
 2022-03-10 20:51:25

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Radar and Fusion for Concrete Elements


Christiane Maierhofer, Gerhard Zacher, Christoph Kohl, Jens Wouml;stmann

Bundesanstalt fuuml;r Materialforschung und -pruuml;fung (BAM), Berlin, Germany

1. Introduction

1. 介绍

Radar measurements are nowadays widely used for non-destructive testing of concrete structures [1]. Nevertheless mainly profiles are measured and interpreta-tion is done by examination of raw data only.


Hereby it will be shown that radar is a much more powerful tool. Especially when data are recorded along a regular and dense two-dimensional (2D) grid on the surface of the structure under test, advanced interpretation tools can provide detailed information on the subsurface build-in parts and inhomogeneities like reinforcement bars, tendon ducts, voids and honeycombing. For higher accuracy of measurement positioning a 2D scanner system was developed at BAM, where the radar antennas are mounted and continuous profiling can be done on the cov-ered area in one step automatically.


For data interpretation a highly sophisticated reconstruction technique called 3D FT -SAFT (three-dimensional Fourier Transformation Synthetic Aperture Fo-cusing Technique) was applied, which was developed by Langenberg et al. (Uni-versity of Kassel) [2]. The results of the reconstructions give a much clearer and focused picture of structures hidden in concrete and especially behind reinforce-ment bars. By covering the area of interest twice with different polarization of the electric field of the electromagnetic waves, linear structures in any direction can be resolved. The resulting three -dimensional (3D) data cannot only be visualized by different slices. 3D pictures and 3D videos improve the understanding of the shape of inclusions especially for complicated subsurface situations [3].


Further research is concentrated on the combined application of radar and sonic echo methods. The advantage of radar compared to ultrasonic pulse echo technique is that larger surfaces can be examined in shorter time because the radar antenna can be dragged continuously along the surface with high impulse repetition rate. But here, with increasing reinforcement density, the significance of the radar method decreases, because most of the intensity of the electromagnetic impulses is reflected at the metallic bars and thus the signals contain less information regarding structures which are located behind.


632 Christiane Maierhofer et al.

The ultrasonic method can compensate for this deficit, since the ultrasonic waves can penetrate through metal. On the other hand ultrasonic waves are totally reflected at air gaps, whereas for the radar method air layers are transparent and only little intensity is reflected, so that both methods complement each other very effectively [4].


With data fusion the different information can be combined to obtain a complete picture of subsurface structures independent of polarization direction or frequency. This method can be applied for data recorded with the same method but different sensor configurations (e. g. polarisation, frequency), and/or for com-plementary data sets as ultrasonic echo and radar to improve the information con-tent of structures in the specific volume and to enlarge the overall depth range [5].


All described results were achieved in the framework of the German research group FOR 384, whereas Prof. H. W. Reinhardt is the speaker.

In the following some results obtained during the six years work are presented concerning the work packages C Radar, D3 Combined Methods, Data Fusion, E Performance Demonstration and the application of the methods on site.



  1. Radar applications at reinforced concrete structures


Radar is a non-destructive testing (NDT) technique based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves of high frequency: typically between 200 MHz and 2.5 GHz for civil engineering applications. The waves are emitted by an antenna (transmitter), which is in most cases in direct contact (not necessarily needed) with the structure under investigation and moves along the surface. The waves travel through the medium and are reflected at interfaces of materials with different dielectric properties, such as at interfaces of concrete or plaster to other layers of concrete, to voids, to metal and to other inhomogeneities. The permittivity and the conductivity of materials strongly affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves. For example radar investigation is almost impossible in fresh concrete due to the high moisture content. Furthermore electromagnetic waves cannot penetrate through metal. Therefore radar cannot be used to investigate the grouting condi-tion inside metal ducts. However, it can be applied very effectively to locate metal reinforcement.

雷达是一种基于高频电磁波传播的无损检测(NDT)技术,其频率一般在200 MHz~2.5GHz之间,适用于土



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