
 2022-06-25 22:57:43

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Drivers of Green Purchase Intentions: Green Self-Efficacy and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness


Purpose: This study aims to combine the literature of consumer behavior and green marketing into a new managerial framework of green motivation. In addition, the present study proposes an original framework to explore the influence of Green Self-Efficacy (GSE) on Green Buying Intentions (GPI) of consumers through the mediating role of Perceived Consumer Effectiveness (PCE).

目的:本研究旨在将消费者行为和绿色营销文献结合为一个新的绿色激励管理框架。 此外,本研究提出了一个原始框架,通过感知消费者效能(PCE)的中介作用探索绿色自我效能(GSE)对消费者绿色购买意愿(GPI)的影响。

Design/Methodology/Approach: The current study summarizes the literature of four concepts namely green self-efficacy, perceived consumer effectiveness and green purchase intentions to develop a new framework to enhance green purchasing intentions. A questionnaire was administered to empirically verify the hypothesis and data collected from Indian consumers were analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Hayesrsquo;s Mediation Model.

设计/方法论/方法:本研究总结了四个概念的文献,即绿色自我效能感,消费者认知有效性和绿色购买意向,以开发一个新框架来提升绿色购买意愿。 通过问卷调查来验证假设,并使用结构方程模型(SEM)和海斯中介模型分析从印度消费者收集的数据。

Findings: The study found the positive and significant effect of GSE on GPI through PCE. In addition, the relationship between GSE and GPI are partially mediated by PCE. The conclusions drawn in the study is useful for marketers to understand the factors that affect the purchasing intentions of the consumers and will help them improve the strategies in order to increase green sales. Indeed, green marketing is a distinct and distinguish way of positioning a product or company which can benefit the society with improved environmental conditions and healthy products.

调查结果:研究发现GSE通过PCE对GPI产生积极和显着的影响。 另外,GSE和GPI之间的关系部分由PCE介导。 研究结论对于营销人员了解影响消费者购买意愿的因素非常有用,并有助于他们改进策略以提高绿色销售。 事实上,绿色营销是一种定位产品或公司的独特而有区别的方式,它可以改善环境条件和健康产品,从而使社会受益。

Originality: Although researchers have been studying the role of green motivation, particularly in the context of green purchasing behavior, it may safely asserted that the boarder dimension of GM, GSE and PCE have been remained under-researched. This study proposes an original framework to enhance GPI via GSE and PCE.

原创性:虽然研究人员一直在研究绿色动机的作用,特别是在绿色购买行为的背景下,但可以安全地断言GM,GSE和PCE的边界维度一直处于不足的研究之中。 本研究提出了一个通过GSE和PCE增强GPI的原始框架。


In India, consumers are conscious about environment (Sharma amp; Sharma, 2013) and understanding the importance of sustainability with concern for environment. Green consumerism defines as the process of purchasing and non-purchasing decisions made by consumers, based on environmental and sustainable criteria (Moisander, 2007). The significance of green concept has been implicated by customers, investors, government amp; NGOs. As a result many sectors are making sustainable initiatives in their corporate goals, strategies, operations and supply chain practices to improve environmental sustainability. For the reason of environmental attention within society, many sectors are willing to expect the environmental responsibilities (Chen et al, 2006). Moreover, well informed consumers create sustainable environment through green purchases and intentions. For example, while purchasing a CFL bulb or buying jute bag over plastic bags shows “pro- environmental behavior”. Pro-environmental behavior defines as conscious actions taken by an individual so as to minimize the negative impact of human activities on the environment or to improve the environment. It implies that consumers exhibiting high level of environmental consciousness leads intention to purchase green (Sharma amp; Sharma, 2013; Schlegelmilch amp; Bohlen, 1996). As per multi-dimensional and behaviour-oriented, environmental consciousness defined as different types of pro-environmental behaviors incorporates other factors or psychological constructs that are habitually associated to them: beliefs, values, attitudes, knowledge and others (Lafuente, 2010)

在印度,消费者对环境有意识(Sharma&Sharma,2013),并了解可持续发展对环境的重要性。绿色消费主义定义为基于环境和可持续标准的消费者购买和非购买决策过程(Moisander,2007)。绿色理念的意义已经被客户,投资者,政府和非政府组织所牵连。因此,许多部门正在制定企业目标,战略,运营和供应链实践的可持续举措,以改善环境可持续性。由于社会对环境的关注,许多部门愿意期望环境责任(Chen et al,2006)。此外,消息灵通的消费者通过绿色采购和意图创造可持续的环境。例如,购买CFL灯泡或在塑料袋上购买黄麻袋显示“亲环境行为”。亲环境行为定义为个人采取有意识的行动,以尽量减少人类活动对环境的负面影响或改善环境。这意味着表现出高水平环境意识的消费者导致购买绿色的意向(Sharma&Sharma,2013; Schlegelmilch&Bohlen,1996)。根据多维和行为导向,被定义为不同类型的亲环境行为的环境意识包含了与其习惯性相关的其他因素或心理结构:信念,价值观,态度,知识和其他(Lafuente,2010)

The concept of environmental consciousness refers to specific psychological factors related to individualsrsquo; propensity to engage in pro-environmental behaviors (Zelezny amp; Schultz 2000). Environmental consciousness stimulates the intention to purchase green products (Sharma amp; Sharma, 2013; Kim amp; Choi, 2005; Schlegelmilch et al, 1999). Moreover, environmental consciousness can be improved by environmental knowledge, environmental motivations, environmental attitude and environmental values (Sharma amp; Kesherwani, 2014; Chan 1999; Laroche et al 2001; Eilam amp; Trop , 2012; Straughan et al , 1999). Where, environmental motivation and environmental attitudes are important variables in predicting the green purchasing behavior. It has been found that consumerrsquo;s self determination has a positive association with green purchasing behavior (Green-Demers, 1997). Similarly, self affects the selection and construction of an individualrsquo;s environment (Bandura, 1986) and impact on his/her motivation (Bandura, 1993) and attitude (Amritage amp; Coner, 1999)2 through self efficacy.

环境意识的概念是指与个人倾向于参与亲环境行为有关的特定心理因素(Zelezny&Schultz 2000)。环境意识刺激了购买绿色产品的意愿(Sharma&Sharma,2013; Kim&Choi,2005; Schlegelmilch et al,1999)。此外,环境意识可以通过环境知识,环境动机,环



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