. It is the Kingdom#39;s largest export sector, its second largest private sector employer, and it#39;s second highest producer of foreign exchange (Othman, 2010).

Service quality is considered as a standard used to assess the effectiveness of a particular leisure service agency, including the tourism service sector (Godbey, 1997), and therefore the quality of service involved with tourism plays an important role in the process of delivery (Wyllie, 2000). Further, the quality of service influenced customers#39; image that had an effect on the process from expected quality to perceived quality (Prabaharan et al., 2008). Customer satisfaction can also be defined as satisfaction based on an outcome or a process (Vavra, 1997).Tourism is arguably one of the largest self-initiated commercial interventions to create happiness on the entire planet (Pearce, 2007). Happiness is directly related to satisfaction, and therefore overall happiness is highly linked to satisfaction in leisure travel sector (Glatzer, 2000). The majority of tourists have experiences with destinations, and their perceptions are influenced by comparisons among facilities, attractions, and service standards (Laws, 1995). The study will present and test three main dimensions of factors affecting tourist satisfaction, and they are: destination facilities, destination accessibility and destination attraction. The purpose of this paper is to measure the quality of tourism services and its impact on tourist satisfaction in Petra.

Literature review

Service Quality

Service quality is defined as what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for” rather than “what the supplier puts in (Ducker, 1991). In some earlier studies, service quality has been defined to the ext



Mukhles Al-Ababneh





旅游业是世界上增长最快的行业之一;它在经济中起着非常重要的作用,刺激了其他经济体的增长(Osman和Sentosa,2013)。旅游业在2012年的表现超过了全球经济,其增长速度超过制造业、零售业、金融服务和通讯行业。工业增加值占国内生产总值的比重提高了3%,就业岗位增加了500万至2.6亿,因此,世界上11个就业岗位中有1个得到了旅游和旅游的支持。2012年创造的新就业岗位中,超过10%来自该行业。根据世界旅游和旅游协会的经济研究,2012年旅游和旅游的总经济贡献为6.6万亿美元。这个贡献占GDP的9% (WTTC, 2013)。



约旦被认为是一个吸引世界游客的国家,原因是自然的多样性,根深蒂固的文化遗产,以及国家的政治稳定。此外,佩特拉在2007年成为“世界七大奇迹”之一,吸引了来自世界各地的游客。2010年,约旦接待游客超过825万人次,比2009年增长16.5%,达到708万人次。2006年至2010年的旅游统计数据表明,约旦的旅游业正在迅速发展。因此,2010年的旅游收入比2006年增长了65%,约为20.6亿美元(约旦旅游部,2013年)。约旦是一个旅游胜地,有许多标志性的旅游景点,如佩特拉、瓦迪朗姆、杰拉什和死海。旅游业对约旦国民经济至关重要。它是沙特最大的出口部门,它的第二大私营部门雇主,也是第二大外汇生产商(Othman, 2010)。




服务质量被定义为顾客所得到的,并愿意为“而不是”供应商所提供的服务付费(Ducker,1991)。在一些早期的研究中,服务质量的定义是服务满足顾客的需求或期望的程度(Lewis和Mitchell,1990;Dotchin和奥克兰,1994)。Zeithaml等人(1996)将服务质量概念化为顾客对服务弱点或霸权的整体印象。因此,服务质量常常被概念化为预期性能和感知服务实际性能之间的差异(Bloemeretal.1999;卡拉etal .,2005)。Parasuramanetal.(1988)引入了SERVQUAL模型来度量服务质量,包括在五个维度中的22个项目:可靠性、实际、响应性、保证和移情。这些维度具有特定的服务特征链接到客户的期望。在市场营销中开发了SERVQUAL量表。


这是由市场科学研究所(Parasuramanetal.,1986)支持的。尽管该模型作为一种工具已被应用于各行业的各种研究中,但SERVQUAL已经收到了来自其他学者的许多批评(例如,Cronin和Taylor,1992;布朗etal .,1993)。然而,由于行业特征的差异,许多研究者反对使用SERVQUAL来测量服务质量。之前的其他研究证实,SERVQUAL工具适用于旅游业(Fick和Ritchie, 1991;元et al .,2005;谢赫和汗,2011)。











目的地形象是近年来对旅游研究领域的一种补充(AbuAli和Howaidee,2012)。旅游目的地的形象是一个重要因素(亨特,1975;分,1991分;Echtner和里奇,1991;Gartner,1996;Buhalis,2000;法律etal.,2002;Tasci和Gartner,2007),最终影响最终的选择或行为意图(Chen和Tsai,2007)。然而,关于旅游目的地形象的开创性研究,从20世纪70年代开始,80年代也出现了一些理论和概念上的局限(Fakeye和Crompton,1991;Echtner和里奇,1993;Gartner,1993;Gallarzaetal.,2002)。然而,有几项研究表明,目的地形象确实会影响游客的行为(Hunt,1975;皮尔斯,1982)。Lawson和BaudBovy(1977)将目标形象的概念定义为对某一特定地点的个人或群体的所有客观知识、偏见、想象和情感思想的表达。其他作者将这一形象定义为人们所联想到的所有信仰、想法和印象的总和(克朗普顿,1979)。Bigne等人(2001)将目的地形象定义为游客对现实的主观解读。因此,游客对目的地的印象在很大程度上是主观的,因为它基于每个游客对他们去过或听说过的所有目的地的感知(SanMartin和Rodriguez,2008)。换句话说,目的地形象是根据其资源和吸引力(Stabler,1995)的属性来评价的,它激励游客前往目的地(Alhemoud and Armstrong, 1996, Schneider and Sonmez, 1999;Gallarza et al .,2002;Beerli和马丁,2004)。那些具有强烈、正面形象的目的地更有可能在旅游决策过程中被考虑和选择(Goodrich,1978;伍德赛德和Lysonski,1989)。因此,目的地形象对于旅行决策具有重要作用(Schmoll,1977;穆迪尼奥,1984;伍德赛德和Lysonski,1989)。




选择旅游支出。这个节日的市场价值是由它的价格决定的。因此,价格协调是由一个旅游运营商提供的目的地管理和协调提供一个全包的假期。目标管理提供的价格协调可以为旅游产品制定更有效的每日价格,从而导致整体旅游支出的增加(Andergassen et al, 2013)。


顾客满意的定义是满意的结果,它将满足作为消费体验的最终状态,或强调感知、评价和心理过程的过程,从而有助于顾客满意(Varvara,1997)。这一定义,评估满意度是在服务交付过程中做出的。顾客满意度也可以被定义为消费者从他们的购买中体验到的后利用的感觉(Westbrook和Oliver,1991;嗯etal .,2006)。这是一种幸福感或不快乐的感觉,因为它将服务或产品的感知性能与预期的性能进行比较。如果感知到的性能没有达到预期的性能,那么客户将会感到失望或不满(Kotler,2008)。消费者被认为对体验加权总和感到满意,与期望(ChoiandChu,2001)相比,总产生一种享受的感觉。在旅游研究中,顾客满意是游客体验旅游后的情绪状态(Baker和Crompton,2000;桑切斯etal .,2006)。顾客满意度是许多旅游研究中研究的最主要的领域之一,因为它在决定旅游业的成功和持续存在(Gursoyetal.,2007)上的重要性。旅游度假区的顾客满意度是游客整体享受的程度,旅游体验能够满足游客的“欲望、期望、需求和需求”的旅游体验(Chen和Tsai, 2007)。





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