Influence of dopidynamic priority basedicro structure and tribological properties of plasma sprayed 3Al2O3–2SiO2 coating
A b s t r a c t
With the combination of self-lubricating ability and mechanical property, high-performance ceramic-graphite composite coatings are potential candidates for machine components. Mullite/nickel cladded graphite (Ni–graphite) composite coatings with different content of graphite were fabricated by air plasma spraying technique. Results show that doping a suitable amount of Ni–graphite could greatly reduce the defects of mullite coating without significant decrease of their hardness. With the formation of re-graphitization lubricating film on friction surface, the friction coefficient of composite coating with 20 wt% Ni–graphite was observed to be 0.28, which was approximately 52% lower than that of pure mullite coating, and its wear rates was 4.15 times lower than that of pure mullite coating.
- Introduction
Plasma spraying is well known for its ability to make functional metallic or ceramic coatings to improve the performance or pro-long the service life of components [1,2]. With the outstanding physical and chemical properties, oxide ceramics are often deposited onto metal substrates to improve their wear, corrosion or thermal resistance properties [3–7]. Actually, because of its high hardness, plasma sprayed ceramic/cermet coatings exhibit better resistance to abrasion than traditional hard chromium electro-plating [8,9]. Notably, benefited from the ultra-high temperature of plasma core (up to 15,000 K), a wide varieties of materials could be melted and deposited on substrate. Compared to hard phase, the softer material (graphite, Polytetrafluoroethylene, etc.) would cause less damage to the counterpart. Therefore, to mitigate the worn of frictional counterpart, some soft materials (e.g. aluminum bronze [10], poly-(p)-oxybenzoyl [11]) with excellence self-lubricating ability can also be deposited with or without hard load bearing phase by plasma spraying technique.
Plasma sprayed mullite (3Al2O3–2SiO2) and mullite-based coatings are being widely developed as thermal and environ-mental barrier coatings (T-EBCS) for application in aerospace industry [12–14]. According to our previous researches, under a given sliding condition, the mullite coating exhibited ultra-low wear rate ( 2.0 10 6 mm3/N m) with a coefficient of friction around 0.4 [15]. However, the working condition of component is variable, and the adaptation of various service conditions is the principal requirement of materials for safe and high efficiency work. Generally, different friction conditions always result in diverse results [16,17]. An et al. [18] investigated the tribological behaviors of plasma sprayed mullite coating under high tem-peratures. They indicated that mullite coatings suffer severe wear, and their wear rate reached to 8.6 10 5 mm3/N m with the coefficient of friction of about 1.12. Thus, as a promising candidate of wear-resistant material, the tribological properties of mullite should be investigated under different friction conditions, for example, different loads.
It is commonly accepted that the increased wear resistance of a coating should not at the cost of increasing wear damage to its frictional counterpart. A useful method to minimize the friction induced damage or devices failure during sliding of machine components is doping solid lubricants into hard coatings [16,19]. In this respect, high performance ceramic-graphite composites are promising candidates for solving the problem, since graphite can act as a lubricant to form a lubricating film on the surfaces of ceramics during sliding process [20–23]. However, since graphite is apt to oxidization under high temperatures with the existence of oxygen, few researches were reported that ceramic-graphite composites coatings were produced by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) technology.
Addressing these issues, in the present work, APS technique was adopted to incorporate different contents of graphite into mullite matrix by adjusting spraying parameters and selecting nickel cladded graphite as graphite source. The followings are the main objectives of the present investigation: (i) fabricate different proportion of mullite/Ni–graphite coatings; (ii)analyze the effect of doping Ni–graphite on the microstructure of mullite coating; (iii) investigate the tribological properties of pure mullite coating under different loads; (iv) study the wear mechanisms of pure mullite and mullite/Ni–graphite composite coatings.
2 .Experimental
2.1. Preparation of mullite/mullite based coatings
The feedstock powders were prepared by mechanically blend-ing different mass fractions of mullite (Metco 6150, Sulter, Swit-zerland) and nickel cladded graphite (KF21R, Beijing Research Institute of Mining amp; Metallurgy, China), with the composition of 20 wt% Graphite and 80 wt% Nickel. The detailed compositions of hybrid composition coatings were 0, 10, 20 and 30 wt% Ni–gra-phite, designated as coating 1, coating 2, coating 3 and coating 4, respectively.
The coatings were deposited onto Austenitic stainless steel substrates (1Cr18Ni9Ti, 24 mm 24 mm 7.8 mm) with a thick-ness of 350 mu;m by an APS-2000A system (Institute of Aero-nautical Manufacturing Technology, Beijing, China). To precise control the spraying distance and passes, the plasma gun was fixed at a six-axis robot (IRB 2400, ASEA Brow
文提出了一种设计方法,用于创建能够操纵和传输有效载荷的协作机器人。 该策略是基于在一组称为m 机器人的移动机器人之间收紧有效载荷。 在每个移动机器人上安装有两个自由度的提升机构,然后允许 提升有效载荷,并将其放置在每个m-bot顶部平台上进行运输。 详细的结构和尺寸分析,以发展所提出的 机制。 3D多体动态软件仿真结果,给出了不同驱动的升降机构。 基于开发的测试台和制造的原型的实验 允许验证有效载荷的提升过程。
不断增长的物流行业需要规格fi卡莉设计的机器,并且可以高度支持机器人技术。某些物流解决方案需要重型基础设施,如自动引导车辆 (AGV) [1]或specific 堆叠存储架的地面地标或导轨,例如自动存储和检索系统 (ASRS)。也可以需要人力援助,将物体放在运输平台上(例如剪刀电梯[2])。叉车 [3] 使用叉车来提升和运输物体,但需要将物体存放在托盘上。抓取系统(如机器人手 [4] 限制操纵的有效载荷大小和形状。考虑到手动运输,手动物资处理(MMH)领域的许多研究证明,操作员在保持低有效载荷和接近车身[5-8]时,性能更好,体型更少。根据前面提到的系统和以前与MMH相关的研究,我们可以得出结论,为了更好的稳定性,物体应该更好地在机器人身体[9,10]上运输,或者尽可能靠近机器人身体。使用此方法,可以确保重力中心保持在支撑多边形之上。保持重力中心尽可能低,也确保斜坡上更好的稳定性保证。
协作交叉和携带移动机器人 (C3机器人) 项目旨在设计相同的移动机器人,称为 m 机器人,配备操纵机制。拟议的工作涉及协作任务,其中一组类似的实体能够合作以完成任务。它致力于任何形状的有效载荷共同操纵和运输。一组 m 机器人将能够提升、共操纵和传输有效载荷,该有效载荷必须放置在每个 m-bot 的顶部平台上。因此,除了端 effector 外,m-bot 操纵器还必须包括提升机制。我们称之为 p-bot (m-bot 有效载荷)的成型多机器人的特点是其可重复性取决于整个系统的稳定性和任务完成的成功。这套机器人是根据[21,22] 中开发的定位算法获得的,以确保整个系统(有效载荷 m-bots) 在 different 任务步骤中的稳定性:共同操纵和提升、传输离子和放下有效载荷。需要重新计算,以确保根据m-bots的参与者数量和一个或多个机器人发生分解时形成的机器人的莫迪菲。这种侦察figurabilty 是需要d 允许保持 p - bot 稳定性相对于静态稳定性边缘 SSM 和强制关闭抓握 FCG开发[21,22] 。前者是确保运输阶段稳定性的标准,后者确保环操作阶段的稳定性。m-bots 架构还允许 p-bot 朝任何方向移动,通过开发基于 [22]中开发的虚拟结构(VS)导航的集中控制器来保证这一点。此控制器确保每个实体的连续旋转方式,使一组机器人在 specified 方向上进化,或具有相同的 ICR,以确保在不失去稳定性的情况下进行协调旋转。
m-bot 的一般架构受以下要求的欺骗,Ri在Table1中和相对于它将运行的环境中提出的要求。
出于简单的原因,端ff介质在这里被认为是一个刚性接触板,以便 fit可变有效载荷接触表面。根据以前的要求,将描述全球共同操纵方法。
要求 |
从最后 |
R1 |
使用操纵机制与类似 m 机器人协作提升有效载荷 |
R2 |
传输有效载荷。 |
R3 |
无碰撞有效载荷轨迹从地面到机器人顶平台,方向不变。 |
R4 |
在结构化地形中进化。 |
R5 |
确保 可操作性。 |
R6 |
确保稳定。 |
R7 |
确保可恢复性。 |
R8 |
拧紧联系人有效载荷/m-bot。 |
R9 |
检测其他机器人。 |
R10 |
检测障碍物。 |
2.2. 操纵方法
为了更好地稳定有效载荷,并避免有效载荷在 m-bots 端 effectors 之间滑落和坠落的风险,采用了陆军蚂蚁运输 [10]策略,将有效载荷置于 m-bots 顶部平台上。最后,共同操纵和运输方法被确定,并在图1中说明。
共同操纵和运输有效载荷的过程最初被描述为[21,23,24]。有效载荷理解、提升和运输的二级阶段以图1呈现。fi rst 阶段包括定位有效载荷,并使用距离将其解开
图1.共同操纵方法:a) 目标达到:b) 对象持有:c) 设置在机器人身上的对象:d) 对象传输:一个独特的瞬时旋转中心 (ICR) 需要theta;m的二fferent 转向角度。
图2。 有效载荷 l如果由两个 m 机器人。 |
传感器。m-bots 必须面向对象才能面对它(cf.图 1(a))。其次,有效载荷由使用车轮推进(图1(b)施加集体压力的m-bots endeffectors保持。提交 to 集体压力和建议的共举操作, 对象被提升, 并放置在 m -bots 顶部平台 (图 1(c) 上。最后,在每个 m-bot # m 通过适当的角度转向theta;米以确保p-bot 具有独特的即时旋转中心 (ICR)的情况下执行运动和运输任务
2.3. 预维化起重能力
适用于 m-bot 的力在图2中表示,并标示为三重索引 fm、j、k,具有 m-bot 编号、j 接触的性质(g 表示地面、p 表示有效载荷)和 k表示力的组件(n 表示正常,t 表示切线)。
具有质量M的 m-bot # m可以在接触点 Cm 上应用推力 fm、p、n,在有效载荷上应用摩擦系数ffimu; p,从而产生提升力 fm、p、t 指望车轮推进。接触点Cm,g(轮/转)的特点是摩擦系数mu; g.m-bot #m的最大提升力可以写成:f m pt,=mu; f pm n,=mu; f pm gt,=mu; p(mu; f g m g n,)=mu; p(mu;毫克)(1)
最大总提升力为 m最大
fp t, = sum; fm pt, = m最大mu;p(mu;毫克 )
m=1 (2)
简化假设mu;g = =mu;p 0.5 rArr; fpt , = Mmmax4 g .可以得出结论,要增加p-bot的提升能力fp,t,m机器人的总数量m最大值,其质量M或摩擦系数ffi科学家mu; g和mu; p必须增加。由于环境和有效载荷可能是二层材料,mu;g 和mu;p coeffi科学家并不精确知道,并且可能是可变的。它们可以通过在车轮和接触板上使用粘附材料来最大化。 3.设计李英尺机制
用于物体起重的起重和操纵机制必须确保在表 2中提出的以下要求Rli:
3.2. 起重机制的结构和尺寸合成
Ri (cf.表 1)和 Rli (cf. 表 2) 的各种要求将直接影响系统运动学结构。R5和Rl7可以
要求 |
从最后 |
Rl1 |
通过端 eff介子操纵有效载荷。 |
Rl2 |
允许对象提升。 |
Rl3 |
确保机器人移动平台上的可移动性。 |
Rl4 |
避免与机器人平台和地面碰撞。 |
Rl5 |
使用端 eff介子收紧接触有效载荷/机制。 |
Rl6 |
确保机器人对有效载荷的可操作性。 |
Rl7 |
确保机器人平台在有效载荷方面的定位性。 |
Rl8 |
将有效载荷放在机器人身上。 |
通过支持炮塔上的提升机制来满足。因此,带有 z 轴的反向接头将支持该机制(cf. 图 3(b)、(c) 和 (d))。R3 defines 初始和final 构成持有对象的末端 ff 介子的下点P (cf. Fig. 5)的 P 1 和 P2。 后者将在提升运动中保持其方向不变(R3,R l1)。 Rl2规定,轨道从垂直提升运动 ( zm)开始,R l8 建议它与着陆运动离子(包括向后水平(-x m)和着陆部件( z m)向 m-bot 平台(图 3(a) 飞去。R3和 Rl4 表示不要过早启动水平运动,以避免与 m-bot 平台碰撞。Diff的轨迹是一个柳树 (图 3(a)), 其中正方形和圆形运动最明显。使用两个正交棱镜关节和两个执行器(图 3(b) 可以实现方形轨迹。使用带两个插槽(图 3(d)的凸轮 me Chanism 也可以确保复杂的轨迹,但有效载荷方向不会非常精确。圆形轨迹将只使用一个驱动的反向接头,从而产生更简单的解决方案。但是,为了保持有效载荷沿圆形轨迹