Creativity, innovation, and export performance
William R. Dipietro,Emmanuel Anoruo
Abstract:More and more countries are turning to export promotion as an effective strategy for development. If creative activity facilitates exports, then, in order to enhance exports, it may be worthwhile for a country to focus at least a portion of its energy toward establishing a favorable environment for creativity. This paper hypothesizes that there is a positive relationship between a countrys export performance and a countrys creative activity. It uses simple cross-country regression analysis to test whether creativity and its four components, innovation, technology, technology transfer, and business startups, have any impact on the total value of a countrys exports and on the composition of a countrys exports.
Keywords:Creativity;Innovation;Export performance
1. Introduction
Innovation is hard to measure. As a result, empirical studies have been forced to resort to inadequate proxies such as the number of patent applications. Recently, the World Economic Forum has provided indexes on a country-by-country basis for 59 countries on creativity and its four components including innovation, technology, technology transfer, and startups. The literature in the area of innovation, growth, and trade is extensive. Archibugi and Michie (1998) contain a compendium of articles that provide more recent developments in the field. In an increasingly global world, innovation is now seen as the minimum necessary requirement for countries to be competitive. Weifens, Addison, Audretsch, Gries, and Grupp (2000) maintain that globalization has changed the rules of the game. They suggest that every country must innovate in order to effectively compete globally. Along with innovation proper, the diffusion of innovation across national boundaries is also relevant. Mody and Yilmaz (2002) conclude that the importation of capital is an effective means for the transfer of knowledge between nations. They suggest that early innovation can be achieved through imported technology. It should however with time be supplanted by domestic innovation.
Trade policies based solely on the old static comparative advantage may even be disadvantageous to a country. Redding (1999) points out that it was economically infeasible for Korea to invest in integrated steel production in the 1960s according to the static comparative advantage. Yet, Korea did so, and went on to become one of the lowest cost steel producers in the world. His main point is that, when comparative advantage is endogenously determined by technological change, a country may actually reduce its welfare by selecting low-tech products with current static comparative advantage over high-tech products without current competitive advantage but with the ability to acquire comparative advantage in the future.
The idea that export performance is positively related to creativity is not new. Wakelin (1997), in addition to surveying the literature on technology and trade, finds that technology gaps are important for trade for various sectors in some OECD countries, and that innovative efforts are generally more important for trade performance than relative wage costs. Fagerberg (1999) pushes technology as a road for Europe to achieve rapid growth rates. He maintains that successful technological catch-up results in improved trade performance and substantial changes in the composition of trade.
The objective of this paper is to examine the effects of creativity and its components on export performance. This study uses simple cross-country regressions on the new creativity data provided by the World Economic Forum to achieve the stated objective. This study is topical given that most developing, as well as developed countries, have adopted outward-oriented trade policies, in addition to the push for globalization. The structure of this paper is as follows. Following the present introduction, Section 2 provides a rough overall skeleton framework for looking at the relationship between the value of a countrys exports and creative activity. Section 3 discusses the results of cross-country regressions of both overall exports and of high-tech exports on creativity and its components. Section 4 provides the conclusions and the policy implications of the study.
2. Exports and creativity: a basic framework for analysis
There are three distinctive paradigms relative to the relationship between export performance and creativity. The first is based on the notion that export promotion is a potent potential policy for economic growth and development. The second is the Schumpetarian idea of creative destruction. The third is the Prebisch–Singer theory regarding the patterns of trade between the developed and less developed nations.
The first paradigm stipul
William R. Dipietro,Emmanuel Anoruo
创新是很难来具体衡量的,因此在以往的实证研究一般采取研发投入或专利申请数量来衡量技术创新。近日,世界经济论坛提供了针对59个不同国家衡量其创造力的指标,主要有四个组成部分,包括创新,技术,技术转让和创业公司。在创新,增长和贸易领域的文献是广泛的。阿尔基布吉和米基(1998)提供了在该领域的最新发展的文章汇编。在国际分工不断深化,各国开放度不断提高的今天,国际竞争己转向了国际间的科技竞争,因此创新对出口竞争力的作用越来越重要,研究技术创新与出口竞争力的关系己成为国内外学者对国际贸易研究的一个重要领域。P.Weifens, J.Addison,D.Audretsch,T.Gries,H.Grupp(2000)认为,全球化已经改变了世界发展的游戏规则。他们认为,每个国家都必须通过不断地创新来有效地参与全球竞争。随着创新得当,创新的跨越国界的扩散也与此相关。Mody and Yilmaz(2002)认为,资本的输入是国家之间知识转移的有效手段。他们认为,早期的创新能够通过引进技术来实现。然而,随着时间推移引进技术应该被国内自主创新所取代。
[3] Mody, K.Yilmaz,对出口竞争力的进口机械研究[J].世界银行经济评论,2002,16(1):23-48.
[7]P.Weifens amp; J.Addison amp; D.Audretsch amp; T.Gries amp; H.Grupp,全球化、经济增长和创新动力[J].施普林格,NY,2000.