
 2022-08-08 09:42:43

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阿勒泰市对外贸易经济合作局局长杨瑞庆,今年6月1日接到哈萨克斯坦打来的电话。 “我国的蔬菜供应量低,因此推高了价格。您介意为了冷却一点市场价格热度而在今年6月1日举办农产品展销会吗?” 在电话的另一端,是东哈萨克斯坦州对外贸易管理局主席。 在当地的收获季节,那里的蔬菜价格总是比邻近的新疆要贵上好几倍。杨瑞庆例行地会在每年的这个时候,接收到他在哈萨克斯坦的同仁发出的求助信号。



















Xinjiangrsquo;s Border Trade Weathering Economic Crisis

By staff reporter LIU QIONG

Yang Ruiqing, head of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Altay, Xinjiang, got a call from Kazakhstan on the first of June this year. “Our vegetable supplies are low, pushing the prices sky high. Would you mind giving a produce fair by the end of the month to cool down the market a bit?” At the other end of the line was Chief of the Foreign Trade Administration for East Kazakhstan State. Before the local harvest season, vegetables there are always several times more expensive than those in neighboring Xinjiang. Yang routinely receives calls for help from his Kazakhstani counterpart at this time of the year.

Produce Trade Flourishing

Altay in northern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region borders Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, and seats the largest number of land ports in China. In the Republic of Kazakhstan on the other side of the border, the mainstay of the economy is animal husbandry; locally grown vegetables are of limited varieties and volumes, and far from meeting local demand.In spring and winter, vegetable prices in Kazakhstan and its Central Asian neighbors Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan soar to ten times those in Xinjiang.

At the last produce fair in Kazakhstan one month before, Yang Ruiqing had barely set his Chinese booth up when he noticed the stack of packaged strawberries his team brought was already gone. “They were snapped up in the blink of an eye,” he laughed.

According to Urumqi customs statistics, Xinjiang exported 23,000 tons of vegetables, worth US $9.35 million, in the first five months of this year, marking increases of 78.5 and 150 percent respectively over the same period last year. Food is one of the few sectors immune to economic sluggishness. The uccessive droughts in Central Asia in recent years have added to the spur in demand for Xinjiang vegetables as well. As a result, prices for vegetables exported from the autonomous region, especially tomatoes, potatoes and shallots, are leaping upward.

In 2007 the Altay Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau sponsored a delegation of 30 local farmers to Kazakhstan. “The purpose was to help them learn the market there, and consequently motivate them to grow more vegetables,” said Yang. It worked. Jaws dropped when the delegates saw a kilo of cucumbers tagged at 240 tenge, or RMB 15, compared with RMB 1.2 in their hometowns. The huge price disparity kindled Xinjiang farmersrsquo; enthusiasm for stepping up their exports. “The yields from my green-house entered the market in mid-March, and fetched a handsome profit,” boasted Feng Chao, a farmer in Jeminay County, Altay. Meanwhile, in a border market Jeminay a fleet of teucke was being loaded with potatoes, a staple of Xinjiangrsquo;s vegetable exports. Most vegetables are sold to neighboring countries under small contracts handled by private businesses, which shipped out 22,000 tons (96 percent of the regionrsquo;s vegetable exports) in the first five months of the year.

Impact of the Financial Cris is

The coastal areas may suffer the heaviest blow from the financial crisis, but in a globalized economy, no place even an outlier like Xinjiang can completely dodge the impact



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