
 2022-08-08 11:28:02

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这项研究有一些重要的局限性。一,型号用于提取质量的潜在维度是通过计算密集的 但是,随着计算技术的发展和大规模在计算技术方面,这种限制会随着时间的流逝而消失。其次,本研究仅关注酒店评论,但可能扩展到其他旅游和旅行相关的在线评论服务行业(例如,餐馆和景点)来揭示或确认客户满意度的维度。第三,我们不分析分布长尾中的稀有或不常用词;这些话可能反映出新兴的消费者偏好,在开发新的酒店营销空间方面可能非常有帮助。上述限制中的每一个都可能是进一步发展的丰富途径研究。

  1. 采样



TripAdvisor的评论者可以选择是否公开披露其人口统计信息(请参见表1)。 约30%评论者披露了他们的年龄,分为以下几个等级:13e17,18e24、25e34、35e49、50e64和65thorn;。披露年龄中位数在35e49乐队中。一些评论者还选择显示他们的性别,约占样本总数的32%,16%每个男人和女人。 此外,TripAdvisor鼓励用户评估评论的“帮助性”并使用帮助投票是默认设置。作为审核过程的一部分,评论者能够为酒店分配星级(一到五星级)五个方面,包括酒店位置,整洁度酒店房间体验,服务质量,金钱价值以及总体满意度总体而言,评论为这项研究收集的信息涉及16个地区的25,670家酒店国家。

我们还通过不确定性重要因素(UIF)和R2的比率输给R2,这结果总结在服务质量具有最大的R2损失和PCC,尽管房间体验的系数更大——在回归模型中胜于服务质量。这表明总体评估的大部分不确定性都会受到影响通过服务质量。 总体评分的差异为如果要保持服务质量,将减少约5.13%固定为其标称值。物有所值的不确定性有对消费者的总体评价影响最小的是:消费者似乎更倾向于看重自己的生活经历(例如服务质量和房间体验)。

Mining meaning from online ratings and reviews: Tourist satisfactionanalysis using latent dirichlet allocation

1、Discussion and conclusions

This study proposes a novel approach to extract latent dimensions of consumer satisfaction from rich online customer reviews. For dimension extraction, the LDA analysis of customer reviews reveals meaningful dimensions that are not found via traditional means. The relative importance of the extracted dimensions is identifified according to the intensity of the conversations for each. We also estimate the heterogeneity of perceptions across different demographic profifiles of consumers using the dimensions. The study enjoys a relatively broad sample of 25,670 hotels located in 16 countries, enabling us to make more reliable generalizations than prior studies using traditional research methods. This research further provides a stepwise regression and sensitivity analysis for TripAdvisors fifive consumer ratings for hotels and overall consumer satisfaction. Room experience and service quality are identifified as the most important dimensions in our analysis. This supports the fifindings of prior studies that have proposed room experience and service quality as two key factors inflfluencing customer satisfaction, typically via small data samples based on questionnaire surveys (e.g., Choi amp; Chu, 2001; Skogland amp; Siguaw, 2004). In principle, the more data that is available, the more accurate will be the generalizations made. Our statistical analysis was calculated based on 266,544 reviews created by 39,287 unique reviewers; our regression results should therefore be more reliable and accurate than prior statistical results based on limited sample data. Moreover, many online rating indicators represent multidimensional variables, such as room experience and service quality, and these may involve different sub-dimensions. For example, poor effificiency during check-in and during event management can both lead to poor service quality perceived by customers. Our method can identity the most prevalent factors perceived by customers when they express their opinions and share hotel experiences online. This study has many valuable implications for managerial practice. First, it enables hotel managers and investors to ascertain the importance and heterogeneity of latent dimensions of consumer satisfaction from user-generated data. Second, perceptual mapping of hotels through the voice-of-the customer reveals which dimensions are salient for inflfluencing consumer satisfaction and how consumer perceptions vary among different hotel classififications. In this way, dimensions may be used to help identify unique submarkets. For example, the economy or budget hotel sector has rapidly developed in the past decade in China (Mohsin amp; Lengler, 2015; Ren, Qiu, Wang, amp; Lin, 2016). Budget hotels usually offer a limited hotel service and their rates are 25e30% cheaper than average market rates (Gilbert amp; Lockwood, 1990). Most hotels in this segment are considered zero to three-star



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