Control and Cybernetics
vol. 35 (2006) No. 3
Dijkstrarsquo;s algorithm revisited: the dynamic programming connexion
Moshe Sniedovich
Department of Mathematics and Statistics The University of Melbourne, Australia
Abstract: Dijkstrarsquo;s Algorithm is one of the most popular algo- rithms in computer science. It is also popular in operations research. It is generally viewed and presented as a greedy algorithm. In this paper we attempt to change this perception by providing a dynamic programming perspective on the algorithm. In particular, we are re- minded that this famous algorithm is strongly inspired by Bellmanrsquo;s Principle of Optimality and that both conceptually and technically it constitutes a dynamic programming successive approximation pro- cedure par excellence. One of the immediate implications of this perspective is that this popular algorithm can be incorporated in the dynamic programming syllabus and in turn dynamic program- ming should be (at least) alluded to in a proper exposition/teaching of the algorithm.
Keywords: Dijkstrarsquo;s algorithm, dynamic programming, greedy algorithm, principle of optimality, successive approximation, opera- tions research, computer science.
In 1959 a three-page long paper entitled A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs was published in the journal Numerische Mathematik. In this paper Edsger W. Dijkstra — then a twenty nine years old computer scientist
— proposed algorithms for the solution of two fundamental graph theoretic problems: the minimum weight spanning tree problem and the shortest path problem. We shall say a bit more about this paper later on in this discussion. For the time being suffice it to say that today Dijkstrarsquo;s Algorithm (DA) for the shortest path problem is one of the most celebrated algorithms in computer science (CS) and a very popular algorithm in operations research (OR).
In the literature, this algorithm is often described as a greedy algorithm. For example, the book Algorithmics (Brassard and Bratley, 1988, 87-92) discusses it in the chapter entitled Greedy Algorithms. The Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (Gass and Harris, 1996, 166-167) describes
it as a “. . . node labeling greedy algorithm . . . ” and a greedy algorithm is described as “. . . a heuristic algorithm that at every step selects the best choice available at that step without regard to future consequences . . . ” (Gass and Harris, 1996, 264). And in Cormen et al. (1990, 519) we read:
Optimal substructure of a shortest path
Shortest-path algorithms typically exploit the property that a short- est path between two vertices contains other shortest paths within it. This optimal-substructure property is a hallmark of the applica- bility of both dynamic programming (Chapter 16) and the greedy method (Chapter 17). In fact, Dijkstrarsquo;s Algorithm is a greedy algo- rithm, and the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which finds shortest paths between all pairs of vertices (see Chapter 26), is a dynamic program- ming algorithm.
Although the algorithm is popular in the OR/MS literature, it is generally regarded as a “computer science method”. Apparently, this is due to three factors: (a) its inventor was a computer scientist (b) its association with special data structures, and (c) there are competing OR/MS oriented algorithms for the shortest path problem. It is not surprising therefore that some well established OR/MS textbooks do not even mention this algorithm in their discussions on the shortest path problem (e.g. Daellenbach et al., 1983; Hillier and Lieberman, 1990) and those that do discuss it in that context present it in a stand-alone mode, that is, they do not relate it to standard OR/MS methods (e.g. Markland and Sweigart, 1987; Winston, 2004). For the same reason it is not surprising that the “Dijkstrarsquo;s Algorithm” entry in the Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (Gass and Harris, 1996, 166-167) does not have any reference whatsoever to DP.
The objective of this paper is to present a completely different portrayal of DA, its origin, its role in OR/MS and CS, and its relationship to other OR/MS methods and techniques. Instead of focusing on its computational complexity, data structures that it can utilize to good effect, and other implementation is- sues, we examine the fundamental principle that inspired it in the first place, its basic structure, and its relationship to the well established OR/MS methods and techniques. That is, we show that at the outset DA was inspired by Bell- manrsquo;s Principle of Optimality and that, not surprisingly, technically it should be viewed as a DP successive approximation procedure.
Needless to say, this characterization of DA is not inconsistent with other valid characterizations. In particular, there is no conflict between this char- acterization and the common “ greedy ” characterization that is so popular in computer science circles. After all, DP offers a very natural paradigm for the formulation of greedy algorithms (Bird and de Moor, 1997, and Lew, 2005).
Be it as it may, one of the immediate implications of this fact is that OR/MS lecturers can present DA as an OR/MS-oriented algorithm par excellence and relate it to the well established OR/MS methods and techniques. In particular,
they can incorporate DA in the DP syllabus, where in fact it belongs. This, we should add, is long overdue for in teaching DA it is most constructive to draw the studentsrsquo; attention to the fact that this algorithm was inspired by Bellmanrsquo;s Principle of Optimality. Furthermore, it is important to point out that it is no more, no less, than a (clever) metho
动态规划连接Moshe Sniedovich
1959年,在《数学数字》杂志上发表了一篇三页长的论文,题目是《关于图与两个问题的说明》。在这篇论文中,Edsger W. Dijkstra——当时是一名29岁的计算机科学家
在文献中,该算法常被描述为贪婪算法。例如,在《算法》(Brassard and Bratley, 1988, 87-92)一书中,“贪婪算法”一章讨论了它。运营研究和管理科学百科全书(Gass和Harris, 1996, 166-167)描述
它是一个“hellip;hellip;节点标记贪婪算法hellip;一个贪婪算法被描述为。一种启发式算法,它在每一步都选择该步骤中可用的最佳选择,而不考虑未来的结果hellip;(Gass and Harris, 1996, 264)。在Cormen et al.(1990, 519)中我们读到:
最短路径算法通常利用两个顶点之间的最短路径包含其他最短路径的特性。这种最优子结构特性是动态规划(第16章)和贪心方法(第17章)可应用性的一个标志。事实上,Dijkstra算法是一种贪婪的algo- rithm算法,而Floyd-Warshall算法是一种动态程序明算法,它可以找到所有顶点对之间的最短路径(见第26章)。
虽然该算法在OR/MS文献中很流行,但通常被认为是一种“计算机科学方法”。显然,这是由三个因素造成的:(a)它的发明者是一位计算机科学家(b)它与特殊的数据结构有关,(c)存在针对最短路径问题的竞争性或面向MS的算法。因此,一些成熟的或/MS教科书在讨论最短路径问题时甚至没有提到这种算法也就不足为奇了(如Daellenbach et al., 1983;希利尔和利伯曼(1990)以及那些在这种背景下讨论它的人以独立的模式呈现它,也就是说,他们没有将它与标准或/MS方法联系起来(如Markland和Sweigart, 1987;温斯顿,2004)。出于同样的原因,《运筹学与管理科学百科全书》(Gass and Harris, 1996, 166-167)中的“Dijkstra算法”条目与DP没有任何关联也就不足为奇了。
不用说,DA的这种特性与其他有效的特性并不矛盾。特别是,这种字符化与计算机科学领域中普遍存在的“贪婪”特征之间没有冲突。毕竟,DP为贪婪算法的制定提供了一个非常自然的范例(Bird and de Moor, 1997, and Lew, 2005)。
DA和DP之间的亲密关系在专业文献中有明确的暗示(如Lawler, 1976, and Denardo, 2003),但是细节没有明确的说明,也不容易理解。本讨论的一个重要目标是澄清这些细节,使计算机科学家和操作研究人员更容易理解这些细节。
因为考虑的话题应该感兴趣的教师教学DP和/或DA主题专业学科和/或在更广泛的女士或/和CS主题,我们提供附录包含相关讨论“DP - DA”尤其记住这样的读者写的。
然后考虑由n个gt; 1个城市组成的问题{1,2,hellip;, n},矩阵D表示各城市之间的直接联系长度,因此
D(i, j)表示连接城市i和城市j的直接链路的长度,这意味着任意一对城市之间最多有一个直接链路。正式我们假设minus;infin;lt; D (i, j)le;infin;,forall;i, jisin;C: = {1,hellip;n},
D(我)=infin;,forall;我isin;c .我们D (i, j) =infin;解释为表明没有
A(j):={iisin;C: D(j, i) lt;infin;},jisin;C (1)
B(j):={iisin;C: D(i, j) lt;infin;},jisin;C (2)
因此,由construction A(j)表示j市和
由于技术上的原因,且不失一般性,可以方便地假设city 1没有任何直接的前身。这只是一种形式,因为如果不满足这个条件,我们可以简单地引入一个虚拟城市,并用长度为0的链接将其连接到城市1。所以我们假设
B(1) ={},其中{}表示空集。
注意,符合上述约定,我们应该得出这样的结论:最短路径的长度从城市我j =infin;,言外之意是,没有(可行)路径从节点到节点j。还应该指出,上述约定,最短路径问题的一个实例是唯一指定的距离矩阵d。因此,这个矩阵
- 存在最优解。
- 没有最优解,因为没有可行解。
- 由于城市1到城市n的可行路径长度从下往上是无界的,所以不存在最优解。
f (j):=城市1到城市jisin;C的最短路径长度。 (3)
然后,我们的目标是确定f (n)的值。注意,鉴于B(1) ={},因此f(1) = 0。此外,如果从城市1到城市j没有可行路径,那么f (j) =infin;。
事实上,尽管我们的目标是找到f (n)的价值我们也有兴趣在f的值(j), jfnof;= n,反映的本质DA和DP: f (n)的值来计算我们计算f(·)值的其他城市。
从纯技术的角度来看,DA是一个迭代过程,它不断地尝试改进{F (j)}的(精确)值的初始(上)近似{F (j)}。初始近似就是F (1) = 0 F (j) =infin;对于j = 2。, n.在每次迭代中处理一个新城市:其F(·)值用于更新尚未处理的其直接继承者的F(·)值。一个记录U保存了一组尚未处理的城市,因此最初U = C ={1,hellip;n}。终止时F (n)的值等于F (n),详情如下:
f (n) = ?
j = 1;F (1) = 0;F (i) =infin;,iisin;{2。n};U = C
当(jfnof;= n和F (j) lt;infin;):更新U: U = \ {j}
更新F: F (i) =分钟{F (i), F (j) D (j, i)},我isin;(j)cap;U
更新j: j = arg min{F (i): iisin;U}
注意,如果终止是因为F (j) =infin;,那么F (n) = F (n) =infin;
有时需要确定从城市1到其他每个城市jisin;{2,3,hellip;n}。要完成这一任务,只需按照下面的步骤对上述公式稍加修改即可。在终止(j) = F (j),forall;jisin;C。
通过记录正在处理的城市的最佳直接前身,可以很容易地将最优路径的构建纳入这些公式中。当F (j)被更新时,这个前身将被动态更新。
f (j) = ?, jisin;C
j = 1;F (1) = 0;F (i) =infin;,iisin;{2。n};U = C
而(|U | gt; 1 and F (j) lt;infin;)Do: Update U: U = U \{j}
更新F: F (i) =分钟{F (i), F (j) D (j, i)},我isin;(j)cap;U
更新j: j = arg min{F (i): iisin;U}
定理3.1 Dijkstra算法(版本2)在最多n - 1次迭代之后终止。如果非负城际距离在终止(j) = F (j),forall;jisin;C。
就计算复杂度而言,DA执行得相当好。在第m次迭代中,对于算法的Update F和Update j步骤,我们有|U |:= n - m。为了简单起见,我们假设Update j步骤中的min操作是通过成对比较天真地执行的。这意味着
在第m次迭代中,更新j步需要n - m- 1的比较。表1总结了在
把这些值加起来除以m = 1,hellip;, n - 1表示算法在最坏情况下执行的操作总数。
更新F(m) |
添加 nminus;m |
比较 nminus;m |
更新j(m) |
0 |
n - m - 1 |
(m = 1,hellip;, n - 1) |
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