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Procedia Economics and Finance 32 (2015) 432 – 436
Emerging Markets Queries in Finance and Business
Traditional Cultural Manifestation Marketing and Service Quality- The Case of Dubrovnik Summer Festival
Marija Dragicevica,* Ana Tevsica
aUniversity of Dubrovnik, Department of Economics and Business Economics, 20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Marketing strategies applied in the cultural manifestation business practice greatly affect the success of a manifestation, even it is the case of traditional manifestation. The purpose of this paper is to research the marketing strategies applied in Dubrovnik Summer Festival, as traditional cultural manifestation old 65 years. For the purposes of this paper, a research was conducted among a sample of 200 participants who are local inhabitans of Dubrovnik and who were attenting the programm of Dubrovnik Summer Festival. Although the approach to marketing of Dubrovnik Summer Festival is handled with great attention, the results of this research signify a need for the continuous expansion of marketing activities, as well as for the implementation of new marketing strategies.
copy; 2015 Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Emerging Markets Queries in Finance and Business local organization.
copy; 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Asociatia Grupul Roman de Cercetari in Finante Corporatiste
Key words: traditional cultural manifestation; marketing; Dubrovnik Summer Festival; Croatia
Organizations that maintain a market concept are better able to understand the customers preferences and have more conditions to be successful and competitive. The organizations have to continuously improve the marketing strategies through significant changes of all marketing mix elements ( usually in service based on 7P marketing mix that is product, distribution, price, promotion, process, people and physical evidence) Lovelock and Wirtz, 2007. If we analyse the marketing concept from the organizational competitiveness point of view it has to be said that the marketing concept is a result of different factors such as expertise, beliefs and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 0038520445923; fax:0038520445901
E-mail address: marija.dragicevic@unidu.hr
2212-5671 copy; 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Asociatia Grupul Roman de Cercetari in Finante Corporatiste
values and entails both behavioural and cultural component Neill, Pathak amp; Reddy, 2009.
Dubrovnik Summer Festival is cultural manifestation founded in 1950, so we can state that have character of traditional cultural manifestation. Shakespeare, Goldoni, the Greek tragedians, Moliegrave;re, Corneille and Goethe became yardsticks of the traditionalist nature of the festival www. dubrovnik-festival.hr, accessed 15.04. 2013. The goal of this paper is to show the significance and some specific features of Dubrovnik Summer Festival and the marketing which until now have been applied, such as to give some propositions and recommendation which should be done with the goal of improving performing art process.
For the purpose of this paper we have stated basic hypotheses:
H1. Although there is significant effort on creating adequate marketing strategy and ensure the necessary level of product quality in Dubrovnik Summer Festival as traditional manifestation, there is a need for improving marketing strategies with new and innovative ones.
For the purposes of this paper, research was conducted among a sample of 200 participants who are local residents of Dubrovnik and who have visited the programme of Dubrovnik Summer Festival.
Dubrovnik Summer Festival as traditional Cultural Manifestation
It has been considered that manifestations have the key role in creation of town image in the relatively short period Getz, 1991. When we mention Dubrovnik Summer Festival we have to say that the idea of harmonizing the renaissance and baroque atmosphere of Dubrovnik and the living spirit of drama and music, is actually derived from the intellectual way of life of the city itself and its living creative tradition. Marin Drzic, Nikola Naljeskovic, Ivan Gundulic or Ivo Vojnovic are word known names who became a mainstay of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival in the fields of drama programme. At the same time Dubrovnik Summer Festival is faced with the problems connected with the commercialization of Dubrovnik Old Town space what has a great influence on reduced possibility of making optimal ambience choice, especially when we take into account drama programme and comedies. For example in the past very attractive renaissance comedies have often taken place in the city squares Gundulic, Bunic and Drzic Squere or Goethe#39;s Iphigenia, staged in Gradac Park. This locations are very rarely used today.
Festival music programme was initially conceptualized as presentation of the
传统文化表现营销与服务质量 - 以杜布罗夫尼克夏季艺术节为例
Marija Dragicevica,* Ana Tevsica
aUniversity of Dubrovnik, Department of Economics and Business Economics, 20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia
关键词:传统文化表现形式;营销; 杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节; 克罗地亚
保持市场概念的组织能够更好地了解客户的偏好,并有更多条件成功和具有竞争力。 这些组织必须通过对所有营销组合元素进行重大变革(通常基于7P营销组合,即产品,分销,价格,促销,流程,人员和物证)服务于Lovelock和Wirtz,2007年来不断改进营销策略。 我们从组织竞争力的角度分析营销概念,必须说营销概念是专业知识,信仰和价值观等不同因素的结果,并且需要行为和文化成分Neill,Pathak&Reddy,2009。
杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节是1950年成立的文化表现形式,因此我们可以说它具有传统文化表现形式的特征。莎士比亚,戈尔多尼,希腊悲剧家,莫里哀,高勒和歌德成为节日www. dubrovnik-festival.hr,访问2013年4月15日的传统主义性质的标尺。本文的目的是为了展示杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节的意义和一些具体特点,以及迄今为止所应用的营销方式,例如提出一些命题和建议,以改善表演艺术流程。
人们一直认为表现形式在创造城市形象方面起着关键作用,在相对较短的时期Getz,1991年。当我们提到杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节时,我们必须说,协调杜布罗夫尼克的文艺复兴和巴洛克式氛围以及生活精神戏剧和音乐,实际上是源于城市本身的生活方式和其活的创造性传统。 Marin Drzic,Nikola Naljeskovic,Ivan Gundulic或Ivo Vojnovic都是在杜比罗夫尼克夏季音乐节中成为主流的名字。与此同时,杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节面临着与杜布罗夫尼克老城区商业化有关的问题,尤其是当我们考虑到戏剧节目和喜剧时,对减少制作最佳氛围选择的可能性产生重大影响。例如,过去非常有吸引力的文艺复兴喜剧经常发生在格拉达茨公园举办的城市广场Gundulic,Bunic和Drzic Squere或歌德的Iphigenia。这些地点今天很少使用。
节日音乐节目最初被概念化为来自该国最好的作曲家,独奏家和管弦乐队的演出,但到了五十年代末,它已经成长为对来自世界各地的顶级独奏艺术家和乐团的真实评论。杜布罗夫尼克音乐表演的高标准得到了有吸引力的音响建筑物的功能性使用的补充,尤其是Rector#39;s Palace Atrium。我们想指出,音乐节目已经在过去的老城区进行过了。今天的音乐表演主要发生在校长宫。除了经常出现萨格勒布爱乐乐团以外,我们还可以提到捷克爱乐乐团,来自伦敦,维也纳,德累斯顿,柏林,莫斯科和华沙的爱乐乐团。参加钢琴独奏的有Svyatoslav Richter,Vladimir Ashkenazy,Nikita Magaloff,Van Cliburn,Martha Argerich,Rudolf Firkusny,Alexis Weissenberg,Aldo Ciccolini,Claudio Arrau,Mihail Pletnov和Ivo Pogorelic,长笛演奏家James Galway,小提琴家Henry Szeryng,Leonid Kogan, Isaac Stern,David Oistrakh,Viktor Tretiakov,Zlatko Balokovic和Uto Ughi,以及大提琴手Rostropovich,Navarra,Janigro和Tortellier。像Nicolai Gedda和Monserrat Caballe这样的伟大歌手也在这个音乐节上演出,以及Duke Ellington,Dizzy Gillespie和Ravi Shankar等明星表演。1964年,蒙特维尔第的第一部歌剧作品“波普佩加冕”被放在校长宫前。然而,1971年发现了杜布罗夫尼克和歌剧的最佳方式,而且自从在校长宫的中庭上演室内歌剧,主要是漫画。在杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节上,芭蕾和舞蹈也受到了客人的欢迎,并得到了一系列着名的名字和团体的介绍。
正如Neill,Pathak&Reddy在2009年所指出的,市场导向与组织竞争力正相关。 杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节正在主季举行。我们发现探索当地居民对DSF商业实践中直到现在有趣的质量和营销活动的态度。 实证研究的结果涉及当地居民对杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节的态度,将在本文的下一部分进行介绍。人们加剧紧张局势主要集中在如何部署传统文化,尤其是与传统文化相关的重要生计Forsyth,2012。
为了本文的目的,我们采用包括13个问题的访谈方法进行了初步研究。 这次调查是亲自进行的,其中包括杜布罗夫尼克地区200名居民参观杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节的样本。 第一组问题是关于参观过杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节的当地居民的社会经济特征。
我们还要求受访者对前面提到的服务的重要性进行评分。开幕式对于87%的受访者来说非常重要,其中66%为其他节目,63%为歌剧,91%为音乐表演,80%为受访者舞蹈,89%为戏剧和喜剧,81% 。因此,我们可以得出结论,受访者知道这些服务对于他们自己的文化发展以及杜布罗夫尼克作为文化目的地具有重要意义。他们对音乐表演,戏剧和喜剧的重要性最高。同时我们也想指出,也有不同的意见。受访者中有一部分人认为额外的节目,歌剧和舞蹈并不重要,因此他们认为这些节目既不重要也不重要。对于其他未来的研究来说,这可能是一个有趣的领域。
创造忠诚度和客户要求最重要的因素是包括在内的额外员工。杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节组织(87%的回应),表演和承诺的质量(97%的回应),服务的可用性,包括位置和持续时间(93%的回复),与客户的沟通(95%的回应),可信度(96% ),安全(回应率91%),项目多样化(回应率97%),氛围(回应率82%)。
DSF已在其业务实践中实施了质量管理体系标准ISO 9001,该标准基于对Lasic,2013年流程的持续改进。这意味着应用合理的科学方法来创建和实现服务。这与提高产品质量水平和创建新的营销策略直接相关。同时,这些过程基于某种程度的宽容,因为节日的本质,这一点非常重要。流程中的变化可以与专业化等不同的策略相联系,但是多样化会增加复杂性,影响新服务和产品的创建。财政支持和赞助不得视为费用,而应视为促销措施和更好的形象创造的“工具”。表现形式通常侵犯与政治和公共环境 - 地方,地区,国家相关的不同领域,如空间,基础设施,环境,健康等。政治环境的影响可能导致不良的垂直和(或)水平活动协调。杜布罗夫尼克夏季音乐节是克罗地亚最重要的文化表现形式之一,因此经理们应该高度重视服务质量,排除所有其他因素,例如政治和当地公众对其决策的影响。
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