Sources of real exchange rate fluctuations in China
Tao Wang
International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20431
Received 17 February 2004; revised 29 June 2005
Available online 31 August 2005
Wang, Tao—Sources of real exchange rate fluctuations in China
This paper reviews the evolution of Chinarsquo;s real effective exchange rate between 1980 and 2003 and uses a structural vector autoregression model to study the relative importance of different types of macroeconomic shocks for fluctuations in the real exchange rate between 1985 and 2003. The structural decomposition shows that relative real demand and supply shocks account for most of the variations in real exchange rate changes during the estimation period. The paper also finds that supply shocks are at least as important as nominal demand shocks in accounting for real exchange rate fluctuations. In contrast, other studies that show that nominal shocks are more important in explaining real exchange rate fluctuations in industrial countries. Journal of Comparative Economics 33 (4) (2005) 753–771. International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20431. 2005 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights re-served.
JEL classification: C32; F31; F41; O53
Keywords: China; Real exchange rate; Structural VAR
✩ The views expressed in this study are the authorrsquo;s own and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF.
- Correspondence to: Tao Wang, c/o Louis Kuijs, World Bank, MSN JB3-100, Resident Mission China, PO Box 27839, Washington, DC 20038-7839.
E-mail address:
0147-5967/$ – see front matter 2005 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Chinarsquo;s recent rapid export growth and accumulation of international reserves have gen-erated considerable interest in modeling the determinants of the renminbi (RMB) exchange rate. Much of the existing literature focuses on the valuation of the exchange rate relative to its equilibrium. Chou and Shih (1998) estimate the equilibrium exchange rate of the RMB between 1978 and 1994 using both a purchasing power parity (PPP) approach and an approach based on the shadow price of foreign exchange. These authors find that the RMB was overvalued for much of this period, but close to its equilibrium value between 1990 and 1994. Zhang (2001) estimates a behavioral equilibrium exchange rate between 1952 and 1997 by using a set of fundamental determinants of the actual real exchange rate in a reduced-form equation. He finds that the RMB exchange rate was overvalued during most of the estimation period but close to its equilibrium in 1997. Anderson (2003) esti-mates a balance of payment model based on trade equations and finds that the RMB was undervalued in 2003.
This paper contributes to the analysis of the RMB exchange rate from a different per-spective. Instead of assessing the equilibrium exchange rate, we investigate the underlying forces driving real exchange rate variations over the past two decades. According to eco-nomic theory, e.g., Balassa (1964), and the experiences of many countries, an economy exhibiting sustained rapid growth in its tradable goods sector is expected to experience appreciation of its real exchange rate. However, economies such as China are often sub-ject to various shocks simultaneously, especially in periods of major structural changes. Understanding the underlying sources of RMB fluctuations helps to explain why the real exchange rate depreciated sharply during the boom of the mid-1980s while it appreciated during the output surge of the mid-1990s. In addition, insights are gained regarding the forces behind the recent real exchange rate movements in China.
Following Clarida and Galiacute; (1994) and Hoffmaister and Roldoacute;s (2001) , we construct a structural vector autoregression (VAR) model to estimate the relative importance of differ-ent types of macroeconomic shocks for fluctuations in the real exchange rate. We identify types of shocks that, in the traditional IS-LM framework, are referred to as aggregate sup-ply shocks, aggregate demand shocks, and nominal demand shocks, i.e., shocks affecting the money market. Jin (2003) uses a reduced-form VAR to examine the relationship be-tween the variation in the RMB real exchange rate and two determinants, namely, the real interest rate differential and official foreign exchange reserves. However, our structural VAR approach has the ability to identify the fundamental macroeconomic shocks affecting variables such as the real exchange rate and the interest rate differential simultaneously.
Our structural decomposition indicates that real demand and supply shocks accounted for most of the fluctuations in the real exchange rate movement during the estimation pe-riod, whereas nominal shocks were less important. During the mid-1990s, the contribution of the real demand shocks increased, which is a key factor underlying the substantial real appreciation of the RMB. In the period after the Asian financial crisis, supply and nom-inal shocks played important roles in determining the real exchange rate movements of the RMB. Of course, these results should be interpreted with caution because significant changes occurred in the structure of Chinarsquo;s economy that might not have been captured properly.
The paper is organized as follows. The next section r
最近中国出口额的快速增长以及国际储备生成的增加都成为人民币汇率的决定因素。现有的文献大多集中在研究汇率估值的相对均衡。周和施估计人民币的均衡汇率采用了购买力平价的方法以及一种基于外汇影子价格的方法。这些研究者发现在这一时期人民币被高估, 但水平接近1990年至1994年之间的平衡值。其他学家认为均衡汇率在1952年和1997年之间通过使用一组实际汇率的根本决定因素的简化型方程计算得出。他发现当人民币汇率被高估的大多数期间都能够接近1997年的平衡值。而安德森预算是基于贸易收支模型方程进行研究的,并在2003年发现人民币被低估。
克拉里达后,加利和罗尔格斯为我们构造一个结构向量自回归模型,用来分析相对重要的不同类型的宏观经济量冲击对实际汇率的波动的影响。传统的IS- LM模型框架,被称为总供给冲击、总需求冲击和名义需求冲击,即影响货币市场冲击。金利用简化的VAR模型研究影响人民币实际汇率的变化的两个因素之间的关系。就是实际利率差异和官方外汇储备这两个因素。然而,VAR方法有能力识别对基本的宏观经济量冲击的影响变量,如对汇率和利率同时微分。
Xt = A(L)ut ,
Xt = C(L)εt ,
ut = C0εt ,
在C0的3times;3矩阵定义了三个变量之间的结构关系。必须通过这个矩阵来确定向量的结构冲击,εt从估计的干扰ut。克拉里达后,出现三个额外的长期限制因子,而短期动力学是自由决定的。这三个限制,名义货币冲击没有影响长期的产出水平,实际汇率和实际需求的冲击没有影响长期的产出水平。结构VAR的长期乘数是用矩阵C(1)=(C0 C 1 C2 ···)表示。三个长期限制(1、2),(1,3)和(2、3)C(1)矩阵的元素等于零。因此,C(1)矩阵是下三角型,以便它可以用来确定C0。
Sources of real exchange rate fluctuations in China
1. Introduction
Chinarsquo;s recent rapid export growth and accumulation of international reserves have generated considerable interest in modeling the determinants of the renminbi (RMB) exchange rate. Much of the existing literature focuses on the valuation of the exchange rate relative to its equilibrium. Chou and Shih (1998) estimate the equilibrium exchange rate of the RMB between 1978 and 1994 using both a purchasing power parity (PPP) approach and an approach based on the shadow price of foreign exchange. These authors find that the RMB was overvalued for much of this period, but close to its equilibrium value between 1990 and 1994. Zhang (2001) estimates a behavioral equilibrium exchange rate between 1952 and 1997 by using a set of fundamental determinants of the actual real exchange rate in a reduced-form equation. He finds that the RMB exchange rate was overvalued during most of the estimation period but close to its equilibrium in 1997. Anderson (2003) estimates a balance of payment model based on trade equations and finds that the RMB was undervalued in 2003.
This paper contributes to the analysis of the RMB exchange rate from a different perspective. Instead of assessing the equilibrium exchange rate, we investigate the underlying forces driving real exchange rate variations over the past two decades. According to economic theory, e.g., Balassa (1964), and the experiences of many countries, an economy exhibiting sustained rapid growth in its tradable goods sector is expected to experience appreciation of its real exchange rate. However, economies such as China are often subject to various shocks simultaneously, especially in periods of major structural changes. Understanding the underlying sources of RMB fluctuations helps to explain why the real exchange rate depreciated sharply during the boom of the mid-1980s while it appreciated during the output surge of the mid-1990s. In addition, insights are gained regarding the forces behind the recent real exchange rate movements in China.
Following Clarida and Galiacute; (1994) and Hoffmaister and Roldoacute;s (2001) , we construct a structural vector autoregression (VAR) model to estimate the relative importance of different types of macroeconomic shocks for fluctuations in the real exchange rate. We identify types of shocks that, in the traditional IS-LM framework, are referred to as aggregate sup-ply shocks, aggregate demand shocks, and nominal deman