National Conference in Emerging Computer Applications (NCECA2019)
Automatic Number Plate Recognition
System Using OpenCV And Machine
Basil Baby1, Jikku Jose2, Lithin Thomas3, ShellyShiju George4
1, 2, 3 P.G Scholar of Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, Kerala
4 Asst. Professor of Amal Jyothi College of Engineering Kanjirappally, Kerala
Abstract- Automatic Number Plate Recognition System is a useful application to identify the vehicles from complex security systems, parking sectors and Traffic controls. ANPR is an active research topic in the field of Image Processing using different Algorithms, Methods and
Techniques.This paper presents the implementation of ANPR system with the help of Free – Dynamic software Python in support with Open Computer Vision Libraries. The extraction of characters from Number plate is done with Machine Learning, which is a branch of Artificial Intelligence - where Building, Training, Classifying and Predicting data using
different Classifiers.
The scientific world is deploying research in intelligent transportation areas which have a significant impact on people‟s lives. Nowadays, vehicles are increasing rapidly, which makes it complicate to manage all these vehicles. The identification of vehicles are essential in several cases like traffic, gate entrance, etc., [3] for ensuring the security. Every vehicle is uniquely identified on the basis of their number plates. The manual entering of vehicle licence numbers will be a tedious process. This paper discuss the effective method that can be used to reduce the complexity of manual entering and make the process automatic.
The ANPR [4] is a system designed to help in recognition of number plates of vehicles. This system is based on image processing [2]. It helps in the methods like detection of number plates of the vehicles, processing them and using processed data for further functions like storing vehicle details, allowing vehicles to pass or to reject vehicles. ANPR[1] is a mass surveillance method that uses Machine Learning on images to read the licence plates on vehicles. ANPR can be used to store the images that are captured by the cameras as well as the text from the number plate. This systems commonly use infrared (IR) lighting to allow the camera to capture the image at any time of the day. It is an embedded system that has numerous applications and challenges. Number Plate Recognition Technology is being used all around the world for surveillance applications. This technology is being used to identify and record license plate numbers and offers advantages in law enforcement, security and vehicle access. License Plate Technology is being used for secure and gated entrances, for traffic enforcement, for law enforcement, and at toll gates.
There have been several studies on extraction of text from number plate‟s problem by using various statistical approaches. Through literature review, we only found a few studies which were related to ANPR. But all the contributions that are made in this field are getting more advanced day by day.
Some of the information we obtained and discussed are given below: Miyata [1] proposes the license plate detection process which detects only the edge vertical components, and the sample license plates are narrowed down using the contours obtained by dilation and erosion processing and region fill processing. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) based on negative and positive examples is used to determine whether a sample area is a license plate or not, and finally the position
of the license plate is identified. This paper examines how the license plate detection process results
in license plate and non-license plate images were affected by differences in aspect ratios,
Emerging Trends in Engineering Research ISBN-978-93-5267-349-0 52
National Conference in Emerging Computer Applications (NCECA2019)
differences in brightness between the vehicle body and license plate, and the number of positive and negative examples used for learning. The success of this method was confirmed to yield a license plate detection rate of approximately 90%.
Kulkarni [2] proposes the task of recognizing number plate for Indian conditions, in which number plate standards are rarely followed. The system consists of a combination of algorithms that are specifically designed for Indian number plates. The algorithms used are bdquo;Feature-based number plate Localization‟ for locating the number plate, bdquo;Image Scissoring‟ for character segmentation and bdquo;statistical feature extraction‟ for character recognition. The system is capable of recognizing single and double line number plates under widely varying lighting conditions. The system have a success rate of about 82%. Khare [3] introduces a new concept called partial character reconstruction for segmenting characters of license plates. This increases the performance of license plate ecognition systems. Partial character reconstruction is proposed on the basis of stroke width in the Laplacian and gradient domain in a novel way. This results in character components with incomplete shapes. The angular information of character components determined by PCA and the major axis are then studied by considering regular spacing between characters and aspect ratios of character components in a new way for segmenting characters. Then, the same stroke width properties are used for reconstructing the complete shape of each character in the gray domain rather than in the gradient domain, which helps in improving the re
全国新兴计算机应用大会 (NCECA2019)
Basil Baby1, Jikku Jose2, Lithin Thomas3, ShellyShiju George4
1, 2, 3喀拉拉邦坎吉拉帕利阿马尔·约蒂工程学院学者
I. 简介
工程研究的新趋势 ISBN-978-93-5267-349-0 52
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Conci 等人[6]介绍了一个解决实际场景中车辆识别问题的系统。所有的方法和步骤,包括从图像场景采集到光学字符识别,都是为了实现车牌的自动识别。该系统可用于所有类型的国家规则或车牌设计,并适用于各种环境。该系统计算效率高,适用于其它相关的图像识别应用。
III. 实现
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A. 创建训练数据集
机器学习是人工智能的一个分支,它处理各种数据项、处理过程和用于未来预测的模式。机器学习可以分为监督学习和非监督学习。监督学习利用已知的数据集(称为训练数据集)来实现字符的销毁。在这篇文章中,它将采取监督学习的方式,因为我们已经知道了As, Bs, Cs和所有其他字符和字母的样子。监督学习可以进一步分为两类;分类和回归。由于字符识别属于分类范畴,本文采用了监督学习的分类范畴。我们需要得到一个训练数据集,选择一个监督学习分类器,训练一个模型,并测试模型的准确性。为了训练我们的模型,我们考虑使用20px * 20px的数据集。注意:我们需要在字符分割中调整字符的大小,这将在接下来的步骤中解释。数据集中的每个字母都有10个不同的图像。
B. 捕获图像
- 预处理
D. 定位
F. 分割.
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IV. 实现方法
Python是一种高级、强大的动态、面向对象的编程语言,它关注代码的可读性。与Java或c 相比,Python中的语法帮助程序员以更少的步骤进行编码。Python支持与其他语言和工具的强大集成。它有一个大型的标准库,具有自动内存管理和动态特性。Python的主要缺点是速度。它使用解释器而不是编译器。
A. 训练数据集
要使用SVC,我们需要安装scikit-learn包。SVC方法属于sklearn.svm。首先加载数据集,然后对数据集进行训练和匹配,以预测样本所属的类。, target_data)
B. 图像采集
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
return_value, image =
cv2.imwrite(opencv str(i) .png, image)
工程研究的新趋势 ISBN-978-93-5267-349-0 55
全国新兴计算机应用大会 (NCECA2019)
C. 预处理.
imgBlurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5,5), 0)
gray =cv2.cvtColor(imgBlurred,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
D. 定位
E. 相连区域分析.
hierarchy=cv2.findContours(morph_img_threshold,mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
- 字符分割.
在这一阶段,我们使用相连区域分析来绘制出所有字符从识别的车牌。 rect_border = patches.Rectangle((x0, y0),x1 - x0, y1 - y0, edgecolor='red',linewidth=2,fill=False)
resized_char = resize(roi, (20, 20))
我们需要将字符大小调整为20px * 20px来检查经过训练的数据集
G. 字符识别