Harnessing Technical and Vocational Education and Training and Entrepreneurship Education to Address Unemployment in Lusaka Province, Zambia
Phillip Mubanga, Oo Yu Hock, Asif Mahbub Karim, Zulkifli Senteri, Innocent Mutale Mulenga, Miriam Preckler
The aim of this study was to highlight how a combination of TVET and entrepreneurship education can be harnessed to address the problem of unemployment as well as underutilisation of human resources, in Lusaka Province, Zambia, to foster sustainable social economic development. A questionnaire was administered to TVET students. A representative sample of 480 respondents was targeted. Interview respondents included TVET instructors, TVET administrators, TVET government officers, Industry experts and parents of TVET learners. The sample was proportionately shared among the eight districts in Lusaka province. The study was conducted from April 2018 to March 2019. This was a mixed methods research. Quantitative data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data through thematic approach. The findings indicated that unemployment as well as underutilisation of human resources can be addressed by tapping into the entrepreneurial ambitions of TVET Learners; encouraging, enticing and appealing to students by asking them to consider entrepreneurship as a vocation or career pathway; offering entrepreneurship education to TVET learners; sensitisation and robust rollout of TVET and entrepreneurship education national wide through policy directives; and, developing appropriate curriculum to support the awareness and recognition that TVET learners that acquire entrepreneurship knowledge and skills are potential productive human resource for different industry sectors to drive sustainable economic development.
Technical Education, Vocational Training, Entrepreneurship, Harnessing, Underutilisation, Economic Development
1. Introduction
The reason for conducting this research was to suggest some solutions that can contribute towards resolving the problem of high unemployment prevailing in Lusaka province, Zambia emanating from underdevelopment. According to CSO (2018) [1], unemployment stood 7.79%, and youth unemployment at 16.3%, by any standards these rates are high. The unemployment has been cited as one of the main causes of poverty standing at 60% (CSO, 2015) [2]. This is consistent with the findings that in spite of the abundant natural resources endowment and a young population with an average age of 17 years, Zambia has remained less industrialised, underdeveloped and with most of its population on average living in abject poverty (World Bank, 2018) [3]. Therefore, the aim was to highlight and suggest how a combination of TVET and entrepreneurship education can be harnessed as some of the ways that can be embraced in addressing the problem of unemployment as well as underutilisation of human resources in Lusaka province, Zambia in order to bring about social economic development. It is expected that when unemployment is reduced, poverty levels can plummet.
1.1. Background
Lusaka province is one of the ten provinces in Zambia. Zambia is a country situated in Southern Africa with a total land area of 752,618 km2. It is surrounded by eight neighbouring countries namely: Angola, Botswana, DR Congo, Malawi, Mozambique Namibia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. The average population of Zambia is currently estimated at 17.2 million (Trading Economics, 2019) [4].According to the latest census, Zambiarsquo;s population in 2010 was 13,092,666. Comparing to other provinces in Zambia, Lusaka Province had the largest population at 2,191,225 followed by Copperbelt Province with 1,972,317. Muchinga Province had the smallest population at 711,657. The country is sparsely populated with a density of 17.4 persons. Lusaka Province was the most densely populated province with 100.1 persons per square kilometre while North Western Province was the least densely populated province with 5.8 persons per square kilometre (CSO, 2012) [5]. Lusaka province which is the focus of this study has eight districts.
1.2. Problem Statement
The study had five research questions. This article will look at research question one which had four key variables with several underlying rudimentary factors. In a series of articles, of which this is the first, the article focuses on one key variable, and the other three will be covered in subsequent articles. The question revolved around evaluating, the degree to which a combination of TVET and entrepreneurship education, played a role in addressing the problem of unemployment, as well as, underutilisation of human resources partly caused by underdevelopment in order to foster sustainable economic development. There is prevalent acute unemployment, as well as, underutilisation of human capital in Lusaka province, Zambia. The question sought to provide means and ways that can be explored to resolve the endemic unemployment, with a view of improving the living standards of many citizens. There are a number of ways of tackling this problem as supported by many research done in other parts of the globe, persuading TVET learners to take up entrepreneurship. There is influence of personality traits and persuasive messages on entrepreneurial intentions of learners (Pillis et al., 2007) [6]. Encouraging TVET for employment and sustainable economic development through career development programmes (Rayan, 2015) [7]. TVET graduates and dropouts can create technology based enterprises (Grundsteacute;n, 2004) [8]. Entrepreneurial motivation and determinant factors of the TVET graduate to become entrepreneurs (Kidane amp; Raju, 2016) [9]. Female entrepreneurs contribute to reducing unemployment (HollandNoronha, 2010) [10]. Startups in technical or manufacturing industry by TVET graduates ca
Phillip Mubanga, Oo Yu Hock, Asif Mahbub Karim, Zulkifli Senteri, Innocent Mutale Mulenga, Miriam Preckler
该研究有五个研究问题。本文将探讨研究问题,其中有四个关键变量,有几个潜在的基本因素。在一系列文章中,这是第一篇,本文重点介绍一个关键变量,其他三个将在后续文章中介绍。问题围绕着评估,职业技术教育与培训与创业教育的结合在多大程度上在解决失业问题方面发挥了作用,以及部分由于不发达而造成的人力资源利用不足,以促进可持续经济发展。赞比亚卢萨卡省普遍存在严重失业和人力资本利用不足的情况。这个问题力求提供可以探讨解决普遍失业问题的手段和途径,以期提高许多公民的生活水平。有许多方法可以解决这个问题,这得到了全球其他地区许多研究的支持,说服职业技术教育与培训的学习者开始创业。人格特质和说服力信息对学习者创业意图有影响(Pillis等人,2007)[6]。通过职业发展计划来鼓励职业技术教育、培训就业和可持续经济发展(Rayan,2015)[7]。职业技术教育与培训的毕业生和辍学者可以创建以技术为基础的企业(Grundsteacute;n,2004年)[8]。职业技术教育与培训毕业生成为企业家的创业动机和决定因素(Kidane amp; Raju,2016)[9]。女性企业家有助于降低失业率(HollandNoronha,2010)[10]。职业技术教育与培训毕业生在技术或制造业的初创企业可以缓解人力资源利用不足(Suradi等人,2017)[11]。职业技术教育与培训是一个国家经济发展的重要因素(Pavlova,2014)[12]。在赞比亚,Hoppers(1984)[13]研究了青年,非正规职业培训和就业,忽视了企业家精神。Mwiya(2014)[14]对大学生而不是职业技术教育与培训学生的创业教育的影响进行了研究。自雇需要为创业计划提供足够的资金,对创业教育计划和创业能力(如男性年龄技能)进行适当评估(Garba,G.A.等人,2017)[15]。职业技术教育与培训与创业为公民创造了自己的财富提供了机会,并展示了创业计划在职业技术教育与培训中的重要性,作为使年轻人能够自立,能够解决失业问题并为国家经济增长和发展做出贡献的一种方式(Ogbaekirigweamp;Ugochukwu,2017)[16]。参加职业技术教育与培训使学习者(特别是女性和女性青年)能够在水产养殖技术、职业和创业领域找到有报酬的自雇职业(世界鱼类,2018年)[17]。为了创造许多就业机会,增强职业技术教育与培训机构学习者的创业心态具有巨大潜力(Dahalan,D.等人,2018)[18]。许多职业技术教育与培训机构强调,在确定职业技术教育与培训毕业生素质时,将自我就业作为就业标准的解决方案(Ismail等人,2019年)[19]。本文重点介绍了如何利用职业技术教育与培训与创业教育的结合来解决失业问题,以及利用人力资源推动赞比亚卢萨卡省社会经济发展的问题。
2. 方法
该研究于2018年4月至2019年3月期间在卢萨卡省所有八个地区的选定技术和职业培训机构中进行。卢萨卡省的八个区是奇兰加、奇伦杜、崇圭、卡富埃、卢安瓜、卢萨卡、鲁丰萨和涩云吉。这是一项混合方法研究,采用了定量和定性方法。对于本研究的定量部分,使用概率抽样的分层随机抽样,从17981名学生的人群中选择了样本。采用分层随机抽样,从卢萨卡省的100所职业技术教育与培训机构中挑选学习者。在这种情况下,分层变量是地区。110所职业技术教育与培训机构是根据它们所在的八个地区分组的,这是用于将抽样框架划分为八个离散地层的标准,然后从地区地层中系统地选择样本。该技术需要使用采样分数以系统的方式在既定的定期间隔内选择学习者,直到整个样本用完为止。使用地区作为抽样变量的分层是理想的,因为它促进并确保了样本中各地区机构的学习者的正确代表性。行政人员调查问卷是在同一所选定的职业学校进行的。定性样品通过非概率抽样方法抽取,使用有目的的抽样和滚雪球取样。通过有目的的抽样收集数据,选择了职业技术教育与培训讲师、管理人员、政府官员和行业专家的定性样本。之所以使用有目的的抽样,是因为这种方法允许研究人员选择提供最丰富信息的受访者,以进行与所研究的中心问题相关的深入分析(Komboamp; Tromp,2006)[24]。虽然采用了滚雪球抽样来提出用于从职业技术教育与培训学习者的父母那里收集数据的样本。
2.1 目标人口、样本规模和人口统计
表 1. 按性别分列的职业技术教育与培训学习者的频率和百分比分布。
频率 |
百分比 |
有效百分比 |
累计百分比 |
男性 |
207 |
52.8 |
52.8 |
52.8 |
女性 |
185 |
47.2 |
47.2 |
100.0 |
总 |
392 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
表 2. 按性别分列的职业技术教育与培训管理人员的频率和百分比分布。
频率 |
百分比 |
有效百分比 |
累计百分比 |
男性 |
11 |
68.8 |
68.8 |
68.8 |
女性 |
5 |
31.3 |
31.3 |
100.0 |
总 |
16 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
表 3. 受访者按性别分列的频率和百分比分布。 |
频率 |
百分比 |
有效百分比 |
累计百分比 |
男性 |
50 |
76.0 |
76.0 |
76.0 |
女性 |
16 |
24.0 |
24.0 |
100.0<!-- 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料 资料编号:[588581],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word |
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