
 2021-12-13 21:56:22

Experimental investigation into stressing state characteristics of large-curvature continuous steel box-girder bridge model


This paper conducts the experimental investigation into the whole working process of a large-curvature continuous steel box-girder bridge model to reveal its behavior characteristics and unseen failure mechanism, based on the structural stressing state theory. Firstly, the structural stressing state and corresponding characteristic parameters are expressed by the generalized strain energy density (GSED) derived from the experimental strain data. Then, the Mann-Kendall (M-K) criterion is introduced to distinguish the structural stressing state leaps of the bridge model, leading to the updated definition of the structural failure load and the revelation of structural progressive failure. Furthermore, this paper proposes stressing state submodes and evaluates their roles in the structural lsquo;lsquo;failure”. Finally, the coordinative working performance of the divided sub parts is modeled through the ratios between the GSED sums of individual sub parts and the ensemble.


Structural stressing state

Updated failure load

Progressive failure

Stressing state submode

Coordinative working performance

Large-curvature continuous steel box-girder

bridge model

1. Introduction

Curved continuous girder bridges have been widely adopted for their economic and functional advantages as well as rational working performance. Though the early analysis on the ultimate bearing capacity of curved girders can be traced to the 1960s [1–5], analytical methods still fell behind engineering applications. Consequently, some functional accidents, such as too much lateral displacement of main girders or too much torsional deformation, took place for some times resulting from the absence of some necessary researches for design reference [6], which urges researchers to deeply study the structural working behavior. Currently, there are two important issues which have drawn researchersrsquo; much attention:

In terms of the mechanic complication, curved girders under vertical loads are subjected to not only bending but also torsional deformation, with the co-existence of shear stress, warping stress and bending normal stress on cross sections. Usually, the level and distribution of stresses relate to a variety of factors, such as geometric shapes, bending and torsional rigidity of cross sections, support conditions and loading cases [7]. And when going into the elastic-plastic stage where sectional bending and torsional stresses no longer maintain the previous proportion, the curved girder embodies a fairly complicated structural stressing state [8]. In addition, past research results showed that the effect of curvature on the stressing state of a curved girder is also significant [9]. Especially for largecurvature girders, the second-order effect will significantly decrease the ultimate load level [10]; also, the reduction degree of structural torsional rigidity owing to the development of plasticity and its contribution to the lateral flexural-torsional buckling are quite difficult to describe in quantity. Hence, it is hard to find the analytical solutions to relative governing equations [11].

Structural failure mechanism has always been vital but also complicated since the high-nonlinearity and great variation in the structural working behavior. Present studies did not evidently imply when a structure starts to lose its normal and stable working state or to enter its lsquo;lsquo;failure” state, and focused on the ultimate collapse state mostly [1,4,12–15]. Besides, the existing ultimate limit state for structural design is commonly semi-theoretical and semi-empirical judgment. As a result, it is expected in structural analysis and engineering practice that a rational definition of structural lsquo;lsquo;failure” and corresponding distinguishing methods will come into being. In order to address these two issues, the authors deeply investigate the characteristics of structural stressing states embodied in the experimental data of the 1/10 scaled bridge model [16,17], based on the theory of structural stressing state. The investigation models the structural stressing state by using the generalized strain energy density (GSED) sum [18]. Then, with an innovative application of the Mann-Kendall (M-K) method to the GSED sumload curve, the structural stressing state leap is distinguished. This leap is rightly verified to be the termination of the previous stable stressing state of the bridge, leading to an updated definition of structural failure and promoting a general criterion for distinguishing the structural lsquo;lsquo;failure” load. Moreover, we reveal two structural stressing state characteristics: (1) Stressing state submodes and their roles in structural working process; (2) Structural progressive failure behavior. Finally, the concept of coordinative working performance of individual sub parts is introduced and structural failure mechanism is revealed further.

Structural stressing state and M-K criterion

2.1. Concept of structural stressing state and GSED curve

The stressing state of a structure is defined as the structural working behavior characterized by the distribution patterns of GSED values, displacements, strains and stresses of key points. Generally, the strain energy density E0 of the ith point can be calculated by

wheresigma;1,sigma;2,sigma;3 and ε1,ε2,ε3 are three principal stresses and strains, respectively; E0,i is the ith strain energy density. Referring to the concept of strain energy density, this paper chooses the generalized (or quasi) strain energy density (GSED) as the characteristic parameter to express the stressing state at a point [18]. Thus, Eq. (1) is simplified as

where Ei = GSED value of t



本文在结构应力状态理论的基础上,对大曲率连续钢箱梁桥模型的整个工作过程进行了实验研究,揭示其行为特征和不可见的破坏机理。首先,结构应力状态和相应的特征参数由来自实验应变数据的广义应变能密度(GSED)表示。然后,引入Mann-Kendall(M-K)准则来区分桥梁模型的结构应力状态跳跃,导致结构失效载荷的更新定义和结构渐进失效的揭示。 此外,本文提出了强调状态子模式并评估它们在结构“失败”中的作用。最后,通过各个子部分的GSED和与集合之间的比率来模拟划分的子部分的协调工作性能。










曲线连续梁桥因其经济和功能优势以及合理的工作性能而被广泛采用。尽管对弯曲梁极限承载力的早期分析可以追溯到20世纪60年代[1-5],但分析方法仍然落后于工程应用。 因此,由于缺乏对设计参考的必要研究[6]而导致一些功能性事故,例如主梁横向位移过大或扭转变形过多,这促使研究人员深入研究结构的变形。目前,有两个重要问题引起了研究人员的广泛关注:


结构失效的原因一直是非常重要的,但由于结构工作行为的高度非线性和巨大变化,因此也很复杂。当一个结构开始失去其正常和稳定的工作状态或进入其“失效”状态时,目前的研究并没有明显的暗示,并且主要关注最终崩溃状态[1,4,12-15]。此外,结构设计现有的极限状态理论通常是半理论和半经验判断。因此,在结构分析和工程实践中,期望结构“失效”的合理定义和相应的区分方法将会产生。为了解决这两个问题,作者基于结构应力状态理论,深入研究了1/10比例桥模型[16,17]的实验数据中体现的结构应力状态的特征。该研究通过使用广义应变能密度(GSED)和来模拟结构应力状态[18]。然后,通过Mann-Kendall(M-K)方法对GSED总和负载曲线的创新应用,区分了结构应力状态的飞跃。这一飞跃被正确地证实是桥梁先前稳定应力状态的终止现象,导致结构失效的最新定义并促进区分结构“失效”载荷的一般标准。此外,我们揭示了两种结构应力状态特征:(1)压力状态模式及其在结构工作过程中的作用; (2)逐渐破坏的失效行为。最后,介绍了各个子部件协调工作性能的概念,并进一步揭示了结构失效机理。



结构的应力状态被定义为结构工作行为,其特征在于GSED值的分布模式,位移,应变和关键点的应力。 通常,第i点的应变能密度E0可以通过以下方式计算

其中sigma;1,sigma;2,sigma;3和ε1,ε2,ε3分别是三个主应力和应变; E0,i 是第i个应变能量密度。 参考应变能密度的概念,本文选择广义(或狭义)应变能密度(GSED)作为表征应力状态的特征参数[18]。 因此,Eq(1)简化为

其中Ei =第i个点的GSED值; εj =第j个主应变; E =弹性模量。一组关键点的GSED总和可以通过计算得出

其中E#39;j =第j组的GSED和,表示子部分的应力状态。 此外,采用所有组(子部分)的GSED和E#39;=Sigma;E#39;j来表征每个载荷步骤F的结构应力状态。从4.1节可以看出,E#39;-F曲线可以生动地展现出来。差分结构应力状态和相应的特性。

2.2 M-K标准

为了通过E#39;-F曲线区分结构的应力状态跳跃,而应用Mann-Kendall(MK)方法,因为它是一种广泛使用的趋势分析工具,目前不需要样品符合某一些大纲的分布或干扰[19-21]。这里,假设{E#39;(i)}的序列(加载步骤i = 1,2,...,n)在统计上是独立的。实际上,相关和独立的成分在一定程度上在不同载荷阶段处于共存结构应力状态。根据圣维南的原理,远离彼此的结构部件几乎没有空间相关性或相互影响,导致在不同位置的实验数据(应变,位移等)中应考虑独立的成分。此外,实验模型和材料特性的固有随机性也导致在不同负载阶段的结果显著不同。作者对大量的模拟数据尝试了相同的M-K程序,但结果并不像相应的实验数据那样令人满意,这是一个独立内容的辅助证据。不同负载步骤的实验数据。此外,从后面将讨论的M-K标准的有效性来看,考虑到“以结果为导向”的考虑,该分析方法也可以是有效的。因此,可以通过M-K标准近似地检测结构工作行为的突变。然后,可以定义第k个加载步骤的新随机变量dk

其中mi是样本的累积数量; #39;#39; 1#39;表示如果第j次比较满足右侧的不等式,则将另外一个加到现有值上。通过计算dk的平均值E(dk)和方差Var(dk


因此,所有UFk数据都可以形成UFk-F曲线。 类似的过程进行到逆{E#39;(i)}序列,即{E#39;2(i)}序列,其中

然后n是样本容量。 类似地,第k个加载步骤的随机变量d2k定义为

其中mi是样本的累积数量; #39;#39; 1#39;表示如果第j次比较满足右侧的不等式,则将另外一个加到现有值上。 通过计算d2k的平均值E(d2k)和方差Var(d2k

d2k表示{E#39;2(i)}序列的上升趋势的程度。 但是当初始序列反转时,相应的变化趋势应该与原始序列相反。 因此,对应于UBk的统计量应采用相反的符号来表征逆序的正确趋势。因此,新的统计UB#39;k定义为


所有UBk数据都可以形成UBk-F曲线。 因此,两条UFk和UBk曲线可以在E#39;-F曲线的突变点处相交,这被作为区分结构应力状态跳跃的标准。


3.1 桥梁模型的配置

Deng进行了1/10比例大曲率连续钢箱梁桥模型的试验,分别为4米,5米,4米和2.6米(图1(a))[16,17] 桥梁模型在中间轴承和两个刚性端轴承上有三个双支撑(图1(a))。 图1(b)显示了由曲率半径和弧长表示的桥模型的概览几何形状。 桥梁模型由A-3薄钢板制成,参考中国规范GB / T700,焊接连接整体。 图1(c)显示了桥模型箱横截面的几何形状和尺寸。 图2显示了实验桥模型和加载装置的图片。



3.2 测量的横截面和点

在中跨横截面C和G以及轴承部分E(图3)记录应变。此外,使用从N0到N21编号的机电刻度盘指示器(10-2 mm)在中跨,轴承和四分之一横截面测量偏转,如图3所示。图4(a,b和c) 显示横截面上应变和挠度测量点的具体布局。应该强调的是,为了简单起见并且考虑到机械问题,每个横截面仅考虑6个典型关键点,如图4(a,b和c)所示。在给定的加载情况下,梁的主要受力状态模式是弯曲和扭转模式。对于弯曲效应,在截面顶部和底部凸缘贡献最大惯性矩并起到控制作用。并且轮缘的中间和侧面应变数据可以代表性地表征弯曲行为。至于扭转行为,远离截面质心的点对截面扭转阻力的贡献更大。选择的六个应变点(包括四个角点)可以机械地表示这种应力状态模式。此外,作者试图添加一些其他测量点来模拟结构应力状态并确定其突变,对应的结果是相同的。因此,有限的实验数据被充分利用来揭示结构应力状态特征。

图3.偏转测量点的布局:N0到N21表示机电表盘指示器的数量; A到J表示有关中跨、轴承和四分之一横截面的数量

图4.横截面上应变和挠度测量的布局和点数:(a)横截面C,(b)横截面E,(c)横截面G.六个相关的关键点,用于每个典型交叉的应变测量 部分用小圆圈标记




4.1 结构“失败”


其中E#39;i =第i个典型截面的GSED总和; Ej =第j个关键点的GSED值。图5说明了在负载P = 130kN时E#39;-F曲线的跳跃由M-K标准区分。由于负载记录在此不连续,即,仅记录了一些离散的加载时刻,因此P的这种确定仅仅是对实际值的估计。P在此定义为结构“失效”载荷,不同于在结构极限承载状态下定义的现有失效载荷。除非另有说明,否则带有引号的术语“失败”用于在本文中默认表示“更新失败”。更新的结构破坏概念清楚地区分了两种不同的结构应力状态:(1)在P之前,结构GSED和在E#39;-F曲线中稳定增加,显示出稳定的结构应力状态; (2)然而在P之后,结构GSED总和随着载荷突然且急剧增加,这意味着在短暂的过渡阶段之后,结构进入与前一个不同的不稳定应力状态,即使极限承载力不是到达。因此,E#39;-F曲线生动地体现了桥模型的结构应力状态特征。




·研究了不同截面C节点的应变线性相关性,揭示了不同加载阶段的结构应力状态模式,如图8所示。可以看出,在P之前和之后,两个关键点的应变几乎线性地相互改变,例如节点37和27的应变值的相关系数分别为0.99451(在P之前)和0.99527(在P之后)。但是如果考虑整个加载过程,相关系数降低到0.8972(从0 kN到结束),这反映了P = 130 kN时结构应力状态的跳跃。因此,在P之后,桥进入另一种不同的应力状态。


因此,横截面C和整个结构的失效在P = 130kN时同步发生。并且可以推断出C部分的失效正是结构“失败”的直接原因。

图5. E#39;-F和M-K统计曲线:P = 130 kN是由M-K标准区分的结构“失效”负荷

图6.带载荷的应变变化趋势:(a)横截面C,(b)横截面G,(c)轴承截面E. P = 130 kN是结构“失效”载荷; P2 = 150 kN是截面失效载荷(见4.4节); εy=1117mu;ε是单轴屈服应变



图9. 横截面C的挠曲趋势曲线(图3):(a)内部偏转,(b)外部偏转。Ni表示机电式千分表编号

4.2 压力状态模式



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