
 2022-08-02 09:47:30

WMU J Marit Affairs (2018) 17:249–265 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13437-018-0139-2


Learning to navigate: the centrality of instructions and assessments for developing studentsrsquo; professional competencies in simulator-based training

Charlott Sellberg1 amp; Olle Lindmark2 amp; Hans Rystedt1

Received: 6 December 2017 / Accepted: 7 March 2018 / Published online: 17 March 2018

# The Author(s) 2018

Abstract Despite the promises of simulations to contribute to learning in safe-critical domains, research suggests that simulators are poorly implemented in maritime educa- tion and training systems. From the current state of research, it is far from evident how instruction in simulator-based should be designed and how skills trained in bridge simulators should be assessed and connected to professional practice. On this back- ground, this article aims to investigate the role of instructions and assessments for developing studentsrsquo; professional competencies in simulation-based learning environ- ments. The research draws on ethnographic fieldwork and detailed analyses of video-recorded data to examine how maritime instructors make use of simulator technologies in a navigation course. Our results reveal an instructional practice in which the need to account for general principles of good seamanship and anti-collision regulations is at the core of basic navigation training. The meanings of good seamanship and the rules of the sea are hard to teach in abstraction because their application relies on an infinite number of contingencies that have to be accounted for in every specific case. Based on this premise, we stress the importance of instructional support throughout training (from briefing thorough scenario to debriefing) in order for the instructor to bridge theory and practice in ways that develop studentsrsquo; competen- cies. Our results highlight, in detail, how simulator technologies enable displaying and assessing such competencies by supporting instructors to continuously monitor, assess, and provide feedback to the students during training sessions. Moreover, our results show how simulator-based training is related to the work conditions on board a seagoing vessel through the instructorrsquo;s systematic accomplishments. Finally, our

* Charlott Sellberg charlott.sellberg@gu.se

1 Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, Box 300, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden

2 Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden

results highlight the close relationship between technical and non-technical skills in navigation, and how these are intertwined in training for everyday maritime operations.

Keywords Maritime education and training (MET) . Simulator-based training . Instruction . Assessment . Debriefing


Today, the use of simulators is mandatory for certain parts of the curriculum for maritime education and training (MET) and is regulated by international conventions, that is, by the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). In order to ensure that future mariners are able to act in proper and safe manners, it is stressed in STCW that simulators are to be used for both training and assessment. One of the major recent updates of the STCW Convention—the 2010 Manila amendments—has a greater focus on technical proficiency and so-called non-technical skills compared to previous versions of the convention. The technical skills relate to handling the equipment of the ship, while the non-technical are often described as cognitive and communicative skills, such as situation awareness and decision-making, as well as skills involving teamwork, such as leadership and com- munication (Flin 2008). Although the use of simulators for training and assessing technical proficiency and non-technical skills is well established and regulated by international standards in MET, we found few empirical studies on simulator-based maritime training and assessment (Sellberg 2017a). Hence, there is a need for further empirical studies that explore the role of instruction and assessment in simulation-based maritime training.

Simulators have been shown to provide opportunities for training in high-risk professions such as shipping, aviation, and healthcare in a risk-free manner (e.g. Dahlstrouml;m et al. 2009). In the maritime industry, simulators provide opportunities to train skills that are time-consuming and costly to practice on board a real vessel (Hanzu-Pazara et al. 2008). The controlled simulator environment also has pedagogical advantages, as exercises can be designed to train and assess specific learning outcomes in a way that is adjusted to the level of the studentsrsquo; current competence (Maran and Glavin 2003). However, besides the potential for learning, there may be limitations to what can be experienced in a simulator and during simulation. Hontvedt and Arnseth (2013) suggest that maritime work practices rely on aspects of space and temporality in an intricate way that hardly can be simulated in an educational setting. Moreover, Hontvedt (2015a), based on analysis of maritime pilot training on two different high-fidelity bridge simulators, concluded that the lack of photorealism and fidelity in the simulator can affect the dynamics of the exercises negatively. A lack of simulator fidelity may cause participants to simply manipulate the simulated model instead of training for professional work. Hontvedt ( 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料






事实证明,模拟器可以以无风险的方式为在高风险行业(例如航运,航空和医疗保健)提供培训的机会(例如Dahlstrouml;m等。2009).在海事行业中,模拟器为培训技能提供了机会,这些技能在实际船只上进行练习既费时又昂贵(Hanzu-Pazara等人。2008).受控模拟器环境还具有教学上的优势,因为可以将练习设计为以适应学生当前能力水平的方式来训练和评估特定的学习成果(Maran和Glavin2003).但是,除了潜在的学习,在摸仪器训练时的模拟经验可能会遇到的限制。Hontvedt 和 Arnseth

2013)建议海事工作实践在时间和空间上是错综复杂的,而这在教育环境中几乎是无法模拟的。此外,Hontvedt(2015a)在对两种不同的高保真桥梁模拟器进行海上引航训练的分析基础上得出的结论是,模拟器中缺乏逼真的图像和逼真度可能会对练习的动力学产生消极影响。缺乏仿真器逼真度可能会导致参与者仅操作简单的仿真模型,而不是进行专业工作培训。Hontvedt(2015a)认为必须精心配置培训课程以避免此类陷阱。在海事培训中使用模拟器的研究实际上是对基于模拟器的培训和评估在MET系统中执行不力的直接警告(Emad和Roth2008;Gekara等。2011;Sampson等。2011).报告的问题涉及模拟器的滥用和缺乏有关如何在模拟器中提供有效的培训和有效的评估。尽管有几项研究强调了在基于模拟器的培训过程中进行有效训练以实现学习目标的重要性,但迄今为止,在进行的研究中,如何设计基于模拟器的模拟器以及在模拟器中训练的技能与专业实践之间的关系还很遥远。(cf. Ali 2008; Hanzu-Pazara et al. 2010; Hontvedt 2015b; Hontvedt 和 Arnseth 2013).

针对这些挑战,本研究的目的是调查在基于模拟的学习环境中,指导和评估对培养学生的专业能力的作用。这些分析利用实地研究现场工作和对录像数据的详细分析去检验海上教员如何在航海课程中利用模拟器技术,方法是检查海上教练员如何利用模拟器技术进行指导和形成性评估,以发展学生的专业能力(cf. Heath et al。2010).特别是,以下两个研究问题正在审查中:(1)海上教练在模拟器的不同训练阶段如何将一般学习目标与特定情况联系起来?(2)海上教练如何在为学生准备海船上的条件时应付模拟器缺乏保真度的问题?通过这种方式,本研究提供了基于经验的知识,即如何将模拟器技术实际用于培养专业能力。



2.1 基于模拟器的培训的组织

基于模拟的培训定期组织为三个不同的阶段。首先,通常通过简报来介绍当天的任务。在文献中,该阶段被描述为通常侧重于实用信息,资源共享和作业的学习目标(e.g. Wickers

2010; Fanning and Gaba 2007).引入后,场景将在模拟器中播放。Emad(2010)描述了如何通过考虑讲师如何将每个学生团队分配给船舶驾驶台团队的职责来说明海上讲师如何在模拟器中组织场景。之后,讲师给学生驾驶台队一个特定的航行任务,并在监督学生活动的同时运行模拟。通过这种设计,新手,例如学生可以承担人员在教育环境中的职责。讲师的角色被描述为一种监督,促进和调节的角色,并根据学生的发展技能逐渐减少其支持。

最后,进行汇报。在文献中,汇报被描述为对该事件的事后分析和反思。跨领域研究中几乎一致的结论凸显了模拟后汇报的重要性(Dieckmann et al。2008; Fanning 和 Gaba 2007; e.g. Wickers 2010).参与者需要回顾性反馈和反思,以便从他们的经验中学习,从而教会他们如何处理未来的情况。通常,建议的结构包括三个阶段:对发生的情况的描述,对将来应采取的不同措施的分析以及总结总结的经验教训的结论(Fanning和Gaba2007).

在汇报中,通常使用不同的技术进行反馈。在航空和海上培训中,已经使用了不同形式的可视化工具来复习练习并从中学习(Hontvedt和Arnseth2013; Roth and Jornet2015).尽管仍缺乏在航行培训中使用回放技术的经验研究,但医疗保健模拟研究的结果表明,使用高保真汇报具有教学潜力(Neill和Wotton2011).例如,在医疗保健团队合作培训中,建议使用视频来辅助汇报(Dieckmann等人。2008).使用视频的教学原理是,它提供了在场景中采取的动作的记录,并且该记录允许参与者从观察者的角度查看其先前的动作。主要思想是,获得观察者对自己行为的看法,使参与者能够看到自己的表现,而不是他们认为自己的表现,这有望减少汇报的“事后见解”(Fanning和Gaba2007).视频辅助的汇报,除其他外,提供了一个关于自己行为的第三人称视角,并使人们有可能以专业上相关的方式重新构想以前的事件(Johansson等。2017).但是,这样的结果需要主持人做出大量努力,以突出显示所显示内容的关键方面并展示如何理解情况(古德温1994).这一结论与其他教育领域的研究一致,这些研究指出,如果学生能够理解自己行为的电影片段,则需要系统的指导(Erickson2007).尽管视频作为一种反馈技术与导航培训中常见的可视化工具完全不同,但它指出了一个事实,即可视化远非自言自语,需要仔细检查教师对反馈技术在教学中的实际使用情况。


关于模拟培训的一个常见假设是,模拟与真实工作条件之间的相似性(通常以保真度表示)允许将技能和知识转移到工作环境中。进一步的假设是,模拟与它要表示的情况越相似,发生这种转移的可能性就越大。然而,这种关系受到质疑,因为关于模拟器物理特性的更高保真度不一定与有效学习相关(Hamstra等人2014).相反,应将模拟的逼真度视为与工作任务需求相关的。本研究没有将注意力放在传统意义上的忠诚和转移上,而是将分析重点放在了模拟环境中教师和学生的互动上。在此过程中,我们依靠对讲师如何在模拟中做出与专业工作相关的情况的经验研究(e.g. Rystedt and Sjouml;blom 2012; Johnson 2007; Escher et al. 2017; Hontvedt and Arnseth 2013; Sellberg 2017b).

使用这种方法,可以得出结论,模拟与学习良好航海技术的相关性并不是模拟器本身保真度的影响,而是主持人指令的结果。正如Hontvedt和Arnseth(2013)和Sellberg(2017b),讲师会系统地弥合模拟条件与如何在船上管理任务之间的众多空白,例如快速操舵或模拟器中未体现的机器故障的后果。此外,在专业教育的其他领域的研究表明,模拟与实际工作之间的差异如何可以作为突出强调专业行为核心的关键原则的手段(e.g. Hindmarsh et al. 2014)..这并不意味着模拟器的技术特性并不重要。通过强调学生对真实任务的管理,例如通过职业工具在狭水道中航行,重点放在如何故意将模拟器环境用作指导和评估的教育资源上。总而言之,到目前为止所看到的结果突出了模拟器保真度的两个方面,以及模拟过程中教学支持的作用和重要性,这对学习海运专业至关重要。该研究项目通过在模拟器环境中如何执行指令的知识为这些结果增加了价值,而且为什么应该以某些方式设计学习实践。


在学习科学和人为因素研究中,存在两种并存的研究范式:认知心理学和处境/社会文化观点(e.g. Ludvigsen and Arnseth 2017; Luuml;tzhouml;ft et al. 2010)..第一种方法借鉴了经典的认知理论,用于根据与学习有关的变量检验假设。在以前的基于模拟器的培训研究中,认知方法是通过研究设计来实现的,这些设计力图



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