原文出处:Dechun Huang, Vu Thi Van, Md. Ekram Hossain, Zhengqi He. Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Its Effect on Economic Growth: A Counter-Factual Approach*[J]. Open Journal of Social Sciences,2017, (05):73~91.
Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Its Effect on Economic Growth: A Counter-Factual Approach*
Dechun Huang, Vu Thi Van, Md. Ekram Hossain, Zhengqi He
Business School, Hohai University, Jiangning, China
Together with the deepening of globalization and economic integration, trade and investment liberalization has played more important role in economic cooperation. Besides the free trade agreements among member countries, free trade zone is also considered to establish a favorable environment in order to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth of the areas laying inside and outside the zone. On the basis of economic reforming and trade liberalization initiative, China approved the establishment of Shanghai Pilot free trade zone on September 29th, 2013. The Shanghai Pilot free trade zone is the experiment area of the whole countryrsquo;s national economic transition process. For the first time, many new policies and management mode were adopted in this area to examine their performance and usability. This study aims to analyze the policyrsquo;s effect of Shanghai pilot free trade zone on Shanghai economic growth. By using counter-factual method, the study compares the difference of Shanghai GDP in counter-factual scenario from the actual scenario and figures out the policy effect with the existence of the free trade zone. Therefore, the finding emphasizes the strong effect of Shanghai free trade zone on its economic growth. Understanding the economic effect of Shanghai pilot free trade zone is necessary to further up investment and trade liberalization in China.
Keywords:Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Policyrsquo;s Effects, Economic Growth, Counter-Factual Analysis
1. Introduction
1.1. New Free Trade Zones in China
The Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (or the “FTZ”) is located in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai, is the first free trade zone in Chinese mainland. The Shanghai FTZ was approved by Chinarsquo;s State Council on 22 August 2013 and was officially launched on 29 September 2013. The Shanghai FTZ covers an area of 28.78 square kilometer and comprises the four existing customs supervisory zones, including Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone, Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistic park, Yangshan Bonded Port and Pudong Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone. In 2014, it was expanded by incorporating Lujiazui Financial Area, Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, and Zhangjiang High Tech Park, expanding the area of the Free Trade Zone from 28.78 square kilometers to 120.72 square kilometer. The FTZ is expected to facilitate open trade anchored in liberalized provisions on foreign exchange management, tax policies, and customs supervision [1].
The establishment of the Shanghai FTZ, as part of the national strategy of more proactively opening up China, is a big step forward in the countryrsquo;s desire to adapt to new global economic trends and trade developments. The Shanghai FTZ implemented various reforms in term of policies and logistics to facilitate the free movement of goods at the regional level. With the implementation of regulatory procedures simplification, business costs reduction and large tariff-free zone, the Shanghai FTZ aimed to further open up the service industry, provide a flexible environment for foreign exchange and off-shore financial services, dramatically reduce the transaction costs of firms, and ease other regulations. The Shanghai FTZ adopted “frontline, completely liberalized” processes and reform the current practice of declaring goods before these enter the trade area as well as reduce the trading barrier with favor tariff policy and convenient administrative procedures. One highlight of the Shanghai FTZ is the adaption of the negative list system in investment management. This list includes specific projects what are not open to foreign investment or are of restricted access, otherwise are fully open to foreign investment. It is expected that Shanghai FTZ will not only encourage foreign investment investing to provide a wide range of value-added services but will also make ports as centers of commodity flow, capital flow, and information flow.
Taking shanghai free trade zone as policy reform experimental site, the State Council decided on December 28, 2014 to introduce the practices of Shanghai FTZ nationwide and later on, in April, 2015, there were three new Free Trade Zones were opened in Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian that shared many of the features with the Shanghai FTZ, for example: the same negative list, the same registration procedure and many other common features [2]. After that, the Minister of Commerce for China continues to duplicate the Shanghai FTZ at more widespread level in different provinces. On the 31st of March, 2017, seven new FTZs were officially approved in Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi municipality. Each FTZ not only shares many common features with the previous Shanghai FTZ but also has different priorities. For example, Zhejiangrsquo;s FTZ will focus on international maritime services and international oil storage, while Liaoning will focus on deepening state firm reform, Chongqingrsquo;s FTZ will target to develop Chinarsquo;s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and Henan will focus on international logistics and transportation [3].
1.2. Current Situation of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone
The Shanghai free trade pilot zone has been established for almost 4 years and continuously completes its institutional innovation by carrying out the negative list management mode for market access, deepening foreign investment, overseas investment management and commercial system reform. At the end of 2016, there are 61 “centralized registration offices” have been
Dechun Huang, Vu Thi Van, Md. Ekram Hossain, Zhengqi He
上海自由贸易试验区成立近四年,通过实行市场准入负面清单管理模式,深化外资,海外投资管理和商业体制改革,不断完善体制创新。截至2016年底,已设立61个“集中登记办公室”,园区注册企业为21400家。通过启动在线预订、预注册服务和用于“手持式约会”的试用手机APP,注册过程也得到了简化,注册时间缩短了2/3。截至2016年末,园区内经营企业79669家, 其中内资企业62365家,注册资本4143.62亿元;外资企业17304家,注册资本243.686美元。
为了深化贸易便利化,上海自贸区大力推进通关改革,即“三个相互依存”,包括信息交流、监督互认和执法互助,并引入试行通关一体化系统,和“三自动一集中”,即自动纳税申报,自动清关,自动审核和集中检查。2016年海关代销各类债券5155笔,货值6983亿元,贡献税收1204亿元。同比分别增长7.5倍、3.0倍和3.1倍。2016年进出口贸易总额783.68亿元,增长5. 9%,其中出口231.585亿元,比上年增长14.5% (详见表格1)。
指标 |
单位 |
数值 |
同比增长率 |
地方一般公共预算收入 |
亿元 |
559.38 |
23.7 |
外商直接投资的实际资本 |
亿美元 |
61.79 |
28.2 |
工业总产值 |
亿元 |
4312.84 |
14.2 |
社会消费品零售总额 |
亿元 |
1396.76 |
6.9 |
商品销售总额 |
亿元 |
33,609.23 |
6.9 |
服务营业收入 |
亿元 |
4167.59 |
7.0 |
进出口总额 |
亿元 |
7836.8 |
5.9 |
出口量 |
亿元 |
2315.85 |
14.5 |
期末金融机构数量 |
亿元 |
815 |
7.5 |
新型金融机构数量 |
亿元 |
4651 |
11.9 |
第一个现代经济区(EPZ) 成立于二十世纪六十年代,例如1959年爱尔兰的香农自由区,1960年左右的印度的坎德拉自由区或1967年建立的台湾高雄出口加工区。这是发达国家(地区)之间的工业生产转移以及工业生产从发达国家(地区)转移到欠发达国家(地区)的结果。从那时起,各种类型的现代自由区在经济特区(SEZ) 的概念下得到了发展,它们的名称不同,例如自由贸易区,出口加工区,自由港和特区......经济特区通常被定义为由单一机构管理的地理上划定的区域,对实际位于区内的企业提供某些激励措施(例如,通常为免税进口和简化的海关程序)。 (FIAS, 2008)[4]经济特区代表经济体内的指定地理区域,在该区域中,商业活动受制于与其他经济体不同的规则,这些规则可能与投资条件、贸易、海关和税收等有关。[5]实际上,经济特区没有单一和统一的分类,但是本文遵循世界银行的分类。法雷尔(Farole)[5]将经济特区分为具有不同发展目标的六类区域。表2体现了六种经济特区类型的比较。
自由贸易区(FTZ; 也称为商业自由区)是围栏内的免税区,为贸易、转运和再出口业务提供仓储、存储和分配设施[4].格鲁贝尔(Grubel)将自由贸易区定义为“通过围栏或其他障碍与周边东道国领土隔开的区域,可以在不限制配额或不缴纳关税和消费税的情况下将境外货物带入东道国,不受外汇管制,并且符合大多数旨在保护消费者的统计报告的要求和规定[6].在自由贸易区内,货物可以存储、制造、展示、组装、分类和出售,并可以像进口一样自由出口。但是,如果将它们带入该区域的东道国,则它们将受到正常的进口配额、关税和消费税的限制。
区域类型 |
发展目标 |
典型尺寸 |
典型活动 |
市场 |
自由贸易区 |
支持贸易 |
lt;50公顷 |
企业家与贸易相关活动 |
国内,转口 |
出口加工区 |
出口与制造 |
lt;50公顷 |
制造加工 |
主要是出口 |
混合EPZ |
出口与制造 |
lt;100公顷 |
制造加工 |
出口,国内 |
自由港 |
综合开发 |
gt;1000公顷 |
多种用途 |
内部,国内和出口 |
企业专区 |
振兴城市 |
lt;50公顷 |
制造加工 |
国内 |
单厂EPZ |
出口与制造 |
没有最低要求 |
制造加工 |
主要是出口 |