
 2022-08-15 16:01:45

Wine marketing: A framework for consumer-centred planning

Received (in revised form): 8th February 2010

Demetris Vrontis

is a Professor of Marketing and the Dean of the School of Business at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. He is the Founder and Editor of the EuroMed Journal of Business and an editorial/advisory board member of well-established academic and scientific marketing and business-related journals. He is the Founder and President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute and the Chairman of the EuroMed Academy of Business and the EuroMed Research Centre. His prime research interests are related to international marketing, marketing planning and branding areas, which he has widely published on in 10 books, over 60 refereed journal articles, and chapters in books by other researchers. He has also presented his research work at reputable conferences around the world.

Alkis Thrassou

is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the School of Business at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. He obtained a PhD in Strategic Marketing Management from the University of Leeds (UK). From 1996 until 2002, he has worked as a business and project manager for an engineering management firm in Cyprus, leading teams of professionals through many projects of varying size and nature. In 2002, he joined the Marketing Department of the University of Nicosia, involving himself in various scholarly activities, lecturing on marketing-related subjects to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and undertaking research in the fields of marketing communications, services and consumer behaviour. His work has been published in many scientific journals and books, and he retains strong ties with the industry, also acting as a consultant.

Michael R. Czinkota

teaches international business and trade in the Graduate School of Business at Georgetown University, where he also served as the Chairman of the National Center for Export-Import Studies. He also holds an appointment as Chair of international marketing of the Birmingham Business School in the United Kingdom. Fluent in Spanish and German, he has held professorial appointments in Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas. He serves on the Global Advisory Board of the American Marketing Association, the Global Council of the American Management Association, and on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is a member of the American Council on Germany. For his work
in international business and trade policy, he has been awarded honorary degrees from the Universidad del Pacifico in Peru and the Universidad Pontificia Madre y Maestra in the Dominican Republic. He was named a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the United Kingdom. He also served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration.

ABSTRACT The 3000-year-old wine industry of Cyprus has reached a critical turning point and requires a substantial strategic reorientation. This article researches current practices, beliefs and attitudes of both wine producers and wine consumers in Cyprus to identify the factors that affect the industry. The research is primary data based, and makes extensive use of qualitative and quantitative methods. It includes in-depth semi-structured interviews and focus groups of local and Greek wine experts, an e-mail questionnaire survey of international experts, in-depth semi- structured consumer interviews and focus groups, and a consumer survey with 600 interviewees. The findings relate both to functional and production management aspects, as well as business and marketing ones. Regarding the former, cultivation varieties, production methods and know-how-related factors were found to be the most critical ones. In relation to marketing, focused targeting, differentiation, perception management-based branding and country-of-origin image development are presented as the clear strategic path. The findings are linked with an extensive literature review in order to reach prescriptive conclusions with immediate management implications. The article finally develops a preliminary framework for consumer-centred planning, specific to the wine industry of Cyprus, but – subject to testing – potentially adaptable to many other countries as well.

Journal of Brand Management (2011) 18, 245–263. doi:10.1057/bm.2010.39; published online 26 November 2010

Keywords: wine marketing; wine branding; consumer behaviour; strategic planning; Cyprus

The history of Cyprus and the history of wine have been inextricably linked since the beginning of creation. Cyprus is cur- rently considered to be one of the first countries in which viticulture and wine production were practised (Aristidou, 1990; Domine, 2001; Johnson and Jancis, 2001). This 3000-year-old sacred link lasted throughout the Roman period and medi- eval times, with many renowned wines of the world made from vines brought to Europe from Cyprus after the Crusades (Kythreotou, 2003, http://web1.infotrac .galegroup.com/itw/infomark/71/282/ 56942183w1/purl=rc1_EAIM_0_A65578653 amp;dyn=4!xrn_2_0_A65578653?sw_aep= intercol).

The development of Cyprus in the field of viticulture and wine-producing ended in the latter half of the sixteenth century with the Turkish Ottoman occupation. But, in 1878 when the British took control of the island, taxation changes kick-started the local winemaking industry once again.

Today, the wine industry is making sig- nificant efforts to develop processes and procedures in grape cultivation and wine production. Cypriot wine is seeking to become more competitive both in terms of quality and price. In the light of the international phenomenon of increasing



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