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Effects of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to product-harm crises
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate “how” and “when” the stereotypes of competence and warmth, that are evoked by a foreign companyrsquo;s country-of-origin (COO), affect blame attributions and/or attitudes toward a companyrsquo;s products when a company is involved in a product-harm crisis.
Design/methodology/approach – Study 1 (nfrac14;883) analyzes the psychological mechanisms through which perceived COO competence and warmth differently affect blame attributions and evaluative responses. Study 2 (nfrac14;1,640) replicates Study 1rsquo;s findings, and it also investigates how consumer ethnocentrism, animosity toward a country, and product category characteristics moderate the hypothesized COOrsquo;s effects.
Findings – COO competence leads to more favorable attitudes toward the involved companyrsquo;s products. This effect increases when the company sells high-involvement or utilitarian products. COO warmth leads to more favorable attitudes toward the involved companyrsquo;s products directly as well as indirectly by diminishing blame attributions. These effects increase when consumers are highly ethnocentric, or the animosity toward a foreign country is high.
Originality/value – This paper frames the investigation of COO stereotypes in a new theoretical and empirical setting, specifically, a product-harm crisis. It demonstrates that consumers differently evaluate a potential wrongdoing company and its harmful products in a product-harm crisis based on their perceptions of a companyrsquo;s COO competence and warmth. Finally, it defines the moderating effects of individual, consumer-country-related and product characteristics on the hypothesized COO effects.
Keywords Competence, Country-of-origin, Warmth, Product-harm crisis, National stereotypes, Survey-based quasi-experimental research
Paper type Research paper
- Introduction 介绍
In recent years, scholars that investigated the country-of-origin (COO) concept (i.e. the country which a consumer associates a certain product or brand as being its source – Roth and Diamantopoulos, 2009) emphasized the need to advance COO knowledge in three directions: to deepen the understanding of COO dimensions and their effects on company and/or product evaluations (Herz and Diamantopoulos, 2013); to evaluate the importance of COO effects in new theoretical and empirical consumption settings (Laufer et al., 2009) and to improve knowledge of the boundary conditions under which COO effects occur (Chattalas et al., 2008).
Only a limited number of studies, using hypothetical brands/categories (Maher and Carter, 2011), multiple real brands across multiple product categories (Halkias et al., 2016), and perceptions of companies as focal elements (Chen et al., 2014; Chattalas, 2015), delved into the cognitive dimensions of COO, specifically, perceived COO competence and warmth. These studies analyzed how the stereotypes of competence and warmth that are associated with a foreign companyrsquo;s origin affect company and/or product evaluations, and they further developed conceptual frameworks to envisage possible boundary conditions for such effects (Chattalas et al., 2008).
These studies framed COO stereotypes in customary consumption settings. None of them assessedtheeffectsofCOOstereotypesinextraordinary, critical,consumption contexts,such as corporate misconduct and, in particular, product-harm crises, which can be defined as “discrete, well-publicized occurrences wherein products are found to be defective or dangerous” (DawarandPillutla,2000,p.215).Product-harmcrises(andconsumerevaluations inthese contexts)differfrom customary consumption environments. Product-harmcrises are relatively unusual events in a companyrsquo;s life, and they have potentially dramatic effects on consumer health and company performance (Klein and Dawar, 2004). Additionally, in these critical contexts, consumer evaluations are: directed to potential wrongdoers and/or their harmful products (Laufer et al., 2009); formed through specific psychological mechanisms of blame attributions (Folkes, 1984; Weiner, 1986); and further influenced by consumersrsquo; pre-existing beliefs about the involved company, such as beliefs of competence and warmth that are associated with a potential wrongdoerrsquo;s COO (Xu et al., 2013).